Truth- Absolute or Relative?

Truth- Absolute or Relative?


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
30 Sep 19


You seem to be addressing me as if I am saying

I'm looking for the truth.
Maybe you can say something about it.

The truth is that people can have strong beliefs about things not true.
Yet people can also have strong beliefs about this which are absolutely true.

That's pretty much the end of the matter for me here.

~ or as if I have EVER even once stated, in twelve years of engaging

I don't think a history is necessary.

I have no expectation of forcing anyone to believe what I believe.
The cage door is wide open. You don't have to believe in Christ.

I'm happy at the truth of the matter.
Strong certainty can be concerning subject things which are not absolutely true.
And strong certainty can be had concerning subjective things which are also absolutely true.

Good enough.

you ~ that the stuff you believe in cannot be true. Read what I post, sonship. Read the thread.

That argument you have never made successfully that "the stuff" I believe "cannot be true".

Strong certainty can be had about what cannot be true.
And strong certainty can be had about things which certainly CAN be true.

Sure God can be true.
Sure the Son of God died, risen from the dead and Lord of all can be true.

"It cannot be true" is your hope, your leap of desire.

My aim here is met.
Subjectivity in relativism doesn't bury the object of my faith and experience as ipso facto purely my imagination.

Truth can be very subjective and absolutely universally true too. That's all.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said

You seem to be addressing me as if I am saying

I'm looking for the truth.
Maybe you can say something about it.

The truth is that people can have strong beliefs about things not true.
Yet people can also have strong beliefs about this which are absolutely true.

That's pretty much the end of the matter for me here.

~ or as if I have ...[text shortened]... nation.

Truth can be very subjective and absolutely universally true too. That's all.
Have you read the thread? Which bits of this latest stuff you've typed do you think disputes or confronts my stance on subjectivity v objectivity regarding supernatural things?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
30 Sep 19
3 edits

That's right, quiz me.
Maybe I won't see the forest for the trees.

Maybe you can get me bogged down in minutia.

It is possible that sincere certainty of belief be held about that which is absolutely true.
Sincere belief is not automatically subjective self deception - always.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19
1 edit

@sonship said
Maybe you can get me bogged down in minutia.
What "minutia"? What on Earth are you on about?


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said
Sincere belief is not automatically subjective self deception - always.
Sincere belief in supernatural phenomena and beings, by its very unprovable and speculative nature, is always going to be subjective. The same goes for my opinion about the subjectivity of your belief in supernatural phenomena and beings.

01 Oct 04
30 Sep 19
2 edits

@fmf said
Sincere belief in supernatural phenomena and beings, by its very unprovable and speculative nature, is always going to be subjective. The same goes for my opinion about the subjectivity of your belief in supernatural phenomena and beings.
Well you could say the same about gravity and anything else for that matter depending on how you define ‘subjective’.

There may well be more evidence for the existence of God than there is for the existence of gravity. But you will choose to believe in gravity and not in God because you have a choice and not because of a lack of evidence.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
30 Sep 19
6 edits


Sincere belief in supernatural phenomena and beings, by its very unprovable and speculative nature,

Are all things unprovable, by nature false and cannot be true?

Can you prove that the universe is not fifteen minutes old ? I do not mean that you, me, and everybody else practically, sincerely believes that the universe is not fifteen minutes old. I mean PROVE IT with undoubtable mathematical precision.

How can you prove it?

is always going to be subjective. The same goes for my opinion about the subjectivity of your belief in supernatural phenomena and beings.

I find the reasonable that whoever had the power and authority to create the universe out of nothing should, IF that One so desire, to perform a supernatural event of some OTHER type.

I think I am on the right track, to believe that the Man Christ Jesus is a reasonable candidate for being God become a man.
The second or third most reasonable candidates for that possible identity come nowhere close.

It may not be believable that any average Jewish man of 33 years of age on any given day might rise from being dead.
I deem it believable that someone who spoke as Jesus spoke and lived as Jesus lived might conceivably demonstrate supernatural victory over death.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
30 Sep 19

I deem it believable that someone who spoke as Jesus spoke and lived as Jesus lived might conceivably demonstrate supernatural victory over death.
It is objectively true that you appear to sincerely believe this subjective belief.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@dj2becker said
Well you could say the same about gravity and anything else for that matter depending on how you define ‘subjective’.

There may well be more evidence for the existence of God than there is for the existence of gravity. But you will choose to believe in gravity and not in God because you have a choice and not because of a lack of evidence.
Your speculation that "There may well be more evidence for the existence of God than there is for the existence of gravity" is your subjective personal opinion.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said
Are all things unprovable, by nature false and cannot be true?
Oh for goodness sake, sonship. Just read the thread. I have not said that all things unprovable, by nature, are false and cannot be true. I've said nothing like it. Read the thread. Your opinions and speculations about all things unprovable ~ regarding things like supernatural causality, divine will etc. ~ are, by their nature, subjective.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said
I find the reasonable that whoever had the power and authority to create the universe out of nothing should, IF that One so desire, to perform a supernatural event of some OTHER type.
No one is disputing that you find it reasonable.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said
I deem it believable that someone who spoke as Jesus spoke and lived as Jesus lived might conceivably demonstrate supernatural victory over death.
Again, that you deem it believable is not in dispute.


28 Oct 05
30 Sep 19

@sonship said
you ~ that the stuff you believe in cannot be true. Read what I post, sonship. Read the thread.

That argument you have never made successfully that "the stuff" I believe "cannot be true".

Strong certainty can be had about what cannot be true.
And strong certainty can be had about things which certainly CAN be true.

Sure God can be true.
Sure th ...[text shortened]... the dead and Lord of all can be true.

"It cannot be true" is your hope, your leap of desire.
"It cannot be true" is your hope, your leap of desire.

Except, I am not saying "It cannot be true", sonship. You had to carefully omit the first part of my sentence in order to pretend that I was saying that. Go back and read the whole sentence.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
01 Oct 19


Except, I am not saying "It cannot be true", sonship. You had to carefully omit the first part of my sentence in order to pretend that I was saying that. Go back and read the whole sentence.

The "whole sentence"

You seem to be addressing me as if I am saying ~ or as if I have EVER even once stated, in twelve years of engaging you ~ that the stuff you believe in cannot be true. Read what I post, sonship. Read the thread.

In twelve years you never said that the stuff I believe in cannot be true.

My error. No "pretending".


28 Oct 05
01 Oct 19

@sonship said
In twelve years you never said that the stuff I believe in cannot be true.
Never. I have never said anything like that.

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