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why do we die?

why do we die?



Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
God is perfect and was not created. Anything or anyone created by God is less than God. Anything or anyone less than perfect and less than God is not completely impervious.
that doesn' t answer the question. Why can't god create a vessel that is impervious to his enemy?

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Originally posted by @uzless
that doesn' t answer the question. Why can't god create a vessel that is impervious to his enemy?
Because for the reasons I explained it is impossible for God to duplicate Himself.

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Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
Because for the reasons I explained it is impossible for God to duplicate Himself.
I would not say that, but being made in his image was and is the goal, that has not changed.

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Originally posted by @uzless
But if god wanted to create a vessel and put man inside but the enemy foiled his plan, then does this not mean god is not perfect?

No I don't think that. It does mean that the perfect God created creature/s clearly with the ability to choose God to have a relationship with Him or choose not to.

We may say,

Would not a perfect God have created ROBOTS that could not decide to withdraw from their creator ? He pushes a button and they just LOVE their Creator because they have no choice but to.

He created beings who had the AWESOME freedom to decide to be in His will or turn away from Him and His will.

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But i thought god was perfect?

Think about it some more.
What the Bible reveals is that God put within some of his highest creatures the awesome power to choose or reject God.

How could a perfect god not create a perfect vessel that was impervious to his enemy?

Again, your complaint is - "Why did not or could not a God created only robots with no free will?"

Perhaps you should consider that part of His greatest possible perfection is that He created beings who possess that freedom to desire to be with Him and in His will or reject being with Him and in His will.

Your questions are profound and have been discussed for many centuries. It helps to read the Bible and notice what is there.

God looked upon all that He made on the 6th day and saw that it was "very good." Genesis 1:34

"And God saw everyting that HE had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." (Gen. 1:26)

God looked at the creation and the man as the pinnacle of creation and behold it was "very good".

But STILL, He endows this created man with a free will to choose WITH a fair warning.

"And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat freely,

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you, of it you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." (Gen. 2:16,17)

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Remember now, the created man was placed between two sources of existence - or TWO trees.

1.) the tree of life
2.) the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The man was very good and in a NEUTRAL position.
The man is INNOCENT and NEUTRAL between to paths, two sources, two modes of continuation -

the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil -

"And out of the ground Jehovah God caused every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, as well as the tree of life n the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Genesis 2:9)

Man in between these two sources - one representing God as life, the other representing Satan's way of independence from God as death.

Neutral man is inbetween these two sources and has a free will to decide on one or the other. He is warned with only one divine commandment. Any tree he may eat. But he is not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it will cause him to DIE.

The innocent and neutral man is in between these two choices and had the freedom to select one or the other. They are mutually exclusive though.

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Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
Because for the reasons I explained it is impossible for God to duplicate Himself.
So in this respect, He is less powerful than a Sea Sponge?

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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
So in this respect, He is less powerful than a Sea Sponge?
Feel the power of your own will.
You can decide your destiny - to have Christ or to reject Christ.

Instead of whimsical remarks about God's powerlessness, spend some time to soberly contemplate the sheer power you have to say -

"Yes God, I choose You for all eternity"
"No God, I decide to reject You for all eternity."

Feel to awesome power in your own heart to DECIDE to receive His salvation or reject it. Perhaps even God is not as powerful as your created will to WANT Christ or DISMISS Christ.

If I could choose FOR you .. I would in a second. But I cannot.
And no one existing CAN.
It is YOUR power to decide to receive Christ or reject Christ.

Contemplate that power.

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But once you choose Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior to be yours - you have the gift of eternal life.

Once you receive Him into your spirit He will never leave you forever.

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Yes it is otherwise I would not write of it.

Here a scriptural basis for me to write what I did.

"All that the Father gives to Me will come to Me, and him who comes to Me I shall by no means cast out.

For I have come down from heaven not to do My own will but the will of Him who sent Me.

And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all which He has given Me I should lose nothing but should raise it up in the last day." (John 6:37-39)

The number who He does not lose and raises up in resurrection in the last day is the same number as have been given to Him by His Father and who have come to Him. That is " ALL which He has given Me". Of this number He promises " I should lose nothing."

This is a solid bases for me teaching above -

But once you choose Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior to be yours - you have the gift of eternal life.

Once you receive Him into your spirit He will never leave you forever.

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Originally posted by @sonship
..Once you receive Him into your spirit He will never leave you forever. [/quote]
Cherry picking is one of the most dangerous practices of false teachers.

To come to Christ
To abide in Christ\
To believe in Christ
To have Christ
To know Christ
To receive Christ
To choose Chrsit
To be in Christ

is all pointless and useless unless the professed believer - follows the commandments of Christ

You have repeatedly preached that this is not necessary and that only Christ can do it

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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
So in this respect, He is less powerful than a Sea Sponge?


Originally posted by @sonship
Do you understand something of what a vessel is ?
BY vessel I mean a container.

Human life was created to be vessel, a container.
Think of a glove as a container.
A glove is a hand shaped container designed to contain a human hand.

This may help you to see that man's life is made in a kind of "God shaped" way in order to be a vessel to contai ...[text shortened]... death is a reaping of wages for sin. It is like the salary paid for serving the employer of sin.
Our bodies are vessels for our souls which all belong to the Lord

Keep it simple


Originally posted by @uzless
But if god wanted to create a vessel and put man inside but the enemy foiled his plan, then does this not mean god is not perfect? But i thought god was perfect? How could a perfect god not create a perfect vessel that was impervious to his enemy?
Through millenia of lies Man has accepted his fallen state. He has forgotten how to re-unite with the Lord

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