Another day, another the one who knows what is and what isn't. Jesus Christ! chess already gives me headaches trying to guess on my opponents' moves. And combining these enigmatic questions without a majority of consensus on the answers is ludicrous, whatever that means, and my headaches become migraines. And the only relief is knowing that there are a lot of hurt heads out there, to make me feel better about my poor state of knowing.
Let it be known that, if I lose any games of chess on redhotpawn, I'll use it as a valid excuse...too much on my mind that I don't know, to answer some posts where I didn't, but should have.
Is posting music allowed here? It soothes my mind, and as I believe, God sings to us with many songs through His inspiration of musical poets the likes of Bob Dylan, a Nobel prize winner for literature, as wiser heads than mine have told me. Prize motivation: “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” Wonder why our Rock artists all get high? And this does not come from any special plants I bring to the table for culinary purposes, to answer another unanswered post.
Quoting one of those heads: "Therefore God takes away the minds of poets, and uses them as his ministers, as he also uses diviners and holy prophets, in order that we who hear them may know them to be speaking not of themselves who utter these priceless words in a state of unconsciousness, but that God himself is the speaker, and that through them he is conversing with us."
The bottom line? Why much of our Music should be taken literally, as the word of God.
-Removed-They could not very well be mysteries, if they were explained, could they, now? But even when explained, a mystery remains such to those who cannot be made to understand. We all have our own brand of mysteries, as there is no one among us who understands it all. Again, I take it on faith, the understanding that I don't understand, from wiser heads. What is knowledge, and among whom is it found? Don't we have to know, absolutely, when something can or cannot be taken literally? For instance, how can we establish, through the bible, what is a literally true prophecy? Without a sure marker in time/history, as to when the future forecast was given, it cannot be established that it's a prophecy at all, since hindsight may have been used, rather than future sight. It's easy to foretell the future from the future, about the past, about the future. It's a literal Merry-Go-Round. Just like in these discussions on what parts, much or less, of the bible can be taken literally.
A 3 words line is a mystery to some, but not to you, I suppose. Or do you actually not know what you meant to convey with more unexplained mysteries? There is a place I know where unexplained mysteries are explained by more mysteries, the mystery of knowing, literally, without actually knowing. Perhaps the place is not a mystery to you?
@pettytalk saidAlas, the question of when something can or cannot be taken literally is up for debate and those interested in debating it can only bring their subjective opinions to bear upon each instance.
Don't we have to know, absolutely, when something can or cannot be taken literally?
-Removed-If you have a quote of me saying those things why are you continuing to ask? You
do not, so your lies about me saying them are shown. Each time you ask for
something you supposedly already have, shows you are a liar. The way you walk
out of your faith in Jesus Christ in front of everyone is disgraceful.
Admit your lies and I'll address those points in detail to your heart's content.