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stitching you up

08 Apr 02
17 Jul 06
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Originally posted by Delmer
I think everyone should be required to take a test administered by a qualified instructor. As soon as one can safely achieve orgasm while successfully parallel parking then they can get their sex and driver's license at the same time.
yeah right! There'd be riots trying to get the instructors job! It'd be up there with the guy who's paid to massage Kylie's buttocks befor eshe goes on stage...

Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
17 Jul 06
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18 Apr 04
17 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
I thought the raising of that point was inevitable. I'm going to piss a couple of people off here, but I don't care.

To address the age-similarity point: 28-year-olds (or for that matter, 18-year-olds) don't have alot in common emotionally with 14-year-olds. So if a 28-year-old man's needs are being met by a 14-year-old, he's got problems to beg ...[text shortened]... e screwed, it's just a matter of at what age we get our ticket punched.
Nicely done, SQ. Gets my rec.

stitching you up

08 Apr 02
17 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
I thought the raising of that point was inevitable. I'm going to piss a couple of people off here, but I don't care.

To address the age-similarity point: 28-year-olds (or for that matter, 18-year-olds) don't have alot in common emotionally with 14-year-olds. So if a 28-year-old man's needs are being met by a 14-year-old, he's got problems to beg ...[text shortened]... e screwed, it's just a matter of at what age we get our ticket punched.
sorry to be predictable 😉

I agree that the reason a 28 year old dating a 14 year old doesn't sit right is something to do with their different reasons for wanting the relationship. I might not agree that the only motivation for the 28 year old would be to be dominant, but I think there would have to be something amis in his need ot date such a younger woman. This doesn't however explain why it seems OK to many for a younger guy to sleep with an older woman, which I think does go back to guys supposedly being less emotional about sex.

Nice angle on a young guy who's trying to work out his sexuality being more vulnerable to exploitation than a straight guy. I again don't think this is the a clear cut reason but there seems to be a spark of truth in it.

Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
17 Jul 06
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stitching you up

08 Apr 02
17 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Why tankya Del, and BF, you were not being predictable, I asked myself the question after my previous post. Great minds...now off to Fairmount Park for to ride my bike and ogle female joggers.
over 14 I hope 😉


Earth Prime

16 Mar 05
17 Jul 06
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Lowering the age to 12 may be a step in the right direction in protecting our children, but it won't help it. A 30 year old and a 16 year old, while legal, are still not socially acceptable, and the 16 year old will suffer the same trauma from the "You've been taken advantage of and done something wrong."

The day we start teaching kids and accepting that the only one to make decisions about their body is themselves, not the government is when they stop having life-long trauma associated with encounters with older people. Unfortunately, abuse and coorcian will still happen, but it can happen now with a 16, 18, 20 year old too.

btch plz.

12 Apr 04
18 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
OK, because Remora's reading this thread, I won't answer the way I might have.
I wish you would. Although I'm 15, I believe I could offer a different perspective of this whole issue, since I'm younger and know plenty of children my age who go through issues such as the one at hand. And even though you may have seen the same happening around you as a child, we're a different generation/version of problem children.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
18 Jul 06
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Originally posted by Coconut
Lowering the age to 12 may be a step in the right direction in protecting our children, but it won't help it. A 30 year old and a 16 year old, while legal, are still not socially acceptable, and the 16 year old will suffer the same trauma from the "You've been taken advantage of and done something wrong."

The day we start teaching kids and accepting that ...[text shortened]... abuse and coorcian will still happen, but it can happen now with a 16, 18, 20 year old too.
I imagine that an adult having sex with a 5 year isn't acceptable even by your standards, so the line must be drawn. Where do you draw the line?


