Has there been a single totally dominant team this year? Florida didn't exactly blow Tennessee off the field. Neither Texas nor Tech looked that great last night. USC lost.
Who is the stand out team? I suppose until they get beat, Florida has the title, but as I said Tennessee gave them a good game. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out.
Originally posted by EladarDon't you worry your pretty little head. At the end of the day it will be the same teams as there is year after year in the BCS. And if by chance some upstart like Utah trys to sneak in, they will subsequently be devalued and shunned from participation.
Has there been a single totally dominant team this year? Florida didn't exactly blow Tennessee off the field. Neither Texas nor Tech looked that great last night. USC lost.
Who is the stand out team? I suppose until they get beat, Florida has the title, but as I said Tennessee gave them a good game. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out.
I gotta say, my BUckeyes have a tough schedule this year, except for teams like Toledo that they destroyed last week. After all, they played Navy, USC, and soon play Illinios, Wisconsin, Penn State (away) and Michigan (away). However, is that a bad thing? I say that teams like OSU should focus on playing teams that challenge them rather than blowing away teams that have no business being on the same field. I'm saying that the USC/OSU type games should be occuring every week, rather than once a year, if that. In fact, lets see USC face Florida, and Florida face teams like Texas during the regular season. If that mean changing the divisions around to do so, then so be it!!
Now who is with me!!
Originally posted by whodeyNot at home! The Buckeyes should make mincemeat of the Illini. They shouldhave beat USC. I am not a huge Buckeye fan, but when playing USC, OU, or any hated team I favor them. No one is safe though. How about last night's game? I was for SC only because Ole Miss was overrated and I want the system to start weeding out the upstarts, also-rans and mediocrities. At least Texas evidenced some offense, Alabama a frightening defense and Florida the mighty will of Tebow to egg them on in tough games. LSU may be better than they've looked.
Predictions!! We need predictions!!
Of course, my Buckeyes are favored to beat Illinios at the Shoe this weekend, however, I heard that Illinios has beaten OSU at home 7 of their last 10 meetings!! 😲
Should I be worried?
Originally posted by scacchipazzoLSU's somewhat close win at Washington doesn't look so bad now.
Not at home! The Buckeyes should make mincemeat of the Illini. They shouldhave beat USC. I am not a huge Buckeye fan, but when playing USC, OU, or any hated team I favor them. No one is safe though. How about last night's game? I was for SC only because Ole Miss was overrated and I want the system to start weeding out the upstarts, also-rans and medioc ...[text shortened]... the mighty will of Tebow to egg them on in tough games. LSU may be better than they've looked.
Originally posted by whodeyOK, so not eight of the last 11! The USC win was a fluke as the following week showed. I believe OSU is not a top ten team, but they are still pretty good. The greatness of college football is that upsets are real upsets. Every week a new almost ran falls. Thus far this year a #3, 5, 3 and a 4 have lost. Ole Miss looked really bad. To get beaten by a QB who one hopped half his passes you gotta be pretty stinkin bad!
Did you read what I wrote? Illinios has beaten OSU in their own house 7 of the last 10!! 😲 No one else does that.....except maybe USC.
Originally posted by scacchipazzoThe USC loss was not a fluke. If USC played OSU five more times this year OSU would lose every last one. As for USC losing to Washington, that was no fluke either. Washington is much better than what people give them credit for. You see, I don't believe in flukes.
OK, so not eight of the last 11! The USC win was a fluke as the following week showed. I believe OSU is not a top ten team, but they are still pretty good. The greatness of college football is that upsets are real upsets. Every week a new almost ran falls. Thus far this year a #3, 5, 3 and a 4 have lost. Ole Miss looked really bad. To get beaten by a QB who one hopped half his passes you gotta be pretty stinkin bad!
Originally posted by whodeyI'm trying to cheer you up, but you're impervious to happiness. I agree flukes are unlikely. Bad coaching gets OSU every time. Sort of like Houston Nutt not putting in his best player in until the 4thQ! Indeed USC loss not a fluke at all and Washingotn played lights out. They should have beaten LSU as well. Tmorrow will be a good Saturday for pigskin OD'ing!!!!!!! Quite a line up of games. Upset potential in at least three games. I love upsets.
The USC loss was not a fluke. If USC played OSU five more times this year OSU would lose every last one. As for USC losing to Washington, that was no fluke either. Washington is much better than what people give them credit for. You see, I don't believe in flukes.
Originally posted by scacchipazzoWell, I'm not the only one still upset about USC. I would say it was perhaps the most devistating loss for OSU in recent memory and I more than likely won't recover any time soon.
I'm trying to cheer you up, but you're impervious to happiness. I agree flukes are unlikely. Bad coaching gets OSU every time. Sort of like Houston Nutt not putting in his best player in until the 4thQ! Indeed USC loss not a fluke at all and Washingotn played lights out. They should have beaten LSU as well. Tmorrow will be a good Saturday for pigskin OD'ing!!!!!!! Quite a line up of games. Upset potential in at least three games. I love upsets.
Originally posted by whodeyKeeps things exciting. I bet OSU gets a great recruiting class for next year as should Michigan. Talk about bad coaching. Did you watch the end of the LSU/MSU game. Could not come up with a touchdown 6" away? All it takes is that momentary lapse of coaching reason and a W becomes a L. Oh well! I thought that would be the upset of the day!
Well, I'm not the only one still upset about USC. I would say it was perhaps the most devistating loss for OSU in recent memory and I more than likely won't recover any time soon.