Originally posted by divegeesterOriginally posted by Zahlanzi
I'll name a few:
Grampy bobby
"according to some, not unless they are baptized into the christian faith..."
Originally posted by divegeester
"I'll name a few:
Grampy bobby
If the reference in your reply is to water baptism, your inclusion of my nickname in this list is unwarranted:
salvation is and has always been by faith alone in Christ alone before and following His First Advent.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIf the mass murderers of the children ~ along with God conscious children [without faith in Jesus] that they murdered ~ are believed to end up being tortured together for eternity in "The Lake of Fire", does this constitute a good example of the "perfect justice" that Christian subscribers [like yourself] to the 'eternal torture' ideology lionize and propagate?
If the reference in your reply is to water baptism, your inclusion of my nickname in this list is unwarranted: salvation is and has always been by faith alone in Christ alone before and following His First Advent.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by whodeyIt's all well and good you calling him a "liar". But why not correct his error if he has made one?
Who made you God? Who made me God?
No one, that's who, so stop pretending that either one of us are.
What is the theology that you subscribe to? Do only those baptised into the Christian faith go to "heaven" or is baptism not necessary or, indeed, is Christian faith not necessary?
If divegeester has misunderstood your theological beliefs, why not just clarify what they are rather than claiming he is deliberately trying to deceive the forum?
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by FMFIf there is a hell, then God decides who goes there, not me.
It's all well and good you calling him a "liar". But why not correct his error if he has made one?
What is the theology that you subscribe to? Do only those baptised into the Christian faith go to "heaven" or is baptism not necessary or, indeed, is Christian faith not necessary?
If divegeester has misunderstood your theological beliefs, why not just clarify what they are rather than claiming he is deliberately trying to deceive the forum?
If there is salvation, then God decides who receives it, not me.
As for my own beliefs, who cares? You? LOL.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by FMFAccording to the Bible there is only salvation through Jesus Christ.
whodey, do you agree or disagree with the assertion above?
Of course, most assume they then know who is saved, that would be only people who confess Jesus as their Lord.
Interestingly, men such as Abraham never did yet no one denies they are not saved, Biblically speaking.
My only point here is that I believe that through Jesus men are saved. So what about those who have never heard the Good News? What of those who are not mentally able to understand it? What about.......and the list goes on. These matters are up to God entirely, man is only too eager to push him off his throne and decide for him.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by whodeyWhat are your theological beliefs with regard to "salvation" and going to "hell"? Do you agree with Grampy Bobby's assertion that "...salvation is and has always been by faith alone in Christ alone..."?
If there is a hell, then God decides who goes there, not me.
If there is salvation, then God decides who receives it, not me.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by whodeyWell, seeing as you called divegeester a "liar" when he described your beliefs, perhaps you should say what those beliefs are and explain how or why you think divegeester was deliberately misleading people.
As for my own beliefs, who cares? You? LOL.
18 Dec 14
Originally posted by whodeyDo you believe Jews and Muslims and Hindus (etc.) go to "heaven" too?
My only point here is that I believe that through Jesus men are saved. So what about those who have never heard the Good News? What of those who are not mentally able to understand it?
18 Dec 14
The Apostle Paul in Romans 16:17-18 "Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting."
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI would have thought that discussing teachings that are different or contrary to each other is par for the course and highly appropriate on a 'debate and discussion' forum for spiritual matters.
The Apostle Paul in Romans 16:17-18 "Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting."
I don't "believe in" Jesus as Christians do, although I used to. With this in mind, it appears that people like RJHinds and sonship predict that I will suffer eternal torment in an afterlife; you, on the other hand, have declared that I will be saved ~ an action that cannot be undone, you say ~ because I used to believe in Christ even though I don't now.
It seems to me there is good reason to discuss differences such as these and that debate is a more healthy thing than people hiding behind quotations while allegedly discussing 'life and death' matters.