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The mouth in fellowship with God

The mouth in fellowship with God


Originally posted by @sonship
Rajk999 has been hounding Christians for calling on the name of God, for speaking the promises of God to strengthen faith.

"I'm a doer! You'er just a mouther" - that's his attitude.
Others are being now affected by this foolishness.

To exercise our faith and our spiritual being the mouth is very useful. Did not God say for us to open wide our mouths ...[text shortened]... faith touching the innermost spiritual organ is empowering. And I think some have realized this.
You promote mouth worship only.

I promote professing Christ PLUS good works.

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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
13. Simply share Matthew 21:28-32

“There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’
“‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.
“Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.
“Which of the two did what his father wanted?”

“The first,” they answered.
Where in that passage does God command or Christ teach that we SHOULD NOT speak to God?

You see, you hypocrite, you can't bring your self to say "Lord Jesus, I love You." So why should I listen to you preach about speaking and not doing the will of God?

You want know relationship with God AT ALL - either doing or not doing His will.

Nothing in Matthew 21:28-32 DISCOURAGES a seeker of God speaking TO God. Nothing.

In fact BOTH sons uttered something with their mouths.
The first son SPOKE and was HONEST.

Son #1
"I do not want to; yet he regretted and went." (v.29)

Son #2
"I will sir, yet he did not go." (v.30)

The thread is "The mouth in fellowship with God" NOT
"The mouth followed by NO fellowship with God."

Try again.

Originally posted by @rajk999
You promote mouth worship only.

I promote professing Christ PLUS good works.
God TELLS His people to use their mouths to call out to Him.

" Seek Jehovah while He may be found;
CALL UPON HIM while He is near.

Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the evildoer his thoughts;

And let him return to Jehovah, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God; for He will pardon abundantly." (Isaiah 55:6,7)

God tells us to return to Him, forsaking disobedience with calling upon Him.

God TELLS His people to use their mouths to call out to Him.
" And CALL UPON ME in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me." (Psalm 55:15)

Any day a man is out of touch with the living God is a day of trouble, and most likely disobedience. God says "CALL UPON ME" positively.

I encourage people therefore to use their "mouth in fellowship with God." .

Originally posted by @sonship
Where in that passage does God command or Christ teach that we SHOULD NOT speak to God?

You see, you hypocrite, you can't bring your self to say "Lord Jesus, I love You." So why should I listen to you preach about speaking and not doing the will of God?

You want know relationship with God AT ALL - either doing or not doing His will.

Nothing in ...[text shortened]... lowship with God"
"The mouth followed by NO fellowship with God."

Try again.[/b]
"You see, you hypocrite, you can't bring your self to say "Lord Jesus, I love You." So why should I listen to you preach about speaking and not doing the will of God?"

As an 'atheist', I don't believe in the existence of God or love Jesus as my Lord and savior. ( By virtue of being an atheist). Bearing that in mind, and trying to remain rational, how does that make me a hypocrite?

I can't 'bring myself to say "Lord Jesus, I love You," because, well,...I don't. (Not because I secretly want to but lack the courage, as I know you would love to kid yourself).

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Isaiah 29:13 discourages using the mouth while the HEART is far from God. All of the passages about calling on the Lord in a positive way are about coming to Him with an open heart and an open mouth.

"And the Lord said, Because this people draws near with their mouth, And with their lips they honor Me,

Yet thy remove their heart far from Me, ..."

Hundreds of encouragements there are to come to God with your HEART close to Him and your MOUTH open to Him -
In confessiong,
In praise,
In thanksgiving,
In telling Him that you love Him.

Draw near to the Lord Jesus with a calling "O Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus I love You." and bring towards Jesus a fully opened Heart while doing so.

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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
As an 'atheist', I don't believe in the existence of God or love Jesus as my Lord and savior. ( By virtue of being an atheist). Bearing that in mind, and trying to remain rational, how does that make me a hypocrite?

Professing concern for doing God's will makes your phony concern hypocritical.

I can't 'bring myself to say "Lord Jesus, I love You," because, well,...I don't. (Not because I secretly want to but lack the courage, as I know you would love to kid yourself).

Some days I also don't feel like I love Jesus very much. That is quickly remedied by me reminding Him that He loves me so.

If you knew that you were forgiven as much as I have been forgiven, you'd love God too. Being forgiven much leads to living much.

it is a problem with the atheist who foolishly thinks he is in no need of God's forgiveness.

Atheism is just a little temporary season.
"No lie can live forever."

Originally posted by @sonship
As an 'atheist', I don't believe in the existence of God or love Jesus as my Lord and savior. ( By virtue of being an atheist). Bearing that in mind, and trying to remain rational, how does that make me a hypocrite?

Professing concern for doing God's will makes your phony concern hypocritical.

I can't 'bring myself to say "L ...[text shortened]... f God's forgiveness.

Atheism is just a little temporary season.
"No lie can live forever."
"Atheism is just a little temporary season.
"No lie can live forever."

