01 Jun 17
The post that was quoted here has been removedFrom your quoted post, could I ask where I ever said that 'black' (presumably Ms Williams) could ........master TT and defeat all the Asian champions??
You have turned this thread into a trumpeting of Chinese table tennis. Totally ignoring lemondrop's question.
Sorry, it just isn't a 'sport' that really interests the average Brit. No racism. Just doesnt
The post that was quoted here has been removedChester Barnes. You totally exaggerate his popularity in UK back in the 60s/70s
The BBC run an annual presentation called 'Sports Personality Of The Year', voted for by the general public. All manner of sports have been nominated into the 'top 3' at different times but, surprisingly, never Mr Barnes or any other table tennis player.
Table tennis is not a popular sport at all in the UK. It is probably on TV for an hour or so during each Olympics and/or Commonwealth Games. And that it all. It is simply a fact. Not fuelled by racism, simply not popular. Is that so hard to comprehend?
I have re read what I wrote, and not once have I insulted the players of the sport or claimed that they are not highly skilled or athletic. I am not saying that Ms Williams would defeat any current table tennis WC, either with or without intensive training.
I am merely saying that being a tennis champion IN MY OPINION gives her a slight advantage, due to the SIMILAR/LINKED nature of the 2 sports (ball, net, hand held hitting thing) in Lemondrop's posed question.
Which you have totally turned into some pro Asian sportsperson rant, for reasons known only to yourself.
If you wish, we can enter into a debate about Chinese sporting excellence, their magical 'turtle blood' training which sadly seemed to relate to failed drugs tests.
their poor showing in Olympic games when measured against total population of country
and their apparent love of the sport 'snooker', which has produced not one Chinese snooker World Champion
off you go