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2M  federally-funded homes AND $25 k to first gen homeowners!.

2M federally-funded homes AND $25 k to first gen homeowners!.



@wildgrass said
22 million tacos
you're being ridiculous I'm comparing floating docks with floating docks

2 edits

Who reported the numbers? I have zero data on what materials were used, how thick the buttresses are and so forth, how long is it, how do you know it is made of wood? For 1/3 of a billion I would expect I could build a frigging RUNWAY there๐Ÿ™‚ I wonder if the reporters missed a decimal place or two?

I found this:


There are some images there and it doesn't look like you could get that stuff on Amazon. As to 300 Mil, I don't see the price listed. Sounds like a mistake to me.
This report says it is taking 1000 troops to build so there is much more to it than you imply.


@Wajoma said
you're being ridiculous I'm comparing floating docks with floating docks
You're finally catching on. The whole thread is ridiculous.


@wildgrass said
I'm not the one pretending to be a libertarian.

Embarrassing for you. You justify spending 1000x what something costs because it is what it is.

Buy a floating dock in Gaza or 13,400 starter home down payments for Americans struggling to make ends meet in an inflationary economy?

A libertarian would say neither. That's not you.
Are you buying them starter homes AND paying off their college Tuition? Two free government handouts? I am just trying to keep track. If y'all get credit cards paid off, ....oh, never mind....


@Wajoma said
Yes I think people should be able to buy as many houses as they like, that is to say, if you want to sell your house, and someone wants to but your house it's none of my business as to why you're selling and why they're buying.
True for pizza.

But government doesn't prohibit pizza from being made in certain areas. Or require permits before I make a pizza. Or permit only certain types of pizza. Or make me file with the county clerk each time I make a pizza.

Since government is regulating the supply of houses (or if it was regulating the supply of pizza - which it isn't) some provision must be made to ensure everyone gets a slice. House.

The libertarian solution only works if you get rid of ABSOLUTELY EVERY government regulation and let people build ANY house ANYWHERE they want. Which I'm sure you are OK with but which 95% of current homeowners will screamingly object to.


@spruce112358 said

Since government is regulating the supply of houses (or if it was regulating the supply of pizza - which it isn't) some provision must be made to ensure everyone gets a slice. House.
See above. Finally!!!! Someone (Spruce) who will tell us, explain to us, justify to us, source for us, what he and his government and liberal friends mean when the say................"Some provision must be made to ensure everyone gets a slice. House"

What would be the plan, the process? This sounds like nirvanna for Shav, and for Kamala. I hope he does not just drift away, because it would render his post to be ,,,,,well, nothing.


@AverageJoe1 said
Are you buying them starter homes AND paying off their college Tuition? Two free government handouts? I am just trying to keep track. If y'all get credit cards paid off, ....oh, never mind....
Where are the richest people in the country living?

Silicon valley?

New York City?


Here's the top 5:

1. Loundon county, VA
2. Fairfax county, VA
3. Falls Church VA
4. Howard county MD
5. Arlington VA

These are all military contractors, sucking the teet of your tax dollars with a blank check because you'd rather point your finger at poor people as the takers in society.


Just a halo of rich elites around the Pentagon, charging you hundreds of millions to build a dock.

You're fine with that, but mad at the folks who can't afford a down payment because of runaway inflation.


@wildgrass said
Where are the richest people in the country living?

Silicon valley?

New York City?


Here's the top 5:

1. Loundon county, VA
2. Fairfax county, VA
3. Falls Church VA
4. Howard county MD
5. Arlington VA

These are all military contractors, sucking the teet of your tax dollars with a blank check because you'd rather point your finger at poor people as the takers in society.
ah, now you are talking about ukraine, hamas and the washinton cabal...you know, the ones Trump is after

the war machine industry is booming once again


@Mott-The-Hoople said
ah, now you are talking about ukraine, hamas and the washinton cabal...you know, the ones Trump is after

the war machine industry is booming once again
Show me the receipts. I remember trump increased military spending.


@wildgrass said
Show me the receipts. I remember trump increased military spending.
Hehe... the catch-phrase was 'rebuilt the military.'

In frantic right-wing minds, Obama had taken the military apart and sold it off piece by piece; and then used what was left to staff itinerant carnivals and nail salons.

So when Trump took office, the military was hollowed-out, with gaunt, starving Generals roaming the Pentagon with barely enough to eat, surviving on chips and sodas from vending machines, 11 aircraft carriers decrepit and leaky, and an air force hardly able to put a single plane in the air.

And within months, Trump bravely REBUILT THE MILITARY with his own hands, while riding a white horse to the mountains...

Oh sorry, no, wait. That was Kim Jong Un. Anyhoo... you get the image portrayed in the right-wing fever-dream, I'm sure. ๐Ÿ˜€


@wildgrass said
Where are the richest people in the country living?

Silicon valley?

New York City?


Here's the top 5:

1. Loundon county, VA
2. Fairfax county, VA
3. Falls Church VA
4. Howard county MD
5. Arlington VA

These are all military contractors, sucking the teet of your tax dollars with a blank check because you'd rather point your finger at poor people as the takers in society.
Y'all have got me worried. Should I be worried about rich people? What is going on, I have been playing golf and just saw this.
Clue us in, please.


@AverageJoe1 said
Y'all have got me worried. Should I be worried about rich people? What is going on, I have been playing golf and just saw this.
Clue us in, please.
They are rich because the military receives a blank check from taxpayers.


@wildgrass said
Just a halo of rich elites around the Pentagon, charging you hundreds of millions to build a dock.

You're fine with that, but mad at the folks who can't afford a down payment because of runaway inflation.
I really must have missed something. Have military expenditures gotten mixed up with this new idea of giving people homes (which has not yet been explained on the Forum)? I know some here think we should forego growing military, instead making money available to people who do not have money, but has there been serious thought given to this new idea?
I am serious. Have you all been doing PM antics to get this going ?


@AverageJoe1 said
I really must have missed something. Have military expenditures gotten mixed up with this new idea of giving people homes (which has not yet been explained on the Forum)? I know some here think we should forego growing military, instead making money available to people who do not have money, but has there been serious thought given to this new idea?
I am serious. Have you all been doing PM antics to get this going ?
The richest people in the country are rich because of runaway government spending but you're worried about the poors getting a leg up. Gross.

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