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Why are White Christians so racist?

Why are White Christians so racist?


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@pb1022 said
I asked you this question first - which you dodged:

How much do you want God to interfere with man’s free will?
As much as it takes to end needless suffering.

For the third time: will you allow your wife to be raped so you don't infringe on a rapist's free will? Or will you dodge yet again? This only takes a yes or no.


@fmf said
I see you ~ and your demeanour and behaviour and the beliefs you espouse ~ to be part of Christianity, regardless of how bogus or hypocritical you so often come across. I see "Romans1009 in 2018" as a part of Christianity, for example.
And I see you’re flustered and starting to whizz in the pool.

Nice chatting with you.


@vivify said
As much as it takes to end needless suffering.

For the third time: will you allow your wife to be raped so you don't infringe on his free will? Or will you dodge yet again? This only takes a yes or no.
No, of course not.

Just as it’s a rapist’s free will to try to rape a woman, it’s my free will to try to stop him.

Why does a rapist’s free will to choose to rape a woman trump my free will to protect her?


@vivify said
As much as it takes to end needless suffering.

For the third time: will you allow your wife to be raped so you don't infringe on a rapist's free will? Or will you dodge yet again? This only takes a yes or no.
<<As much as it takes to end needless suffering.>>

So you’d have God take away every married man’s free will to have an affair since it would result in needless suffering for his wife and kids?


@pb1022 said
And I see you’re flustered and starting to whizz in the pool.
On the contrary, I have provided a reasonable, practical definition of Christianity and Christians.


@fmf said
On the contrary, I have provided a reasonable, practical definition of Christianity and Christians.
You can’t know for certain who is a Christian and who isn’t because you can’t know for certain what they really believe.

You can reasonably guess by how they behave, but even then, you have no idea how they behave when they’re not in public.


@pb1022 said
You can’t know for certain who is a Christian and who isn’t because you can’t know for certain what they really believe.
I count you as a Christian and your character as a part of Christianity.


@pb1022 said
You can reasonably guess by how they behave, but even then, you have no idea how they behave when they’re not in public.
For the purposes of conversations about Christianity, I perceive you and your behaviour and values to be part of Christianity based on the assertions you make.


@pb1022 said
No, of course not.

Just as it’s a rapist’s free will to try to rape a woman, it’s my free will to try to stop him.

Why does a rapist’s free will to choose to rape a woman trump my free will to protect her?
Bingo. And God himself has free will to stop such men, right?

Likewise, God has freewill to stop evil acts of racism, especially from a group that is supposed to represent Jesus.


There's nothing more to discuss here. No one has an answer as to why white Christians are such vile racists, or why they've oppressed pretty much every group of people on earth.

"You shall know them by their fruits".

Clearly, white Christian "fruit" is disgusting and rotten.


@vivify said
Bingo. And God himself has free will to stop such men, right?

Likewise, God has freewill to stop evil acts of racism, especially from a group that is supposed to represent Jesus.
It’s not an apples to apples comparison.

One man exercising his free will to interfere with another man’s free will is not the same as God intervening to eradicate evil.

But are you now dodging my question:

Would you have God take away every married man’s free will to have an affair so it did not result in needless suffering for his wife and kids?

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@vivify said
There's nothing more to discuss here. No one has an answer as to why white Christians are such vile racists, or why they've oppressed pretty much every group of people on earth.
The No True Scotsman logical fallacy doesn't work on you, and that's understable. Maybe when the other Christian posters turn up, they'll offer some other explanations.


@vivify said
There's nothing more to discuss here. No one has an answer as to why white Christians are such vile racists, or why they've oppressed pretty much every group of people on earth.

"You shall know them by their fruits".

Clearly, white Christian "fruit" is disgusting and rotten.
Sounds here like you’re the racist.

You’re taking the behavior of a small fraction of a group and using it to smear the entire group.

That’s what racists do.


@pb1022 said
Sounds here like you’re the racist.

You’re taking the behavior of a small fraction of a group and using it to smear the entire group.

That’s what racists do.
Christians are not a race.

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@fmf said
Christians are not a race.
Good point, FMF. Bigot is a better word but the mindset is the same as a racist.

And you’ll notice vivify specifically is condemning “white Christians” so it appears he’s both a racist *and* a bigot.

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