18 Jan 22
@fmf saidI generally don’t engage in a dog pile.
I will look back at the previous pages of this thread to see if you have demonstrated your objection to "categorizing people based on skin color or ethnicity" by pushing back against what chaney3 has said in defence of the alleged racism of "white Christians".
If I see one or more people adequately responding to something I disagree with or find objectionable, I see no reason to add my voice to the chorus.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidMaybe I will. I don’t know much about the various figures in church history and the history of Christianity outside of the people in the Holy Bible.
Check out Martin Luther's anti-semetic views for example. If you choose to believe that they somehow sprung up incongruously in a Christianity-free vacuum, then that is your prerogative.
@pb1022 saidThat you a Christian, would quite deliberately turn a blind to raw racism by a white Christian, on a thread about white Christian racists, is duly noted.
I generally don’t engage in a dog pile.
If I see one or more people adequately responding to something I disagree with or find objectionable, I see no reason to add my voice to the chorus.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidI saw it and once I’d read the first couple of sentences, I saw no reason to read any more, especially since it was already being responded to and being responded to adequately.
That you a Christian, would quite deliberately turn a blind to raw racism by a white Christian, on a thread about white Christian racists, is duly noted.
This thread isn’t a debate forum that has wide-ranging implications. You seem to think what’s debated here is of more importance than I do.
We’re not changing the world here and I don’t feel obligated to respond to every ignorant and racist comment on here, the same way I wouldn’t feel obligated to respond to some yahoo claiming the moon landing happened in a Nevada desert.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidI asked for examples. I never claimed it didn’t exist.
Well then, when it comes to the history of Christian anti-semitism, this is another "Trilobites Moment" for you.
That said, I certainly don’t think the victims of “Christian Anti-Semitism” are anywhere near as high as the 250 million murdered by communist atheists in the 20th century alone.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidActually, I think it does because you’re implying the Christian faith is somehow to blame for persecution, discrimination and presumably murder when I find nothing in the New Testament advocating any of that.
Whataboutism doesn't really work in a case like this.
And if you’re going to falsely blame Christianity for atrocities, I have every right to contrast the atrocities you cite with far greater atrocities committed by atheists and evolutionists.
@pb1022 saidChristianity is an accumulation of what Christian have believed and done for two millennia. I am not interested in the No True Scotsman informal fallacy.
Actually, I think it does because you’re implying the Christian faith is somehow to blame for persecution, discrimination and presumably murder when I find nothing in the New Testament advocating any of that.
And if you’re going to falsely blame Christianity for atrocities, I have every right to contrast the atrocities you cite with far greater atrocities committed by atheists and evolutionists.
@pb1022 saidYour reaction to a right here right now example of what the OP is about - and your fixation on talking about atheists instead - is noted.
I saw it and once I’d read the first couple of sentences, I saw no reason to read any more, especially since it was already being responded to and being responded to adequately.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidWell, we differ here for sure.
Christianity is an accumulation of what Christian have believed and done for two millennia. I am not interested in the No True Scotsman informal fallacy.
If I want to know what Christianity’s about, I read the foundational text - the New Testament.
I don’t base my view of Christianity on the opinions or actions of a pastor or priest or anyone else because all of those will vary.
I go right to the source.
@pb1022 saidYes, I know why Christians use the No True Scotsman device in moments like these. I've heard it many times. You, and your behaviour and your character, are part of Christianity.
Well, we differ here for sure.
If I want to know what Christianity’s about, I read the foundational text - the New Testament.
I don’t base my view of Christianity on the opinions or actions of a pastor or priest or anyone else because all of those will vary.
I go right to the source.
18 Jan 22
@fmf saidThis isn’t exactly a No True Scotsman device.
Yes, I know why Christians use the No True Scotsman device in moments like these. I've heard it many times. You, and your behaviour and your character, are part of Christianity.
Christianity is based on the New Testament. That’s the source text. If anyone wants to know what Christianity is all about, that’s the one book everyone agrees Christianity is based on.
If you want to know how a car operates, you’ll likely get more accurate information from the owner’s manual than you will from a mechanic.