01 Aug 22
01 Aug 22
@shallow-blue saidThought you were a dutchman. Last I heard it was hangin in NYC.
I don't need a link. I live here.
01 Aug 22
@wajoma saidYou know nothing. Obviously.
Not socialsim.
And if it were so great why not enforce it in Cambodia or the Philippines? Because the great conditions come at a cost that they cannot afford.
As for 5 weeks vacation and x hours a week, all good so long as people have choice free from goobermint coercion (economic freedom). Best move I ever made was from being a wage sheep to an independent contractor, here are the conditions:
Work one hour get paid one hour.
@averagejoe1 saidI suspect you are too principled for this, but have you ever considered joining the ranks of the Champagne Socialists? π
Zahlanzi ‘feels free’ having his stuff all paid for. Would you fellers ‘feel free’ having college, or anything, paid for? Being property of state? Plantation owners paid for food, room and board of their property, the slaves.
Oh, Zahlanzi…..
I do get what you say about having something completely paid for by someone else, and wondering if there is some unspoken "now you owe me/us" attached -- kind of like a generous "gift" from a mob boss.
Another thing coming up in our probability cloud is that A.I.s -- or self-described "benevolent" A.I.-assisted tech busybodies -- might begin the automatic redistribution of wealth and resources "for the greatest good of the greatest number" without anyone getting to vote on it.
To prep for that in advance, GPT-4 textbots might soften us up to receive the economic transition favorably with a subtle, well-calculated media campaign, informed by thorough modelling of the toxic ectoplasm that can be found in the comments section beneath most news articles of the present day.
01 Aug 22
@kevin-eleven saidUnfamiliar with the phrase Champagne Socialist, saw def that it is one who identifies himself as left wing, but lives in luxury? I may have a nice life style, as a reward of hard work, but why would you say I might be left wing???
I suspect you are too principled for this, but have you ever considered joining the ranks of the Champagne Socialists? π
I do get what you say about having something completely paid for by someone else, and wondering if there is some unspoken "now you owe me/us" attached -- kind of like a generous "gift" from a mob boss.
Another thing coming up in our probability ...[text shortened]... c ectoplasm that can be found in the comments section beneath most news articles of the present day.
Don't get you there.
Nor do I mean what you suggest in 2nd para, that the parasite dependent on government would owe something back to the benefactor-marx authorities. You attempt to overstate my simple comment that Zahlanzi is on the govt dole. That is all that I am saying,,,,that he feeds off the government, lacks self reliance, he has all the trappings of Marx, et al, like Marauder does.
Have you ever noticed how all posts show how libs talk about other people's money, about government, about paid vacations, free college, free healthcare, getting money from citizens and getting it to other citizens. They discuss everything outside of their personal is like they need other people to key off of, dont you know?? That, conservatives are not about any of those things? So tell me, which group would feel better to be a part of?
01 Aug 22
@averagejoe1 saidCalm down, Sparky -- I don't believe I have.
Unfamiliar with the phrase Champagne Socialist, saw def that it is one who identifies himself as left wing, but lives in luxury? I may have a nice life style, as a reward of hard work, but why would you say I might be left wing???
@averagejoe1 saidSo your main objection is that you might disapprove of the choices other people make and the local opportunities they might take advantage of, rather than the possibility that there might be a price to pay (other than your disapproval, of course)?
Nor do I mean what you suggest in 2nd para, that the parasite dependent on government would owe something back to the benefactor-marx authorities. You attempt to overstate my simple comment that Zahlanzi is on the govt dole. That is all that I am saying,,,,that he feeds off the government, lacks self reliance, he has all the trappings of Marx, et al, like Marauder does.
@averagejoe1 saidNo, because I don't camp out on the fringes of the RHP Debates Forum, nor do I wake up each day avid to seek out some new thing to take offense at.
Have you ever noticed how all posts show how libs talk about other people's money, about government, about paid vacations, free college, free healthcare, getting money from citizens and getting it to other citizens. They discuss everything outside of their personal is like they need other people to key off of, dont you know?? That, conservatives are not about any of those things? So tell me, which group would feel better to be a part of?
