Originally posted by @rajk999Yours is the doctrine of devils.
I take my doctrine from Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Oh look Rajk! The Spirit. Capital S. That's the Holy Spirit in case you're confused. And look, the Spirit speaks. Can you imagine that?
I bet that doesn't fit your doctrine does it?
Originally posted by @secondsonThe doctrine of devils is similar to the doctrine of modern day Christians .. this that you do not have to obey Gods commands, you would not die if you disobey.
Yours is the doctrine of devils.
1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Oh look Rajk! The Spirit. Capital S. That's the Holy Spirit in case you're confused. And look, the Spirit speaks. Can you imagine that?
I bet that doesn't fit your doctrine does it?
That is the doctrine of Satan in the Garden of Eden and it is the same doctrine taught in churches. Mouth worship is enough. Obedience to the commands is trying to earn ones salvation.
Originally posted by @rajk999<<The bible is just paper.>>
You are the worlds greatest coward and Im not interested in your opinion of me to be honest. I wonder if you are able to see that sonship is on a campaign to discredit every part of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles where they speak of how critical it is for Chrsitians to follow after good works and righteousness. His aim is to promote mouth worship. ...[text shortened]... lly dont care if someone takes away my Bible. Im not a bible worshiper. The bible is just paper.
The Bible is “just paper?” The Bible is The Word of God, amigo. Your blasphemy is repulsive.
Originally posted by @rajk999Not much of a Chrisitan either it seems. I neither attacked you nor do I expect you to be nice so you can cease with the baloney and making it about you.
You really have the nerve to waltz in and attack me and expect me to be nice to you ?
Im not your brother. go to hell
Originally posted by @leunammi
[b]I havn't posted here in a very long time, and thought I wouldn't again, change of plans. I visit the site every now and again to checkout what is being discussed, and your comment struck me and I believe it to be the truth.
[quote]The sheep of Matthew 25:31-46 are those people who responded positively to the preaching of "an eternal gospel" supernatur ...[text shortened]... t with revision upon revision upon revision and make it irrelevant. We may already be in that time.
I have felt in my being for sometime now that we should be devouring (reading) the Word and getting all that we can like we never have before,
I believe that you are spot on in this realization.
I think forces are already at work to outlaw the Bible not only in other parts of the world but here in the US, if not to neuter it with revision upon revision upon revision and make it irrelevant. We may already be in that time.
We can see the hostility rising.
Sonship, although your posts sometimes are a bit wordy, I do appreciate the time you put into what you write it causes me to think about things in ways that perhaps I hadn't before and to dig deeper. Thanks and keep it up!
It is often that I am not more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants to reveal and what does not have to be talked about as much.
Debate draws me into things that are premature knowledge or maybe even distractions to some seeking ones.
If you think of it, pray that I just talk about what the Holy Spirit really wants to be talked about.
Originally posted by @leunammiI dont think you understand what a Jesus and the Apostles were about Mr Perfect
Not much of a Chrisitan either it seems. I neither attacked you nor do I expect you to be nice so you can cease with the baloney and making it about you.
How did Jesus react to those who preached false doctrines
To those who preached that it is ok to continue on with sin and evil
To those who preached greed and selfishness
To those who do not encourage but actively discourage good works and righteousness
What did Paul tell those who preached nonsense and continued with sin?
Do you know?
You are fooled by these guys sweet words and you ignore what they say.
RIght now they are saying in front your face that they believe in a faith only dontrine
You are saying faith + works. Which is what Im saying as well.
Yet you choose to side with their false teachings because you have a crowd mentality ..
You are a monkey. You cannot stand up alone apart from the crowd for the truth.
The truth as Jesus preached it is the most critical thing in all of Christianity.
But your type is the reason why it has degenerated into a cesspool of false doctrines and crookedness.
Your type - spineless lame people who just want people to like them
Who know the truth but fail to contend for and stand with Christ and the Aposltes for it.
Originally posted by @rajk999Paul -
"What then shall we say? Should we continue in sin that grace may abound? Absolutely not!
We who have died to sin, how shall we still live in it?" (Romans 6:1,2)
What did Paul tell those who preached nonsense and continued with sin?
He taught us how to be utterly dependent and identified with Christ, how to take Christ, allow Christ to live in us, live through Christ and how not only to be saved but to receive the kingdom reward in addition.
He didn't teach the phony humility of being unsure of one's eternal redemption disguising self trust in your own self righteousness.
Originally posted by @sonship
Paul -
[b] "What then shall we say? Should we continue in sin that grace may abound? Absolutely not!
We who have died to sin, how shall we still live in it?" (Romans 6:1,2)
What did Paul tell those who preached nonsense and continued with sin?
He taught us how to be utterly dependent and identified with ...[text shortened]... f being unsure of one's eternal redemption disguising self trust in your own self righteousness.[/b]I know you going to run from this but where did Paul say
He taught us how to be utterly dependent and identified with Christ,
how to take Christ, allow Christ to live in us,
live through Christ and how not only to be saved
but to receive the kingdom reward in addition.
