Remember one of your fantasy exaggerations?
Remember one of your wishful thinking psychoanalytics?
Hardly a need to "remember" your standard mode of operation.
I'll tell you what is memorable: how what you dish out you cannot yourself take often. Like you're the only one who can repeat a question.
-Removed-Could you explain to us all what is wrong with finding other things to be busy with for six months ?
Like "Being away from this Forum for a spell of six months is not good because _______________."
Are you to going to recommend only continuous non-stopped writing to the Spirituality forum is acceptable? Shall interruptions in usage result in some kind of penalty ?
Suppose someone goes off to contemplate, read, exercise themselves unto godliness, pray, do some godly service, reflect for a season? Maybe someone went off to forgive someone before God or do some repentance themselves. Should these interruptions call for exclusions from re-participating here?
@sonship saidYou are absolutely correct. Ignore Divegeester. You are entitled to go off and practice your mouth worship ie saying I love Jesus 1000 times a day, pray reading the bible over and over, calling Jesus name 10 times a minute etc etc. Then when you are refreshed come back and post your mouth worshipping faith only doctrine telling people not to do good works and live righteously as that is not required. We understand.
Could you explain to us all what is wrong with finding other things to be budy with for six months ?
Like "Being away from this Forum for a spell of six months is not good because _______________."
Are you to going to recommend only continuous non-stopped writing to the Spirituality forum is acceptable? Shall interruptions in usage result in some kind of ...[text shortened]... e repentance themselves. Should these interruptions call for exclusions from re-participating here?
I do these things WHILE participating in the Forum.
I enjoy the exercise of my spirit as a daily matter. I do not need to go on an intermission from debunking gospels of "another Jesus" presented here by you. For the NT which you despise tells me to exercise myself unto godliness and to take the word of God by means of all prayer.
-Removed-Sure - accusations of plagiarism - exaggeration
Portraying me as so sure that the Bible shows that life on other planets now exist - exaggeration.
Having only a sadistic view of the teachings of Christ - exaggeration.
Being afraid of leaders looking over my shoulders as I write - exaggeration.
Not answering tough questions - exaggeration
Not caring about sharing the Gospel with people I encounter elsewhere - exaggeration.
Worshipping an idol of a three headed deity - exaggeration.
Nobody reads or likes to read my posts - exaggeration.
Claiming you don't read what I write - big exaggeration
Not having exposed the biblical errors of your Modalism - exaggeration.
Not understanding figurative or symbolic language in the book of Revelation - exaggeration
Not having offered a better biblical bases for eternal perdition - exaggeration.
Not having any study or research of my own not completely dependent on verbatim cut and paste of a LSM publication - exaggeration.
Wanting to profit somehow by posturing myself as coming up with some original utterances never used by another teacher - exaggeration.
Longing for everyone here to think of me as SO original - exaggeration.
Portraying me as not being able to talk without cutting and pasting from a book by Witness Lee - exaggeration.
Posturing myself as THE official TEACHER - the only one here authorized to expound the Bible - BIG exaggeration
Your pushing a rumor that there was a BIG - BIG difference in what Watchman Nee taught and what Witness Lee taught - exaggeration.
Saying you benefitted from reading "Sit Walk and Stand" by Watchman Nee - probably some exaggeration there too.
There's a few for you.
@sonship saidYou are mistaken. According to Paul people like you are stuck on faith and knowledge. Here is what Paul said :
I do these things WHILE participating in the Forum.
I enjoy the exercise of my spirit as a daily matter. I do not need to go on an intermission from debunking gospels of "another Jesus" presented here by you. For the NT which you despise tells me to exercise myself unto godliness and to take the word of God by means of all prayer.
.. add to your faith virtue;
and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance;
and to temperance patience;
and to patience godliness;
And to godliness brotherly kindness;
and to brotherly kindness charity.
For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(2 Peter 1:5-8 KJV)
Faith and knowledge is only the beginning, while Brotherly kindness and charity is the pinnacle of fruitfulness in Christ. In all these years you have only spoken of faith and knowledge. All attempts by others to speak of practicing brotherly kindness and charity are condemned by you
No, I do not do the things you accuse me of.
Others here write about other aspects of the Gospel. I do not condemn them.
Over a thousand posts about Zen, Hindu, Buddhist and Tao philosophy here.
I don't interfere or condemn.
YOU are the one ever in ATTACK mode. I think most posters realize this.
Rajk999 is usually on the attack.
The object of your ire - "churches" and "Christians" pretty much in general.
Faith and knowledge is only the beginning, while Brotherly kindness and charity is the pinnacle of fruitfulness in Christ. In all these years you have only spoken of faith and knowledge. All attempts by others to speak of practicing brotherly kindness and charity are condemned by you
I would never deny the importance of brotherly love.
And faith is not only the beginning but the way of continuation.
It is all a matter of our faith in Christ - for Him to be everything we need.
Is Hebrews chapter 11 in your New Testament ? Included in that wonderful chapter are the words that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to be well-pleasing God.
Go read it aloud tonight. Pray over it too.
@sonship saidIn all the 15 years you have been here you have started hundreds of threads and posted tens of thousands of posts. Show me one post or thread where you wrote advising people what Jesus or Paul said about BROTHERLY KINDNESS AND CHARITY
[quote] Faith and knowledge is only the beginning, while Brotherly kindness and charity is the pinnacle of fruitfulness in Christ. In all these years you have only spoken of faith and knowledge. All attempts by others to speak of practicing brotherly kindness and charity are condemned by you [/qwuote]
I would never deny the importance of brotherly love.
And [b ...[text shortened]... hrist - for Him to be everything we need.
Is Hebrews chapter 11 in your New Testament ?
That exclusion on your part is in effect denying Christ and denying the importance of charity.
You instead teach the opposite and say that these things are not imporant, and that FAITH is the only important thing. So you are a liar
@sonship saidYou are lying, You condemn the Gospel of Christ which teach of the need for good works and righteousness.
No, I do not do the things you accuse me of.
Others here write about other aspects of the Gospel. I do not condemn them.
Over a thousand posts about Zen, Hindu, Buddhist and Tao philosophy here.
I don't interfere or condemn.
YOU are the one ever in ATTACK mode. I think most posters realize this.
Rajk999 is usually on the attack.
The object of your ire - "churches" and "Christians" pretty much in general.
Rajk999 misrepresents me.
I have spoken of the works which God prepared for those saved by faith, that they should walk in them.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; Not of works that no one should boast.
For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand in order that we would walk in them." (Eph. 2:8-10)
If I did not believe in the importants of works that we should walk in them as saved believers I would never refer anyone to this passage.
Likewise I have referred many times to Titus 2:14
"[Christ] Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify to Himself a particular people as His unique possession, Zealous of good works."
If I did not think good works were important I would refer either to this passage.
Rajk999 is chronically unteachable and obsessively stuck in his rut of false accusation.
I also have referred to the righteosness-es [SIC] [ or righteous deeds] of the saints as being the qualification to be the bride at the wedding feast of Christ in Revelation 19 AS WELL as the qualification of righteous deeds to be HIs overcoming army at His second coming.
@sonship saidWhat utter nonsense.
Rajk999 misrepresents me.
I have spoken of the works which God prepared for those saved by faith, that they should walk in them.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; Not of works that no one should boast.
For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared be ...[text shortened]... WELL as the qualification of [b]righteous deeds to be HIs overcoming army at His second coming.