@fmf saidI'm trying to be nice here, not attempting to attack you.
And then what? You want me to copy stuff from here and paste it on your new thread?
You have not really addressed my question yet. You did give me good information
but it stopped short of what the real question was.
If you want a new thread we can make one you or I, don't care which.
The question not answered was and is, why have a low opinion of someone about
something they think is true?
The two points I used to help you see why I asked were.
If we only accept things as truth because we like them then it reflects on us.
If we accept things as truth no matter our feelings about them, that doesn't.
You seem to be painting everyone's acceptance of truth as if they are showing
you what type of people they are. If the search for truth is find something that
agrees with you than you'd be spot on, if not you are painting people in away
that is false don't you think?