I take it you believe Jesus slash God is simply a person just like me and you.
@executioner-brand saidEasy answer: "It ain't nowhere we can get, without permission."
Here on earth, another galaxy far far away or even beyond the stars and time. Will you be able to travel there one day?
Or maybe jesus just had really good dreams that will never join with reality and the laws that exist.
@bigdoggproblem saidNobody has ever been there except for God, Christ and the angels.
Easy answer: "It ain't nowhere we can get, without permission."
Nobody goes there neither dead or alive.
Heaven is not any place, literally (e.g., 'somewhere over the rainbow' ).
Heaven is a state of being.
"Heaven", for many, is [1] the idea of a posthumous destination which focuses the mind on how they acquit themselves as they live their lives.
For many others, "Heaven" is [2] an idea of a posthumous destination that they focus on and theorize about at the expense of focusing on how they acquit themselves as they live their lives.
Many others [3] have no need for the notion of "Heaven". In all three instances, it doesn't matter "where" this "Heaven" is ~ indeed, people [1] and people [2] can imagine it being wherever they fancy. It makes no difference.
@fmf saidSo you personally don't know?
"Heaven", for many, is [1] the idea of a posthumous destination which focuses the mind on how they acquit themselves as they live their lives.
For many others, "Heaven" is [2] an idea of a posthumous destination that they focus on and theorize about at the expense of focusing on how they acquit themselves as they live their lives.
Many others [3] have no need for the noti ...[text shortened]... indeed, people [1] and people [2] can imagine it being wherever they fancy. It makes no difference.
In the Bible, the word “heaven” has more than one meaning. For example:
Genesis 1:20 describes the creation of birds that “fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” In this case, the word “heavens” refers to our atmosphere, the observable sky.
Isaiah 13:10 mentions “the stars of the heavens and their constellations”—what we would call outer space.
The Bible speaks of God’s “dwelling place in the heavens” and says that there are “angels in heaven.” (1 Kings 8:30; Matthew 18:10) Note that the words “heavens” and “heaven” are not simply metaphors, but describe an actual place of residence.
I don't know where heaven physically is. But this I would like you to know - If you confess that you are a sinner in need of Jesus Christ as your Savior and your Lord, and if you receive Him into your heart part of heaven will be installed in the depths of your own being..
You can take this to the bank. These are trustworthy words.
@executioner-brand saidoh, to be a thief so bold,
Here on earth, another galaxy far far away or even beyond the stars and time. Will you be able to travel there one day?
Or maybe jesus just had really good dreams that will never join with reality and the laws that exist.
stealing the dang streets of gold...