Truth .. JW Style

Truth .. JW Style


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15 Sep 04
20 Sep 10

Originally posted by bbarr
Right, and this is precisely the sort of insane view I was on about above. That people have had their ability to think clearly about such matters so profoundly compromised by unjustified literalism and sloppy inferences promulgated by dubious authority is a real tragedy. If this is what is taught to the children of Jehova's Witlesses, then they are guilty of child abuse.
As I understand, they do however permit the use of blood fractions (such as plasma.) The whole thing is just absurd.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
20 Sep 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why must my conscious be judged by you?
I am not judging your conscience (at least, not at the moment.) I have simply asked you to clarify your moral beliefs about blood transfusions. It seems that you believe that moral judgments are exclusively private and that no one can interject their own moral beliefs. If this is so, presumably you must refrain from any moral commentary on other posters, on other JWs and on your own family members. It strikes me as perfectly bizarre. If a JW were to commit every possible infraction against the organisation, would you accept this as a legitimate expression of their conscience?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Sep 10

Originally posted by galveston75
Me giving up my child to death would be sick if it were only for selfish reasons. But...
"But..." What "but" could possibly follow a statement like that...?

Finally, some truth.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Sep 10

Originally posted by bbarr
Right, and this is precisely the sort of insane view I was on about above. That people have had their ability to think clearly about such matters so profoundly compromised by unjustified literalism and sloppy inferences promulgated by dubious authority is a real tragedy. If this is what is taught to the children of Jehova's Witlesses, then they are guilty of child abuse.
If this was child abuse then why does the Watchtower society grow by the thousands each month? Is it because ones that are honestly searching for the truth understand God's view on this matter and many thousands of those have children.
I believe that it is you and others do not see what god wants with your hearts.
Just my thought.....

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]Again, it is not a value system I agree with; however, if they feel that the blood
some how soils them, why should they be forced to into it?

I understand that you don't agree with their value system. That wasn't the point. Why do you continue to ask this type of question when I've already addressed it?

Once again, the basis for the answer ...[text shortened]... their child.

Perhaps if you address the above statements directly we can get somewhere.[/b]
Some things people value above life, the blood transfusion isn't one I agree with,
but then I also think killing the unborn is bad too.


15 Oct 06
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by KellyJay
Some things people value above life, the blood transfusion isn't one I agree with,
but then I also think killing the unborn is bad too.
I understand that you are against abortion, but that is a separate issue. You are unnecessarily trying to bundle the two together. This issue can and should be addressed on its own.

Why don't you at least try to address the statements directly?

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by KellyJay
Some things people value above life, the blood transfusion isn't one I agree with,
but then I also think killing the unborn is bad too.
Since, however, this prohibition on blood transfusions can jeopardize the lives of children and their parents, causing unnecessary grief, we cannot be indifferent. Simply casting it as an issue of conscience does not exempt it from scrutiny. If it is child abuse, it should not be tolerated.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by Conrau K
Since, however, this prohibition on blood transfusions can jeopardize the lives of children and their parents, causing unnecessary grief, we cannot be indifferent. Simply casting it as an issue of conscience does not exempt it from scrutiny. If it is child abuse, it should not be tolerated.
I'm in agreement denying blood transfusions isn't something I agree with, but we
do the very thing we are claiming we are against with killing the unborn, and with
that we are doing it with intent. So I fail to see again why everyone here is upset
with blood transfusions while we are killing the unborn. There are things that we
all hold near and dear to our hearts, those things we can place above life itself.
With the killing of the unborn there are choices being made, with rejecting
blood transfusions there are choices being made, somethings we value above
life and with some choices we declare are more important than life. If we are going
to allow one, why not the other?


15 Oct 06
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm in agreement denying blood transfusions isn't something I agree with, but we
do the very thing we are claiming we are against with killing the unborn, and with
that we are doing it with intent. So I fail to see again why everyone here is upset
with blood transfusions while we are killing the unborn. There are things that we
all hold near and dear to ...[text shortened]... declare are more important than life. If we are going
to allow one, why not the other?
So, would you also "fail to see why everyone here is upset" with parents who torture their children, have sex with their children, murder their children, etc.?