He didn't teach the phony humility of being unsure
of one's eternal redemption disguising self trust in your own self righteousness
In case you missed it
Jesus lives in the believers
Paul further warned all born again Chrsitian saints
that if they did not life in righteousness and refrained from sin
The Kingdom of God is for the righteous
Your doctrine is that the Kingdom is for those who profess with their mouth
You do not believe in following Jesus's commandments
Clearly Jesus does not live in you
Originally posted by @rajk999Let's see, in the last few posts you have...
I dont think you understand what a Jesus and the Apostles were about Mr Perfect
How did Jesus react to those who preached false doctrines
To those who preached that it is ok to continue on with sin and evil
To those who preached greed and selfishness
To those who do not encourage but actively discourage good works and righteousness
What did Paul tell ...[text shortened]... them
Who know the truth but fail to contend for and stand with Christ and the Aposltes for it.
1. Called me the world's greatest coward
2. Told me to "goto hell"
3. Called me "Mr. Perfect" (couldn't be farther from the truth)
4. Because of my type "it has generated into a cesspool of false doctrines and crookedness"
5. My type "spineless lame people"
6. Said "You are a monkey"
7. You even said "goodbye", but what? Did you forget something, you needed to say more?
You accuse me of taking 'pot shots' at you when I never even addressed you, I only said I was not interested in debating with you because of past interactions which were fruitless at best, AND IT IS TRUE! this is fruitless!
You are fooled by these guys sweet words and you ignore what they say.
RIght now they are saying in front your face that they believe in a faith only dontrine
I am not fooled by anybody, especially you! The only person saying anything to my face is you! I am not choosing anyone's "false teaching because you(I) have a crowd mentality", I am not looking for a side to be on, it seems as though that is what you wish for yourself however. Do you need to have a side? I only desire to have good conversation/debate with other believers about different topics, not be lambasted by people like you.
Rajk999, I don't doubt what you say and following Jesus' commandments, I think it is important and is the evidence of faith. But I have a hard time however hearing anything you have to say when you spew what I listed above towards people, towards me. Do you think that is right, is this how one follows Jesus?
You cannot stand up alone apart from the crowd for the truth.
Really? ok.
Maybe like the JW's, Mormons, you are preaching Jesus, a different Jesus. I know you reference much from the bible, especially Jesus words and Jesus words/commandments are very important. But with how you deliver? I know I can't relate. We agree on some things, this is true but your bitterness and contempt for those who profess Jesus in this forum is uncanny. You embrace those that deny God all together (choose a side) but castigate those Christians who have a view (position, understanding, interpretation) that differs from yours. Very peculiar indeed. Why is that?
Something for all us Christians to ponder;
Matthew 28:16-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The Great Commission
16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Question, how are we making disciples?
I only desire is to be found worthy by the one who matters, that being Christ Jesus, and it is a struggle.
2 edits
Originally posted by @leunammiWho are you to say anyone is preaching a different Jesus? Your concept of Jesus is not what Jesus says. Jesus says he is the Son of God. God said this is His beloved Son. Jesus said God is Greater. Paul said God is the head of Jesus... If you choose to add to that then thats up to you.
Let's see, in the last few posts you have...
1. Called me the world's greatest coward
2. Told me to "goto hell"
3. Called me "Mr. Perfect" (couldn't be farther from the truth)
4. Because of my type "it has generated into a cesspool of false doctrines and crookedness"
5. My type "spineless lame people"
6. Said "You are a monkey"
7. You even said "g ...[text shortened]... ire is to be found worthy by the one who matters, that being Christ Jesus, and it is a struggle.
What is wrong is when Christians like YOU separate Christians into - those who think Jesus is God and equal to God - those who think Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus NEVER EVER made any such rule or identified any such separation. In fact the opposite happened. The disciples came to Jesus and complained that there were others preaching about Him and Jesus said to leave them alone... you got that .. leave them alone. And that is why I never ever do it. You believe Jesus Is God .. fine. You think Jesus is the Son of God - fine too. That should not be a source of quarreling and confusion
The only separation that is CRITICAL to eternal life is the separation between sheep and goats. Sheep follow Christ. Goats do not follow Christ. This means that following the commandment is not just important as you think They are CRITICAL FOR ETERNAL LIFE. This is what jesus said and what all the Aposltes said. THIS IS THE ONE THING THAT WILL GET YOU INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
Do you notice what Jesus said in your last quote... the great commission. I bet you did not even read it properly
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20 KJV)
Have you ever counselled anyone here to observe what Jesus commanded? Has anyone here done it - sonship and all your buddies? have they ? NO .. they ignore that part of the great commission and instead preach their church doctrine, which says that faith only gives them eternal life .. works and following commandments is trying to earn their salvation.
