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The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible


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Originally posted by royalchicken
Ivanhoe, can you clarify, so that we know what you're saying?

No games please.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

No games please.
You can't just tell him he's full of crap and then not explain your reasoning. That's pretty disrespectful.

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Originally posted by darvlay
You can't just tell him he's full of crap and then not explain your reasoning. That's pretty disrespectful.
You can and MUST if you have no reasoning. And since Ivanhoe likes to call people "Nazis""Scum" and various shades of "Trash", he's not tooooooo concerned over the respect thing.

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Originally posted by Siversmith
God did create Satan, and I'm sure God loved him way back then when Satan(Lucifer) was still the chief musician in heaven. But Satan rebelled and so God turned on him ansd threw Him out of heaven. (Satan being the chief musicain makes it clear why he leads so many young people astray with music.)
And no, Satan doesn't act within the will of God. Satan ...[text shortened]... but He gave man a free chioce to accept or reject that salvation. So not everyone will be saved.
So God did not know what Satan would do? Your God is not all-knowing apparently. And your Gods' love is conditional since he has changed his love of Satan. Satan cannot lead young people astray since you say there is choice. That is just an attempt to blame someone else for your actions.
Since Satan does not act within the will of God then the Book of Rev is not the word of God (I don't think it is).
In the early days of the Christian church universal salvation was the predominant belief. That way, at least, those born in Central America in 35AD were not "condemned to eternal damnation" solely because they had not been "saved".
There lacks sufficient evidence to state that Satan and Lucifer are the same God. The name Lucifer means "bearer of light". Satan means "adversary". Unless you Christians believe that an adversary is the same as a bearer of light,lol.
The Book of Job clearly shows Satan and God conversing (even conspiring) to create pain and misery just to prove "Gods' point". Your God looks evil in the Book of Job. Maybe that was when Satan got God to listen to his "devil music",lol. Also, I thought your God would not "allow evil in his presence".
If you believe that your God is all-knowing then God would know all choices and results before he creates anyone or anything, so, to God, we are choiceless.
Either your God is not all-knowing and all-powerful or your logic is flawed.
I know the concept of choice evades most people but let me try to explain:
A researcher places a subject in a maze and observes the subject. The subject feels and is certain that it is making choices and those choices are important to the subject reaching the end of the maze. But to the researcher it is already known where the subject will exit the maze. The subject is making choices (subjects' perspective) but the researcher knows it is just a matter of time (researchers' perspective). To one it is about choice, to the other it is a question of time. Same event, different perspectives.
If your God is all-knowing then God deliberately creates people in order to make them suffer eternal damnation, knowing this before he even creates them.
It is particularly difficult to question ones' beliefs as ones' age progresses but it is necessary in order to grow spiritually.
In Love there is Life

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
You still don't know what you're doing.
Well, since I've explained what I am doing and you've
rejected the explanation, then I guess you are right. I
don't know what I am doing. It would seem that other
people don't know either.

Would you be so kind as to enlighten me/us as to what
I am doing? I am genuinely curious about what you think
since you've rejected my clear explanation above.


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Is RB Hill still around? "Cuz I have this question about a part of the Bible that always bugged me. It's from Exodus 21:20-21 and God is laying down the laws the Israelites have to live by and he says this:

"When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. 21 But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be punished; for the slave is his money.

Could you explain that one to me? What difference does it make if the slave dies under his hand or survives a day or two; it's still the massa's "money", right? And as the Bible is literal truth, God must have actually said this. So he was okay with A) Having slaves and B) Beating them to death so long as they didn't die right away. Right?

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Seeing as most of the books were written hundreds of years after the main event, I've decided I'm going to join the fun and write a new Gospel! Hallelujah!

I'm going impart-a all-a my wisdom-s upon the masses. Like if you ever-a sample a scratch and sniff-a marketing tool from a magazine, never put-a your-a finger to your-a nose-a and utter the words-a : 'Smells like poo to me'

Anybody else got some nuggets that I can include?


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Knowing thy sheep is blessed, for the Lord is a shepherd and blesses all his flock.

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