03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidSo you are refusing to give any examples of what you believe because people might not believe it like you do?
So, because of the fundamental differences between how we perceive things, we cannot really present wrath or blessing in a context that it will be agreed upon.
03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidYou don't want to give examples of "the wrath of God" that you claim are not difficult to cite and are supposedly happening constantly around us because you doing so would only "serve to drive people away from God", is that what you are saying now?
While we can say that the wrath of God is made manifest (as is stated in Romans 1:18), both through great and small things, it is not appropriate to take the reality of another or the very public events and preach about them as these are the signs of wrath, especially in a place where no one is receptive to it and it just seems quite disagreeable and only serves to drive people away from God.
03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidSo, you won't give any examples to support your claims regarding the OP because it's "actually" not a "great topic" because it does "not serve a good purpose"? That's the stance you are taking after posting 6-7 times?
While some things can be true, and they can seem like good questions, they are not actually great topics and do not serve a good purpose, especially for certain people.
03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidSo, just to be clear, it would be unethical for you to cite any examples to back up your claim? This is now your stance?
it is also incredibly inappropriate to take a real person's life and say that things happenign to them are examples of the wrath of God. While we can say that the wrath of God is made manifest (as is stated in Romans 1:18), both through great and small things, it is not appropriate to take the reality of another or the very public events and preach about them as these are the signs of wrath,..
03 Nov 19
I think a lot of the questions you have can be resolved by just looking at the statements more, and then perhaps coming up with an argument. I do not have anything that I wish to rephrase -- at least, nothing that has been brought up by your questions.
It has been really great, though, to think about the Bible in this context more, and I appreciate the opportunity to have written about it a bit. ^^
03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidSo you have no examples you can cite to substantiate your claim that "the wrath of God" ~ the God that you worship ~ is "constantly" on "display" all around us, right?
I think a lot of the questions you have can be resolved by just looking at the statements more, and then perhaps coming up with an argument. I do not have anything that I wish to rephrase -- at least, nothing that has been brought up by your questions.
03 Nov 19
@philokalia saidThe question was this:
It has been really great, though, to think about the Bible in this context more, and I appreciate the opportunity to have written about it a bit.
Why isn't this supposed wrath of God "displayed" to non-believers while they are still alive in order that they might avoid "suffering throughout eternity" and, instead, obey Jesus' commandments as believers during their lives?
I'd say that you have run away from it.
04 Nov 19
@philokalia saidProtestants are Christians too, you know.
I would also say that it would not be appropriate for a Christian to take a look at some of the things occurring in the world and say that it is, for a fact, a sign of the wrath of God, as you sometimes see Protestant ministers do.
it is also incredibly inappropriate to take a real person's life and say that things happenign to them are examples of the wrath of God.
...[text shortened]... , they are not actually great topics and do not serve a good purpose, especially for certain people.
04 Nov 19
-Removed-I don't subscribe to many (if any) of his opinions.
Opinions are like rectal orifices; everyone has one.
My question was, why does a Christian's opinion bother an atheist so much that he has to badger him for pages at a time?
So he has an opinion. You don't see me wasting my time on it.