I am the only Christian around here standing up for what Jesus said. ThinkofOne does the same. It is actually a shame and a disgrace to Christianity, that ToO, a nonChristian knows more about what Jesus preached. Whatever his personal beliefs and doctrine is that is his personal affair. He tells others how to b more like Christ. Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian. Shame on you.
Originally posted by @rajk999
Who are you to say anyone is preaching a different Jesus? Your concept of Jesus is not what Jesus says. Jesus says he is the Son of God. God said this is His beloved Son. Jesus said God is Greater. Paul said God is the head of Jesus... If you choose to add to that then thats up to you.
What is wrong is when Christians like YOU separate Christians into ...[text shortened]... to b more like Christ. Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian. Shame on you.
Your concept of Jesus is not what Jesus says. Jesus says he is the Son of God. God said this is His beloved Son. Jesus said God is Greater. Paul said God is the head of Jesus.
What have I added, show me where. I have added nothing, this is only your dishonesty and inability to reference and understand anything said.
The disciples came to Jesus and complained that there were others preaching about Him and Jesus said to leave them alone... you got that .. leave them alone. And that is why I never ever do it. You believe Jesus Is God .. fine. You think Jesus is the Son of God - fine too. That should not be a source of quarreling and confusion
Then why are you making it a source of quarreling? Only YOU are doing this! I am not trying to correct anyone, only you are.
Have you ever counselled anyone here to observe what Jesus commanded? Has anyone here done it - sonship and all your buddies? have they ? NO .. they ignore that part of the great commission and instead preach their church doctrine, which says that faith only gives them eternal life .. works and following commandments is trying to earn their salvation.
If by counseled you mean what you do? No, I won't either because what you do is not counseling.
I am the only Christian around here standing up for what Jesus said. ThinkofOne does the same. It is actually a shame and a disgrace to Christianity, that ToO, a nonChristian knows more about what Jesus preached. Whatever his personal beliefs and doctrine is that is his personal affair. He tells others how to b more like Christ. Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian. Shame on you.
Lofty claim, if you say so.
I don't much about TOO or what he believes, except the one thing that I asked him. But please explain to me how a nonchristian can tell others how to be more like Christ. How does that work.
Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian
Does this include yourself?
1 edit
Originally posted by @leunammiHave you not said that some religions preach a different Jesus. and did you not say this :Your concept of Jesus is not what Jesus says. Jesus says he is the Son of God. God said this is His beloved Son. Jesus said God is Greater. Paul said God is the head of Jesus.
What have I added, show me where. I have added nothing, this is only your dishonesty and inability to reference and understand anything said.
[quote]The disciple ...[text shortened]... ]Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian[/i]
Does this include yourself?[/b]
Jesus is the Word, he is God and he is not created. Problem is, Jesus being God is an afront to sinful man, to acknowledge Jesus as God is to then have to deal with sin. We don't want to do that.
Are these comments intended to bring Christians together or to further divide them?
And where if at all have you ever told anyone that they must follow Christ and follow his commandments.
I do that all the time, and it is not a lofty claim as you well know.
The truth is that you are just another Chrsitian who promotes mouth worship.
Originally posted by @rajk999
Have you not said that some religions preach a different Jesus. and did you not say this :
Jesus is the Word, he is God and he is not created. Problem is, Jesus being God is an afront to sinful man, to acknowledge Jesus as God is to then have to deal with sin. We don't want to do that.
Are these comments intended to bring Christians together or t ...[text shortened]... you well know.
The truth is that you are just another Chrsitians who promotes mouth worship.
I am the only Christian around here standing up for what Jesus said. ThinkofOne does the same. It is actually a shame and a disgrace to Christianity, that ToO, a nonChristian knows more about what Jesus preached. Whatever his personal beliefs and doctrine is that is his personal affair. He tells others how to b more like Christ. Nobody here does that .. not you not any other Christian. Shame on you.
I am the only Christian around here standing up for what Jesus said.
THAT is a lofty claim!
Have you not said that some religions preach a different Jesus. and did you not say this :
Jesus is the Word, he is God and he is not created. Problem is, Jesus being God is an afront to sinful man, to acknowledge Jesus as God is to then have to deal with sin. We don't want to do that.
Yes I most indeed say this and I believe it. How is what I am saying about what I believe any different about you saying what you believe. I don't get your point, if there is one.
You chastise Christians if they don't believe exactly as you, you call them all sorts of things. I am merely saying what I believe and condemning none, not even calling them cowards like you like to do.
I believe Jesus is God, the Father is God, the Holy Spirit is God. Three in one, one God.
JW believe Jesus is Michael the Arch Angel, I do not believe that. Different Jesus from what I believe.
Mormons believe Jesus is the brother of satan. Satan was created by Jesus, not equal. Different Jesus from what I believe.
This is not hard stuff to understand, I don't know why you misrepresent and can't get it.
John 14:4-7 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
4 And you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas *said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. 7 If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.”
One must follow Jesus and his commandments! I have no conflict with you on this, it's true.