Also, why have you reduced this to a binary choice? One of your little rhetorical tricks?
And if you say "libs" then why shouldn't I say "cons"?
02 Aug 22
@kevin-eleven saidYou applied the def of Champagne Socialist to me, which def says a person who pretends to be a (loser) left winger.
Calm down, Sparky -- I don't believe I have.
So, you did.
You, Marauder and Soothfast are having a rough night.
02 Aug 22
I think it is worth noting that it is difficult to have both. Any time a huge amount of power is ceded to the government, it can result in taking away the freedom of individuals.
It is also the case that European defense budgets clearly aren't what they should be if you are paying attention to the Ukraine situation, lol. it has been quite easy to enjoy the fruits of a lot of socialism while leaning heavily on the US military.
02 Aug 22
@kevin-eleven saidCertainly, shorten conservatives to ‘cons’ para for paragraph, W for will, B for be. Such as that.
No, because I don't camp out on the fringes of the RHP Debates Forum, nor do I wake up each day avid to seek out some new thing to take offense at.
Also, why have you reduced this to a binary choice? One of your little rhetorical tricks?
And if you say "libs" then why shouldn't I say "cons"?
One need not ‘camp out’ when, after reading posts for a year, they would naturally come to conclude that libs do indeed fixate themselves on the aforementioned subjects. Other people, govt, free stuff, the rich, free healthcare, free tuition, govt, govt again…..
You know what I mean.
@philokalia saidThankyou for this post. These Ninnie liberals never listen to me.
I think it is worth noting that it is difficult to have both. Any time a huge amount of power is ceded to the government, it can result in taking away the freedom of individuals.
It is also the case that European defense budgets clearly aren't what they should be if you are paying attention to the Ukraine situation, lol. it has been quite easy to enjoy the fruits of a lot of socialism while leaning heavily on the US military.
02 Aug 22
@kevin-eleven saidI do not disapprove of choices people make, as long as their choices do not affect me in any way. Freedom, man. Go for it.
So your main objection is that you might disapprove of the choices other people make and the local opportunities they might take advantage of, rather than the possibility that there might be a price to pay (other than your disapproval, of course)?
And I would disapprove of local opportunities they might take advantage of?? Say whaaat?
You, Soothfast, Marauder et al are all having a rough posting night.
02 Aug 22
@averagejoe1 saidDennys called,... you can keep the words, but they want their salad back.
Certainly, shorten conservatives to ‘cons’ para for paragraph, W for will, B for be. Such as that.
One need not ‘camp out’ when, after reading posts for a year, they would naturally come to conclude that libs do indeed fixate themselves on the aforementioned subjects. Other people, govt, free stuff, the rich, free healthcare, free tuition, govt, govt again…..
You know what I mean.
02 Aug 22
@averagejoe1 saidNo joe nothing you’ve ever said has ever made me think because you don’t think before you say it. You just let a stream of utter nonsense cascade out of your fingers and onto a keyboard.
No, socialism to me is the end of Freedom. You fellers who use corporate products everyday, and could not live without them, can only defend your position by saying the corps 'poison water'. zzzzzzzzzzz. So, you say the corporations should not be free. You also, of course, say that I should not be free.
The capitalists take it all??? If they have it all, how can ...[text shortened]... Will you be able to buy that 2nd home at the lake, kids go swimming? Makes you think, doesn't it.
Having environmental regulations pertaining to the activities of individuals or corporations is not an attack on freedom anymore than any other laws for which there are consequences associated with breaking them.
BTW joe no one with half a brain believes you to be successful in any way shape or form so framing your detractors as jealous is just another stupid comment on your part.
Some of us believe strongly in socioeconomic justice and that a big part of a politicians job is to protect their constituents from the the worst exploitative practices of individuals and corporations.
You believe that corporations are above the law especially if they are lining the pockets of your favourite politicians.