@vivify saidTrump himself started the whole thing by sending the documents you claim he was hiding to NARA. He outed himself you idiot!
Because they were missing documents that only the president could've taken.
Christ, you're dumb.
Now explain to me why he sent NARA documents he was trying to hide.
- 31 counts of Wilful Retention of National Defense Information — 18 USC 793(e)
- Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice — 18 USC 1512(k)
- Withholding a Document or Record — 18 USC 1512 (b)(2)(A), and abetting
- Corrupting concealing a Document or Record — 18 USC 1512[c](1), and abetting
- Concealing a Document in a Federal Investigation — 18 USC 1519, and abetting
- Scheme to Conceal — 18 USC 1001(a)(1), and abetting
- False Statements and Representations — 18 USC 1001(a)(2), and abetting
Evidence is needed in order to formally charge anyone. The DOJ had evidence for all of these charges.
@metal-brain saidhttps://www.voanews.com/a/timeline-of-the-trump-documents-inquiry-/6734453.html
Trump himself started the whole thing by sending the documents you claim he was hiding to NARA. He outed himself you idiot!
The National Archives and Records Administration, also known as NARA, emails Trump's lawyers, notifying them that some two dozen boxes of original records were not turned over, according to The Washington Post.
@metal-brain saidTrump was still found *legally* liable for sexual assault. And has to pay $83 million because of it.
Civil trials are not criminal trials, dumbass.
@vivify saidHad Trump not given NARA the classified documents in the first place NARA would not have known he had them.
The National Archives and Records Administration, also known as NARA, emails Trump's lawyers, notifying them that some two dozen boxes of original records were not turned over, according to The Washington Post.
Now for the second time, explain to me why he gave NARA documents he was trying to hide. Stop evading this question.
@metal-brain saidNo he was found not guilty because unlike the serial criminal Trump he cooperated fully, handed the stuff back and submitted to an interrogation by DOJ .trump actively secreted documents to try to hang on to them, lied about having them and never submitted to interrogation, always the sign of the guilty
In the report, special counsel Robert Hur wrote, "Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
Not guilty because of senility. Vote for him anyway.
@metal-brain saidLiar
Had Trump not given NARA the classified documents in the first place NARA would not have known he had them.
Now for the second time, explain to me why he gave NARA documents he was trying to hide. Stop evading this question.
@metal-brain saidTrump returned some documents. He didn't return all. That was the problem.
Had Trump not given NARA the classified documents in the first place NARA would not have known he had them.
NARA requested all documents be returned; Trump refused. Hence why he was criminally charged with "willful retention" of classified documents.
@metal-brain saidAccusing is one thing and meaningless unless backed with a court case and a jury
Irrelevant. Tara Reade accused racial jungle Joe of grabbing her pussy. That is sexual assault too.
Why did Trump's accuser wait so many decades to try to get money from him?
Trump ended up in court for calling his victim a liar, then retarded hump did it again.
You need to stop lying, you really do.
@metal-brain saidBiden wasn't found in guilty in court. Trump was.
Irrelevant. Tara Reade accused racial jungle Joe of grabbing her pussy. That is sexual assault too.
@metal-brain saidDo you understand the difference between “present as” something and actually be something.
quote from the report:
"Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
Are you going to argue senility has nothing to do with memory? 😆
No evidence of malicious wrong doing so he twot helped his pal trump as best he could with an outlandish character assassination of trump, you election interference everywhere but where it actually is
The Disgusting Furor Over Biden’s Age by Paul Krugman, NYT's
When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.
I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.
As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.
And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?
So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing.