Originally posted by RBHILLSo God wants Satan to be the Prince of this world, hmmmm.
If you read your Bible it talk about Satan being the Prence of this world. That is way if you do worldly things against God you sin.
Yes, God know that Satan would sin against Him but He still probably loved him enough to create him. Our souls life forever God is a Holy God and can't be around sin.
The Bible also talks about a man called Noah and a Great Flood which was exposed as a stolen or borrowed myth from Babylonia way back in 1890. The story (myth) is actually about several Gods who decide to exterminate the human race and one "good" God who tells a man and saves the human race.
Your statement that God 'probably loved him' when talking about Satan is most unusual when spoken from a professed Christian. Didn't Jesus say to Love your enemies and do good to those who harm you??? So God definitely loves Satan.
Funny how all these "professed Christians" supported Bush, who is waging a war of vengeance against "those who harmed you". Taking Christianity as it is professed (in theory) means that all war is contrary to the teachings of Jesus and thus not Christian. You can attempt to justify and blame others for this "war on terrorism" but one fact remains: Christians are required to "Love your enemies" and "to do good to those who harm you" and "if a man strikes you on the right cheek, offer him the left". Conclusion: Anyone who supports war is clearly not a Christian. Pharisees Rule!!!
In Love there is Life
Originally posted by RBHILLSounds like you are interpretting a rather literal phrase to your own liking.
You are right because money, drugs, any addictions are concidered other God's.
The Bible says that there are other gods, such as Baal. Calling money, drugs
and addictions 'gods' is interpretative.
Certainly if you believe that there was an Adam and an Eve, then you are
obligated to believe that there are other gods.
Originally posted by nemesio
Sounds like you are interpretting a rather literal phrase to your own liking.
The Bible says that there are other gods, such as Baal. Calling money, drugs
and addictions 'gods' is interpretative.
Certainly if you believe that there was an Adam and an Eve, then you are
obligated to believe that there are other gods.
Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
Originally posted by caissad4Isaiah 40:23
So God wants Satan to be the Prince of this world, hmmmm.
The Bible also talks about a man called Noah and a Great Flood which was exposed as a stolen or borrowed myth from Babylonia way back in 1890. The story (myth) is actually about several Gods who decide to exterminate the human race and one "good" God who tells a man and saves the human race.
Your ...[text shortened]... who supports war is clearly not a Christian. Pharisees Rule!!!
In Love there is Life
He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.
John 12:31
Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.
John 14:30
I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me,
John 16:11
and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.
When Adam sinned he went against God and listened to Satan so God gave the Earth to Satan.
God is making a better place for the ones that He saves in another world.
Originally posted by caissad4Look I know you are not Christian and so you wouldn't understand.
So God wants Satan to be the Prince of this world, hmmmm.
The Bible also talks about a man called Noah and a Great Flood which was exposed as a stolen or borrowed myth from Babylonia way back in 1890. The story (myth) is actually about several Gods who decide to exterminate the human race and one "good" God who tells a man and saves the human race.
Your ...[text shortened]... who supports war is clearly not a Christian. Pharisees Rule!!!
In Love there is Life
Christians are not perfect just forgiven.
Originally posted by caissad4God did not what him to rule the world but what could He do when Adam listened to Satan.
So God wants Satan to be the Prince of this world, hmmmm.
The Bible also talks about a man called Noah and a Great Flood which was exposed as a stolen or borrowed myth from Babylonia way back in 1890. The story (myth) is actually about several Gods who decide to exterminate the human race and one "good" God who tells a man and saves the human race.
Your ...[text shortened]... who supports war is clearly not a Christian. Pharisees Rule!!!
In Love there is Life
Q: I know God is supposed to love everyone, but is there anything or anyone that He actually hates (other than the devil)? Or can we know? — F.R.
A: Dear F.R.,
You're right when you say God is a loving God—and the reason is because love is part of His nature or character. The Bible says, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:8).
But you're also right when you say God hates the devil—and that will give you a clue about what else He hates. To put it simply, the one thing God hates is sin. Sin can take many forms, from the most degrading habit to the most refined form of pride. But whatever form it takes, God hates sin. The Bible says, "Again and again I sent my servants the prophets, who said, 'Do not do this detestable thing that I hate!'" (Jeremiah 44:4).
Why does God hate sin? God hates sin because it is rebellion—rebellion against Him and His glory. He hates sin because He is righteous and absolutely pure. Most of all, He hates sin because of what it does to His creation—especially us. God loves us, and He despises the way sin corrupts us and hurts us.
But God's hate is not like our hate. God's hate isn't a raw emotion, or something vicious and hurtful. Yes, God hates sin—but He loves the sinner. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son into the world to die for our sins. The Bible says, "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). Have you put your faith and trust in Christ? Don't let sin rule over you any longer, but give your life to Him today.
Originally posted by RBHILLSo? Is money a god? No. The Bible never says that money
Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
is a god, just something which takes your focus away from
Him. However, it is 100% unambigious that Baal is a god.
He may be a 'false' god as far as the Judeo-Christian populace
is concerned -- impotent to interact with the world like the
'One True God' -- but he is most clearly labeled as a god.
There can be no argument about this, unless you don't take
the Bible literally. 😲😲😲😲
Originally posted by nemesioTaking your mind off God is a sin.
So? Is money a god? No. The Bible never says that money
is a god, just something which takes your focus away from
Him. However, it is 100% unambigious that Baal is a god.
He may be a 'false' god as far as the Judeo-Christian populace
is concerned -- impotent to interact with the world like the
'One True God' -- but he is most clearly labeled ...[text shortened]... can be no argument about this, unless you don't take
the Bible literally. 😲😲😲😲
He is a jealous God and whats you to worship Him, Your can praise God for the money He gives you and you can give some back to Him to help advance His Kingdom.
Q: Why do Christians keep claiming that they alone have the truth about God? What is true for you isn't necessarily true for someone else. It just depends on the way we each look at things. The whole idea of "truth" is out of date, in my view. — W.S.
A: Dear W.S.,
Do you really believe there is no such thing as truth? To be honest, I doubt it. We all believe some things are truth and some things are false. Our experience proves it, and our lives depend on it.
For example, have you ever realized how many times you act in a certain way because you believe something is true? You'd never drink from a bottle that was marked "poison"; you know it might kill you. Poison is always dangerous, and you avoid it because you know this is true. In other words, you act in a certain way because you believe in truth—the truth that poison kills.
What does this have to do with God? Simply this: God is the source of all truth—and He has revealed the truth about Himself to us. Christians believe God did this in a way that staggers our imagination: He became a human being. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus Christ, for He was God in human flesh! As the Bible says, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory" (John 1:14).
This is why I invite you to look at Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the pages of the Gospels. When you do, you will realize how much God loves you and why Jesus alone could say, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
Q: I suppose you get tired of hearing people like me say they don't want anything to do with Christianity because the church is full of hypocrites—but it's true. They might not murder or steal, but in my experience they're just as greedy or stuck up as the next person, and that's also wrong, isn't it? — Z.K.
A: Dear Z.K.,
Yes, of course it's wrong. Greed or pride is just as wrong in God's eyes as any other sin, and the Bible certainly warns us to avoid them.
But let me ask you a question: Who in the Bible spoke out the strongest against greed or pride (or any other sin)? The answer is Jesus—and when someone claims to be a follower of Christ and yet allows greed or pride to control them, then they're not following Jesus' clear teaching.
In fact, some of Jesus' strongest words were spoken against those who claimed to believe in God but didn't follow God's law—in other words, those who were hypocrites. He compared them to "whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones" (Matthew 23:27). What an indictment!
My point is this: DONT REJECT Christ because of the failures of a few who claim to be His followers. Not all Christians are like this—not at all. (And even when we Christians fail, God still loves us and wants to help us become more like Christ.) Instead, realize your own need of Christ, and by faith commit your life to Him. He can change your life for the better—just as He has for millions of others across the centuries.
Originally posted by RBHILLYou are redirecting the argument. You made the claim that there
Taking your mind off God is a sin.
He is a jealous God and whats you to worship Him, Your can praise God for the money He gives you and you can give some back to Him to help advance His Kingdom.
are no other gods. The Bible specifically speaks to other gods.
Either you believe the Bible literally, or you don't.
Originally posted by nemesioIn the book of Ex. he say that He is the only God you should have.
You are redirecting the argument. You made the claim that there
are no other gods. The Bible specifically speaks to other gods.
Either you believe the Bible literally, or you don't.
Yes there are other God's they are dead God's.
Jesus is the only living one because he rose from the DEAD!
Originally posted by RBHILLSo, did these other Gods die of old age or was there some great Battle of the Gods which was accidently omitted from the Old Testament? Like Norse Gods.
In the book of Ex. he say that He is the only God you should have.
Yes there are other God's they are dead God's.
Jesus is the only living one because he rose from the DEAD!
I am certain that if your God defeated the other Gods it would have been documented somewhere. Like the Star Wars Trilogy (Luke, I am your father)
Jesus, by his own words, (Father why have you forsaken me) is Gods' son, not the only living God. Unless he suffered from some delusion where he believed himself to be his own father.
At least we have established that Christians are Polytheists, not the Monotheists which they have pretended to be.
A Polytheist believes (not necessarily worships) that there is more than one God and you have clearly stated that you believe many Gods have existed.
Blind faith is just that; blind.
In Love there is Life