@Suzianne saidI'm all for welcoming the "tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free" as long as they can demonstrate that they're willing and able to contribute to our culture and economy and become part of the fabric of the society. I truly don't give damn what color they are.
How about a gigantic moat? You know, with alligators and maybe a dragon or two?
Talking with Republicans is like talking to five-year-olds.
Until they start in with "brown people are baaaaaaad... we need to keep them out"...
Whatever happened to the words printed at the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe f ...[text shortened]... mp beside the golden door!"
You should replace those words with your own, saying "Beat it, scum!"
But allowing people into the country who have no intention or ability to integrate into our society and are likely to foment resistance and divisiveness or serve as a fifth column for some foreign entity or set of values, is plain cultural suicide and is irrational behavior for any country.
@Cliff-Mashburn saidYou do understand the purpose of Amendments, yeah?
Nice poem.
Where in our constitution does it say that?
They are for convincing fools like you that other concepts are worth following, too.
The Constitution is meant to be the FIRST word, not the LAST word. Guiding principles, not something to be hamstrung by. It's for recognizing rights, not eliminating them.
People like Emma Lazurus understand what America should be about -- what it USED to be about.
Where is slavery in the Constitution? But you people fought a war over it.
@sh76 saidThis is kerfuffle.
I'm all for welcoming the "tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free" as long as they can demonstrate that they're willing and able to contribute to our culture and economy and become part of the fabric of the society. I truly don't give damn what color they are.
But allowing people into the country who have no intention or ability to integrate into our society and ...[text shortened]... reign entity or set of values, is plain cultural suicide and is irrational behavior for any country.
You know the minds of immigrants now?
I somehow doubt it. They are NOT criminals and mental patients. They just want a better life for their kids, free from oppression. They work harder than most Americans. They would LOVE to become Americans, but the Racist Party doesn't want that. They care too much about staying on top of the pile of humanity in this country.
Are you another one of these, "F--- those DEI hires!"?
@Suzianne saidOK what amendment does it say we have to let in anyone and everyone?
You do understand the purpose of Amendments, yeah?
They are for convincing fools like you that other concepts are worth following, too.
The Constitution is meant to be the FIRST word, not the LAST word. Guiding principles, not something to be hamstrung by. It's for recognizing rights, not eliminating them.
People like Emma Lazurus understand what America should be ...[text shortened]... it USED to be about.
Where is slavery in the Constitution? But you people fought a war over it.
@Suzianne saidWe are looking at a political rally so many show up with like minds. You think it will be any different when Democrats have their convention? You are only posting to show your contempt and put down those who don’t see the as you. You add nothing in terms of content
Yeah, and then they all happened to "see the light"?
Spare me.
@Suzianne saidI have no opinion on DEI as a whole. I judge each initiative and action on its own merit. I don't believe in DEI for its own sake, but if one agency or company wants to attract a more diverse talented pool of employees that will be better for the company or agency, I have no problem with that.
This is kerfuffle.
You know the minds of immigrants now?
I somehow doubt it. They are NOT criminals and mental patients. They just want a better life for their kids, free from oppression. They work harder than most Americans. They would LOVE to become Americans, but the Racist Party doesn't want that. They care too much about staying on top of the pile of humanity in this country.
Are you another one of these, "F--- those DEI hires!"?
As for immigration, I don't see Democrats either rushing to change the fundamental immigration laws. If you want to increase legal immigration quotas from some areas, fine, as long as the immigrants are vetted. The debate right now is about illegal entrants who have generally not been vetted. Just because someone managed to sneak across the border or came on a tourist visa and overstayed doesn't mean it's a good idea to let them stay here.
@KellyJay saidNot ironic at all... nothing to see here... right?
We are looking at a political rally so many show up with like minds. You think it will be any different when Democrats have their convention? You are only posting to show your contempt and put down those who don’t see the as you. You add nothing in terms of content
@Cliff-Mashburn saidShe was using old tropes from the right-side argument. Frankly during those early debates she sounded like Metal-Brain. People learn.
Do you remember when Kamala Harris debated Joe Biden and brought up what a horrid racist he was?
Then suddenly she just looooved him when he picked her as his running mate?
@Suzianne saidOhhh...when the leftards change their minds about someone, it's learning.
She was using old tropes from the right-side argument. Frankly during those early debates she sounded like Metal-Brain. People learn.
When conservatives change their minds about someone, it's hypocrisy.
Got it.
Oh, it gets even crazier than all that.
Here’s the BBC fact checking the RNC rhetoric:
To sum it up: exaggerations, mis-information and flat out lying.
God damn, the balls on these republicans!
Who the hell could support weirdos like them?
@Cliff-Mashburn saidThe direction is clear as soon as you realize we are talking about Donald Trump.
Ohhh...when the leftards change their minds about someone, it's learning.
When conservatives change their minds about someone, it's hypocrisy.
Got it.
The Republican Party is circling the drain. They'd be all too happy to bring us all down with them.
Didn't you think the overkill at the Convention last night (what with the HUGE Trump sign on stage in lights) was embarrassing? It's the abject devotion to evil that sickens me. I don't see how the Republican Party can recover from this one. It was a full-on bandwagon for the world's biggest con man. Let's not forget their overarching desire to destroy anyone who doesn't fall in line. A cult of personality driven by a world-class narcissist. Sound familiar? Let's just hope we all don't fall down the fascist rabbit-hole.
And yet, democrats now find ourselves arguing whether Biden should stay in. That speaks volumes about the morals of both parties.