Earth Prime

16 Mar 05
18 Jul 06
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Originally posted by Palynka
I imagine that an adult having sex with a 5 year isn't acceptable even by your standards, so the line must be drawn. Where do you draw the line?
The age when the parents let the child go off on his/her own and make his/her own decisions on matters. Usually that is 12 or 13, when a kid is allowed off to bike-ride, go for walks, etc. Should a child be allowed to make such a potentially life-altering decision? Well, they are able to choose to bike in traffic too once that point comes.

Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
18 Jul 06
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Don't Like It Leave

Walking the earth.

13 Oct 04
18 Jul 06
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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Twelve or thirteen. Dude, seriously. I hope you get hit by a truck. Please understand, I don't dislike you. I think you have a sickness that you won't acknowledge, and for the good of the world, it's probably better that you get hit by a truck because you're a monster.
Clearly he is not mature enough to reason it out, remember, he is still a teenager himself, at the end of the teen thing, 'You can't be 20 on Sugar Mountain' so he is desparately trying to hang on to his teen years. Maybe in a couple of years he will rethink this, if he hasn't already abused a 10 or 12 yo already.


23 Sep 05
18 Jul 06
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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Twelve or thirteen. Dude, seriously. I hope you get hit by a truck. Please understand, I don't dislike you. I think you have a sickness that you won't acknowledge, and for the good of the world, it's probably better that you get hit by a truck because you're a monster.
In a sense he makes a point though. This is a big problem. At what age is a person capable of making his/her own mind up about things that can be potentially damaging to his/her self? It's not at all about age if you think about it. It's about maturity. Some kids are very mature about a lot of things as early as 12-13 years old. Not that I think they will be attracted to 18+ year old boys/girls in any other sense than idolry, but they may very well be thinking about it in the dark solitude of their own bedroom. It's a natural part of development after all, looking at those whom are older and immitate them, hoping to be accepted by them.

Then there are those who aren't really mature enough to make any decisions even at 18+. I've met lots of grownups (in a legal sense of the word) whom are so confused that they really can't make heads or tail of anything. In my opinion, it's wrong to use someone (12 or 25) if that person is clearly unable to relate on the same level you are.

Now, if we have an 18+ year old wanting to have a relationship with a 12 year old, instead of calling this someone a sick puppy and advocate a hanging (more or less), perhaps a more constructive thing to do (if we really care) is to try and get to know this person and figure out why (s)he has stopped at that level of development and try to bring the person up to speed somehow. No? Otherwise, I fear that someone who's been stuck behind in sexual maturíty will not have a chance of catching up but will forever be condamned as a sick puppy. That can be a pretty damaging self-image to carry around and in the end it will serve noone any good.

Consider the possibility that Coconut (if he's really having thoughts of this nature) is not at all a sick f*ck but quite reasonable about it. Give him the chance to see for himself that there are rare (if any) cases where a 12-year old will be mature enough to fully understand what it would mean having sexual intercourse with a "grownup" (even though he/she may be physically developed for it). For a 12-year old it would be a sort of idolry and that girl/boy will make much more of it than it could possibly mean for someone aged 18+. Or perhaps not. Perhaps this 18+ year old really do experience the same thing in return, in which case it's a very delicate situation. Still, calling that someone a sick'o isn't going to help a whole lot, is it?

There could be plenty of reasons why someone would think about sex with minors (taboo has always been a luring factor in the history of human sexuality). Also, it could be that someone who's been emotionally hurt and unable to cope with it, remember those younger days as a time when deception was not part of the picture. To a certain extent I can see how someone stopping in his/her emotional development might seek the easy way out. Trying to find someone (s)he thinks won't hurt him/her in the end.

To understand the real cause for something like this is a good step towards dealing with the actual problem instead of just bashing on someone I'd think. This, of course, is just my point of view.

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
18 Jul 06
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To understand the real cause for something like this is a good step towards dealing with the actual problem instead of just bashing on someone I'd think. This, of course, is just my point of view.

And Stocken, as always, is the balanced voice of reason and tolerance in the middle of a world full of witty/funny-wannabe rangers. Gets my rec.

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