@earl-of-trumps saida beating heart is not a " gooey mess".
Better yet, does the gooey mess have DNA?? Is it human??
Good lord, they can even tell you the gender. Ever hear of a "Gender Reveal" party?
@averagejoe1 saidWhen it was born.
It’s ok, Kev. Just as long as I was helpful in apprising everyone here that babies are babies before they are born.
I recall that last year, everyone was having so much trouble with that, using deriding words like zygote, and gooey mess. Yeeaaahh, you prob remember that.
So, we will let you tell us when your gooey mess qualified as a baby.?..
Read a dictionary.
@averagejoe1 saidNo babies are being killed.
Actually, the goal is to save babies from a savage death. Some people think it is ok to savage a defenseless baby. I think Amy Barrett, who has nine of them, should help our cause.
They are fetuses. Now I can excuse you wanting to call them babies so that you can get stupid people saying "I want to save babies" on your side, but for everyone's sake, call them what they are, and not what you wish them to be.
@mott-the-hoople saidWell try taking a six week old feutus out the womb and see what your left with.
a beating heart is not a " gooey mess".
@averagejoe1 saidTheir not babies unless you want a baby or you like to control women and restrict their life chances due to engrained misogyny.
It’s ok, Kev. Just as long as I was helpful in apprising everyone here that babies are babies before they are born.
I recall that last year, everyone was having so much trouble with that, using deriding words like zygote, and gooey mess. Yeeaaahh, you prob remember that.
So, we will let you tell us when your gooey mess qualified as a baby.?..
They are foetuses and six week old foetuses are a long way from a viable human being.
A six week law is contemptible and I hope it at least highlights for the younger generation how disgustingly misogynistic fundamentalist Christians are.
@averagejoe1 saidLike what you do?😂
Read how to speak good grammar, that one might understand your sentences.
@suzianne saidMaybe YOU can tell us at what point your ‘mess’ becomes a baby.???
No babies are being killed.
They are fetuses. Now I can excuse you wanting to call them babies so that you can get stupid people saying "I want to save babies" on your side, but for everyone's sake, call them what they are, and not what you wish them to be.
Shouldn’t you be marching somewhere? Certainly your ranting is being missed.
Curious......could you please tell us if you have ever used something which belonged to someone else? Accepted and spent money that was owned/earned by someone else? It would help in understanding your posts.
When an unborn can be considered human or not is irrelevant. No matter what stage of development it's in, it is indeed a human life, rapidly developing and growing. Abortion is the killing of a human life.
But the right to an abortion can't be infringed. A woman shouldn't be forced to bring to term a baby she didn't want or didn't plan on. Rape, accidents, birth control failures, the health of the mother, etc.; all of these are realities which make the killing of the unborn, unfortunately, a necessity.
The list of social consequences are endless if abortion is struck down: children raised by parents who are unable to take care of them, a rise in parentless children in foster homes, which will inevitably result in higher crimes rates; all that, in addition to the fact that it's immoral to force a woman to keep a pregnancy she didn't want in the first place.