Been there. Once sailed round Ireland, from Cork, on a 29-foot sailboat. We were greeted at Dingle Bay by the local dolphin! What a thrill that was.
11 Mar 23
I have seen Atlantic dolphins playing in the bow wave of a sailboat, skirting the bow of the boat, dashing under the keel, popping up on the other side of the boat, again and again, literally surfing on the bow wave. Wonderful creatures they are. Probably more intelligent than humans (after all, THEY are not the ones who invented h-bombs!).
-Removed-I remember watching Flipper on tv as a kid. They were good stories: never a bad guy, no violence, but tension nonetheless, and good solutions. The kids' dad never resorted to force to solve problems. Later, I found out the life of the captive dolphin star of the series (actually, a female named Cathy) was pretty rotten. Kinda spoilt the series for me. 😕
11 Mar 23
-Removed-Because they probably speak English or have familial ties in the UK
Are you claiming that they are not heading to the rest of Europe as well, you don’t think France has its own N African migrants to deal with and accommodate.
These channel crossers were heading fo the UK from day one but short of hiring a private plane and learning to parachute heading up through Europe and the French coast is the most obvious route.
The fanatical anti EU act is looking a bit old now dive, even your own party is rethinking its attitude to extreme Brexit and realising that we cannot afford long term to be at odds with the EU just to keep the right wing grunts happy.