Remove the 'A' from the beginning of your sentence and we are in full agreement.

Many of the buildings designed for the worship of God actually seem more for the purpose of quieting people down.

Many places of worship, once entered into, have an atmosphere of encouraging you to remain quiet, dumb, silent rather than praising God.

You come in, the music is low. The atmosphere is for you to contemplate in silence.

Open your mouth and tell Jesus that you love Him.
You don't have to cause a disturbance. You just open your lips and resist the human tendency to shut you up towards God.

"O Lord Jesus, I love You. Lord Jesus, I LOVE You Lord.

And if I don't love You much Lord Jesus, I admit that You ... Lord YOU LOVE Me so. You loved me and died for me. Lord Jesus You love me. O Lord thankyou for Your great love for me."

To live unto Him you should learn to turn your heart to Him.
And to turn your heart TO Him, the mouth is so vital.

"What shall I return to Jehovah for all His benefits towards me?

I will take up the cup of salvation and CALL upon the name of Jehovah." (Psalm 116:12,13)

The whole Psalm is relevant.

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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
"Atheism is just a little temporary season.
"No lie can live forever."

Remove the 'A' from the beginning of your sentence and we are in full agreement.
The "A" stays - Atheism is strictly a TEMPORARY state of mind.

Look at the second hand on your clock.
Every click brings YOU closer to the moment when you realize that the LIE of there being no God will be terminated.

I guarantee you.

A inevitable rendezvous with your conscience and a meeting of God will probably occur at the same time.

Maybe after I establish that it is so profitable to speak to God, then perhaps we can talk about learning to WAIT on the Lord in silence.

That is important too, waiting for a clear word of leading from the Holy Spirit.

First I intend to put the last nail in the coffin of Rajk999's accusation of "mouth worship" whenever speaking to God is mentioned.

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Wise man say, 'Back up your words with actions. Without them, words are quite useless.'

Matthew 21:28-32 goes even further. When it actually comes down to it, God favors doers over sayers. (The first son over the second).

Have you considered changing your username to first son?
I'm not just a first son, but also a firstborn son. The player name SecondSon is for other reasons.

Concider the parable of the prodigal. In some ways it could be the parable of the older son.

When Jesus told the parable it was in the audience of the Pharisees. The older son being likened unto the Pharisees, who being outwardly faithful yet bitter against the prodigals around them, which Jesus ministered to. They were jealous of Jesus' popularity.

Luke 15:2&3
And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
And he spake this parable unto them, saying,

And verse 11
And he said, A certain man had two sons:

A careful reading of Luke 15 will make it evident that Jesus told the parable for the benefit of the Pharisees whom He loved too.

But alas I digress. This thread is about the mouth. I got a big one. 😉

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
"You see, you hypocrite, you can't bring your self to say "Lord Jesus, I love You." So why should I listen to you preach about speaking and not doing the will of God?"

As an 'atheist', I don't believe in the existence of God or love Jesus as my Lord and savior. ( By virtue of being an atheist). Bearing that in mind, and trying to remain rationa ...[text shortened]... (Not because I secretly want to but lack the courage, as I know you would love to kid yourself).
According to Christ and the Apostles there is one correct way to show that you love God and love Jesus Christ and that is by showing love to those around you.

Charitable love is greater than faith.
So the faith only Christians can talk all they want.
It counts for nothing
Love is the fulfillment of the law.
Those who practice this charitable love are the sheep of Christ
They will enter the Kingdom of God.
Goats are mouth worshipers who do nothing but profess they love Christ with their mouth
They will be cast out..

Originally posted by @rajk999
I promote professing Christ PLUS good works.
I promote professing Christ PLUS good works.

That's what I keep hearing you SAY.

But you sound angry and bitter. It makes me wonder how you actually behave in your real world. Do you merely just SAY you love your neighbor, or do you snub your nose at those you concider inferior to you?

I'm not exactly in agreement with everything sonship says, nor do I relish reading reams of posts, but I don't feel I have the need to castigate him about every little thing the way you do.

You're mean spirited.

Originally posted by @secondson
[b]I promote professing Christ PLUS good works.

That's what I keep hearing you SAY.

But you sound angry and bitter. It makes me wonder how you actually behave in your real world. Do you merely just SAY you love your neighbor, or do you snub your nose at those you concider inferior to you?

I'm not exactly in agreement with everything sonship s ...[text shortened]... have the need to castigate him about every little thing the way you do.

You're mean spirited.[/b]
Comments about peoples personal lives is of no interest to me.

Originally posted by @rajk999
According to Christ and the Apostles there is one correct way to show that you love God and love Jesus Christ and that is by showing love to those around you.

Charitable love is greater than faith.
So the faith only Christians can talk all they want.
It counts for nothing
Love is the fulfillment of the law.
Those who practice this charitable love are ...[text shortened]... worshipers who do nothing but profess they love Christ with their mouth
They will be cast out..
You're like a boring old broken record. You keep repeating the same old refrain.

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