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The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible


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Originally posted by stoker
oh yes you are, there is only one god, man makes gods of wood and stone and calls them gods, but this is what satan wants, only one god the god of abraham, issac, mosses and jesus the one living god,
what about Allah? He's a God too. Same with Michael Landon.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You don't need to know all the Bible.
If you are 100 years old and dying in bed and never read the Bible and someone tells you that you need Jesus and you accept Him into your life He WILL SAVE YOU.
that is for god to decide, but if you mean god will forgive evan at the moment of death then yes, but i restate man canot forgive sins only god who judges mans heart will be the judge.

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Originally posted by stoker
oh yes you are, there is only one god, man makes gods of wood and stone and calls them gods, but this is what satan wants, only one god the god of abraham, issac, mosses and jesus the one living god,
Well, then the Bible lies, because it calls Baal a god.
And the first commandment says 'Thou shalt have no
other gods besides me,' not 'Thou shalt accept that there
are no other gods besides me.'


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Originally posted by nemesio
Well, then the Bible lies, because it calls Baal a god.
And the first commandment says 'Thou shalt have no
other gods besides me,' not 'Thou shalt accept that there
are no other gods besides me.'


I wonder whether you actually know what you are doing in this thread, Nemesio.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

I wonder whether you actually know what you are doing in this thread, Nemesio.
I agree, either discuss LSD or discuss nothing! 😠

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Originally posted by darvlay
I agree, either discuss LSD or discuss nothing! 😠
it think the author's of the bible must have been using. there's some pretty far fetched stuff in there.

maybe it was just sensationalist to boost sales - if that was the plan it worked.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

I wonder whether you actually know what you are doing in this thread, Nemesio.
LMAO! This sounds like personal attack to me! And one that is grossly unfounded at that. Let the N count start rising!


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
I wonder whether you actually know what you are doing in this thread, Nemesio.
This seems to be another occasion where Ivanhoian Confusion has
made obscure a rather simple point.

The Bible makes clear that there are other gods besides the one
referred to as 'The One True God.'

RBHill and others, who claim to take the Bible literally, would like
it to be otherwise. However, the Bible is explicitly clear on this

So, you can either 'interpret' the Bible or take it literally. I don't
have an inherent objection to either stance. I do, however, have
an objection to people claiming to take the Bible literally except for
the parts they don't like.

Are you clear what I am doing in this thread now?


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Originally posted by Kribz
LMAO! This sounds like personal attack to me! And one that is grossly unfounded at that. Let the N count start rising!

Well, his comment can be taken one of several ways:

1) Nemesio doesn't know anything about the Bible; that is,
he doesn't know what he is doing.

2) Nemesio doesn't know how what he is saying impacts
the people in this thread; that is, he doesn't know that
what he is doing is affect others.

3) Ivanhoe doesn't understand what Nemesio is doing.

4) Ivanhoe has joined the WolfPack and is insulting Nemesio.

I prefer to reserve judgement at this time, given that Ivanhoe
has not (to my knowledge) every insulted me in such a manner
as #4 above.


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Originally posted by caissad4
Let us apply some logic here:
1. If God is all-knowing and omnipotent then even before the existence of Satan he knew what Satan would do even unto the end of time.
2. In fact, God would be the active force which created Satan.
3. So, Satan is the result of the creative energy of God. That is if you believe that at some point in time there existed God an ...[text shortened]... ical concept of selective salvation which is spewed out today.

In Love there is Life
God did create Satan, and I'm sure God loved him way back then when Satan(Lucifer) was still the chief musician in heaven. But Satan rebelled and so God turned on him ansd threw Him out of heaven. (Satan being the chief musicain makes it clear why he leads so many young people astray with music.)
And no, Satan doesn't act within the will of God. Satan is sin and God abhors it. But God being all-powerfull uses Satan and his works for good.
Then point 9. God did come into this world to save every sinner, but He gave man a free chioce to accept or reject that salvation. So not everyone will be saved.

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Originally posted by caissad4
So God wants Satan to be the Prince of this world, hmmmm.
The Bible also talks about a man called Noah and a Great Flood which was exposed as a stolen or borrowed myth from Babylonia way back in 1890. The story (myth) is actually about several Gods who decide to exterminate the human race and one "good" God who tells a man and saves the human race.
Your ...[text shortened]... who supports war is clearly not a Christian. Pharisees Rule!!!
In Love there is Life
Don't only use some of Jesus's words and leave out the rest to suit your comfort zone. Jesus also said that He came to bring the sword and not peace. Again that must be used in context.
Also, God appointed the state to keep peace and order. If the state thinks it in the best interest to war terrorists then they only do the job God gave them. You do not love someone by grinning and bearing and allowing the person to continue in His evil ways.

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Originally posted by nemesio
Sounds like you are interpretting a rather literal phrase to your own liking.
The Bible says that there are other gods, such as Baal. Calling money, drugs
and addictions 'gods' is interpretative.

Certainly if you believe that there was an Adam and an Eve, then you are
obligated to believe that there are other gods.

Those gods that you talk about (like Baal) are man appointed or man made Gods. A concept formed by man of what God must be like. God does say that there are no other Gods beside Him. Anything in a persons life that takes the place of God becomes that persons god. Usually it is the self.

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Originally posted by Siversmith

Also, God appointed the state to keep peace and order. If the state thinks it in the best interest to war terrorists then they only do the job God gave them. You do not love someone by grinning and bearing and allowing the person to continue in His evil ways.
Hmm . . . so I guess German Protestants and Catholics were just obeying God when most of them supported their Fuhrer while trainloads of Jewish people, atheists, homosexuals, and political opposition opponents were sent to their agonizing deaths in camps. After all it was the state's position that these individuals were a threat to Germany.

Listen to your words again in the above context and think if you should qualify your statement a bit. Specifically, think if there are cases where xtians should hold their gov't accountable to exercise it's "God-given" power appropriately.

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Originally posted by nemesio
This seems to be another occasion where Ivanhoian Confusion has
made obscure a rather simple point.

The Bible makes clear that there are other gods besides the one
referred to as 'The One True God.'

RBHill and others, who claim to take the Bible literally, would like
it to be otherwise. However, the Bible is explicitly clear on this
...[text shortened]... for
the parts they don't like.

Are you clear what I am doing in this thread now?


You still don't know what you're doing.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

You still don't know what you're doing.
Ivanhoe, can you clarify, so that we know what you're saying?

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