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm in agreement denying blood transfusions isn't something I agree with, but we
do the very thing we are claiming we are against with killing the unborn, and with
that we are doing it with intent. So I fail to see again why everyone here is upset
with blood transfusions while we are killing the unborn. There are things that we
all hold near and dear to ...[text shortened]... declare are more important than life. If we are going
to allow one, why not the other?
I myself do not support abortion but I do appreciate that there is a significant difference between an abortion and, say, the death of an five-year old child whose parents refuse a blood transfusion. In the latter case, everyone agrees that the child is a human person and has the same rights as an adult. People's moral intuitions would be fairly consistent in this case.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
21 Sep 10
1 edit

Well the point here is our stand in based on the Bible and God's view of blood.

Acts 15:28-29 (New International Version)
28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

If one looks at this scripture it says to "abstain from blood." It doesn't say just don't eat it, or not to use it for medical reasons, or don't pour in your gardens for futilizer or whatever.
It says to "abstain" from it just as one would abstain from fornication. And it also says "blood"'s does not single out just animal blood.

–verb (used without object) hold oneself back voluntarily, esp. from something regarded as improper or unhealthy (usually fol. by from): to abstain from eating meat.

If anyone here feels their wisdom is greater then God's then that's you decision. We choose God's wisdom over mans any day.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by galveston75
Well the point here is our stand in based on the Bible and God's view of blood.

Acts 15:28-29 (New International Version)
28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual ...[text shortened]... ter then God's then that's you decision. We choose God's wisdom over mans any day.
If one looks at this scripture it says to "abstain from blood." It doesn't say just don't eat it, or not to use it for medical reasons, or don't pour in your gardens for futilizer or whatever.

I doubt, however, that Luke had blood transfusions in mind when he wrote this. Look, Scripture quotes are unlikely to convince anyone on this forum. Even RC is embarrassed to say outright that this mother of three had acted immorally. It is a disgusting policy of your organisation.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
21 Sep 10

Originally posted by Conrau K
[b] If one looks at this scripture it says to "abstain from blood." It doesn't say just don't eat it, or not to use it for medical reasons, or don't pour in your gardens for futilizer or whatever.

I doubt, however, that Luke had blood transfusions in mind when he wrote this. Look, Scripture quotes are unlikely to convince anyone on this forum. Even R ...[text shortened]... t this mother of three had acted immorally. It is a disgusting policy of your organisation.[/b]
Well your opinion of what Luke wrote really isn't the issue here. The issue is what Luke said. His statement was very clear with no exeptions stated for then or for the future. God's view was clear from Noah up to Luke's statement. God does not change so his ruling on the issue of blood has not changed unless you've been told different by him.......... Abstain means do not touch or use for any purpose.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
21 Sep 10
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Well your opinion of what Luke wrote really isn't the issue here. The issue is what Luke said. His statement was very clear with no exeptions stated for then or for the future. God's view was clear from Noah up to Luke's statement. God does not change so his ruling on the issue of blood has not changed unless you've been told different by him.......... Abstain means do not touch or use for any purpose.
The issue is what he meant. I can't see how he could have meant blood transfusions as this had not yet been discovered.

Do you also, however, abstain from the consumption of blood in animals? Do you eat Kosher meat in which the blood has been drained?


24 Apr 05
21 Sep 10
2 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm in agreement denying blood transfusions isn't something I agree with, but we
do the very thing we are claiming we are against with killing the unborn, and with
that we are doing it with intent. So I fail to see again why everyone here is upset
with blood transfusions while we are killing the unborn. There are things that we
all hold near and dear to ...[text shortened]... declare are more important than life. If we are going
to allow one, why not the other?
With the killing of the unborn there are choices being made, with rejecting
blood transfusions there are choices being made, somethings we value above
life and with some choices we declare are more important than life. If we are going
to allow one, why not the other?

Sure, both cases involve human life. But in the case of abortion (say, early in gestational age), there is no mental life. For many, this will bear on the subjects of moral personhood and moral considerability, and this is one reason why they will see substantive difference between the two cases.

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