@Cliff-Mashburn saidIt could be that he was lurking the Forum Debates, read some of SHouse rants , and, was taken in!!!
It's not "he didn't like Trump one day and he changed his mind the next." It's what he thought in 2016 before Trump became president and he changed his mind after seeing the kind of president Trump was during his four years.
The way you people lie is disgusting.
Ahh, but then he read some AvJoe, and was snowed!!!!!!!!!! He saw Joe's question,,,,,,why have they hated him and why the witch hunt......for nothing.
If you hear Vance use my reference to you people, hyenas, know it came from me!
@sonhouse saidPeople flip many times over several things, my father-in-law was a die hard Atheist and became a devout Christian in his 80’s. You think we can not go from believing the non stop hate all things Trump to start to believe he just a human like everyone else instead of a monster?
What exactly are we supposed to think when one day Vance says Trump is not worthy to be POTUS and now Trump is the best POTUS in US history?
What would YOU call a flip that severe?
@AverageJoe1 saidDo you understand how Roosevelt's New Deal worked?
So, college is free? How do the professors raise a family with a wonderful home, and take skiing vacations each year, maybe a few cruises, and save for retirement. Save? What do they have to save, ....if college is free, they are not. being paid.
I am missing something. If they come so cheap, they can hardly be qualified to teach physics, etc.
What is the catch?
@AverageJoe1 saidMore like he saw how he could get elected by the same fools who voted for Trump.
It could be that he was lurking the Forum Debates, read some of SHouse rants , and, was taken in!!!
Ahh, but then he read some AvJoe, and was snowed!!!!!!!!!! He saw Joe's question,,,,,,why have they hated him and why the witch hunt......for nothing.
If you hear Vance use my reference to you people, hyenas, know it came from me!
@Suzianne saidHere is a brain teaser for you...
More like he saw how he could get elected by the same fools who voted for Trump.
Why does 50% of our country like Donald Trump for president? (Note I said for president, that is the question....as I know you libs get real personal)
@Suzianne saidRoosevelt?
Do you understand how Roosevelt's New Deal worked?
So anyway, yeah, I know it was a smart ass post, the type that you are most familiar with. But I think you want me to work hard and be productive, and then you and AOC want to hit me up, with my large nest egg meant to give to my children when I die, for money to pay for those professors to be paid to teach YOUR children, while you and Shav work just enough to get by as you send your children to a college that I pay for.
If you were an adult, your post above would have said..."Average Joe, I want people with money to send it to the government to fund the colleges so that children that I cannot afford can get a college education so that they can be successful and take care of me in my old age."
When all of this happens, does any such benefit flow to me?.....Oh, and to My children???
A bonus point: You might say Joe, your children will get that same free education. No, no, not THAT education. If you parasites leave me with any money, I will use it to hire private professors to come to my home and educate my children. Not the dependents that you call professors, who will be losers in the professor world.
@AverageJoe1 saidThe hate is so badly directed at Trump, that someone was complaining on TV that the Republican convention was trying to humanize Trump, and they said they couldn't allow that.
Here is a brain teaser for you...
Why does 50% of our country like Donald Trump for president? (Note I said for president, that is the question....as I know you libs get real personal)
Imagine that they refuse to look at him as a human, they need to dehumanize Trump, to justify themselves he has to be thought of as some monster because they hate him so.
It is a common trait in humans that when we start to hate someone and begin acting out that hate we have to to paint them as evil, the more evil things are done to someone else the greater the hate required to it a vicious cycle that will spiral towards a gruesome end. Grace and love are the answer, but if hate consumes someone they want nothing to do with grace and love directed at the ones hated, someone calling themselves Christian that should be a HUGE red flag they are not walking in the Spirit but their flesh.
Because they don't know Trump is playing a part in a role, an ACTOR playing a POTUS on TV but for real. The ONLY reason Trump wants in again is to kill all the charges against him AND to get personal power, not interested at all in actual policy. 'I will be YOUR retribution', remember that? How many other US Presidents have EVER said that? Or made PUBLIC threats against individuals, I guess all of that is just fine with you, proves how much of a MAN he is.
Excuse me, I have to puke now.
The fact he flipped is not in dispute. You are suggesting he saw the way Trump handled his presidency and approved. Which may be right but you of course know Vance is if anything further right than Trump himself so that is not exactly a great endorsement. For instance, his mentor Theil said the country started going downhill when woman got the right to vote and you know full well when a dude passes you 15 MILLION for your senate campaign you are going to take on some of Thiel's POV, and Vance worked directly under Thiel also so you know they have much the same outlook on everything.
In other words, distract AGAIN, refusing to actually deal with what I actually wrote.
@sonhouse saidbetter start teaching your women folk some moral values
The fact he flipped is not in dispute. You are suggesting he saw the way Trump handled his presidency and approved. Which may be right but you of course know Vance is if anything further right than Trump himself so that is not exactly a great endorsement. For instance, his mentor Theil said the country started going downhill when woman got the right to vote ...[text shortened]... nd Vance worked directly under Thiel also so you know they have much the same outlook on everything.
In other words you totally agree with the idea women should never have been given the right to vote. Who the FUUKK cares if in a democracy 50% of the population can't vote. Well more than that since gerrymandering would take out at least 10% of the leftover if women lost the right to vote.
Yep, that would make for a PERFECT democracy in your twisted so called mind.
There is a HUGE difference between hate and truth.
Are you actually denying those folks flipped? Of course having NOTHING to do with hanging on the coattail of Trump, be part of his world by swearing loyalty to Trump. Are you denying that is also reality?
Did you forget what happened to Comey?
Trump DEMANDED personal loyalty of the former FBI head.
Comey said 'my loyalty is to the constitution' unquote, and 3 days later he was fired. In your mind, total coincidence.
Now think of the idea of firing 50,000 federal workers who actually are experts in their particular job and inserting idiots with no experience in the job just opened up but the only job requirement being 100% swearing loyalty to Trump and Trump alone.
Or making the FBI a personal part of Trump world to be used as a weapon against his opponents.
I guess ALL of that is fine with you.
Apparently you hate the present government so much you would ok an actual dictatorship to what we have now and all the loss of personal freedoms we have now which will be out the window if Trump wins.
This is NOT hate. This is the coming REALITY if Trump wins.
And you will NOT like the result no matter how much you hate the present US govenment.
@sonhouse saidYou write like no one ever changes. Joe Scarborough was a diehard repub and is now as bad as you liberals, he runs MSNBC. Does this negate the points you are making, or can you go big boy and say, yeah, I like ole Scarborough ok, I guess it was OK for a man to change. So if he changes, can JD change? Have you ever answered a question in your life on the Forum? No because all questions to liberals are regarded as trick questions. You have to say it was OK for Scarborough to change, so then it follows that JD Vance could change....or or or or or or, you have to say it was NOT Ok for Scarborough to change his opinions. You gonna say that, fella? Say one, or or or, do your usual...don't answer.
The fact he flipped is not in dispute. You are suggesting he saw the way Trump handled his presidency and approved. Which may be right but you of course know Vance is if anything further right than Trump himself so that is not exactly a great endorsement. For instance, his mentor Theil said the country started going downhill when woman got the right to vote ...[text shortened]... nd Vance worked directly under Thiel also so you know they have much the same outlook on everything.
Sincerely, Bird Dog!!
Tough for you one-track liberal hyenas.