Originally posted by lioyankMan and Women have sex for a variety of reasons very rarely is procreation the motivation.
I understand what you are saying here, however, have you ever thought about it this way: if those mothers WEREN'T mature enough to begin with, then they SHOULDN'T be having sex to begin with. By allowing for abortion to continue, we are allowing for women to have a "Plan B" in case they do get pregnant. In other words, we are just making the problem wors ...[text shortened]... alizing abortion, we are just allowing it to get worse. Do you see what I'm trying to say here?
They very fact they shouldn't be having sex is one good reason to have sex.
Compared to Western Europe the US has high levels of teen pregnancy. In the US abstinence is preached, in Europe knowledge about sex cover contraception, the emotional side and the physical side.
I probably slept with 100 women in the 1990's, I'm sure none of them wanted my babies. If the condom failed, there was the morning after pill.
For those that don't have thave the morning after pill they need the option of an abortion, for their dreams and hapiness to be fulfilled. If you don't want sex dont have sex, If you don't want an abortion don't have one.
So in summary, sex is natural, sex is free, enjoy it and be safe. At least we have a safe legal plan B.
Sex is not bad for you or society. But unwanted children can be bad for both.
Originally posted by invigorate100 women???😞
Man and Women have sex for a variety of reasons very rarely is procreation the motivation.
They very fact they shouldn't be having sex is one good reason to have sex.
Compared to Western Europe the US has high levels of teen pregnancy. In the US abstinence is preached, in Europe knowledge about sex cover contraception, the emotional side and the ph ...[text shortened]... legal plan B.
Sex is not bad for you or society. But unwanted children can be bad for both.
Originally posted by invigorateI don't know how old you are Invigorate, but you are already wise beyond your years.
Man and Women have sex for a variety of reasons very rarely is procreation the motivation.
They very fact they shouldn't be having sex is one good reason to have sex.
Compared to Western Europe the US has high levels of teen pregn ...[text shortened]... bad for you or society. But unwanted children can be bad for both.
And you're one lucky bastard!
Carry on...
Originally posted by no1marauderI was at Uni for 4 years where there were far more girls than boys and a very hedonistic lifestyle, exploring our bodies and sexual boundaries..
100 women???😞
Later I travelled around the world on my own for a couple of years living on my wits and charm. I learnt more in those two years than all my schooling. The promiscious lifestyle was fun and carefree and generally no big deal.
I'm 35 now married and very happy. Ready to take my responsibilities of fatherhood and bread winner.
For the purposes of this thread I wasn't ready "to deal with the consequences" of sex until 30 but it was only because I was able to complete my sexual journey during my 20's that I'm now ready to be a true father.
I'm sure Lioyank would see my actions as an exaple of a worsening of society. But all I can say is: don't knock til you've tried it, and each to his own.
Most of the Pro-Life people in the US are hippocrits. They are what we call PLINO (Pro-Life in name only). They are actually part of the larger culture of death. They would support a womens right to choose not to have children in her life. Yet that is also a type of abortion - ie murder.
Every women has a number of children already within them that are waiting to be born. It is a women's duty to give birth to these children during her lifetime. To not do so is effectively murdering those children.
Furthermore those who use contraceptive devices (read MURDER devices) are preventing the destined birth of children. Those who abstain are also preventing the destined birth of children.
These acts should be made illegal. I cannot sit back while so many people murder children by using contraceptives and abstinance.
PLINOs make up lies from science. They say that life starts at conception. This is strawman. Biological life begins at conception, but humans are not merely biological. To treat the origin of personhood to be conception is a materialist philosophy that we are made up of nothing but cells and chemicals. The truth is that humans have a spiritual nature too. All destined children of a women already exist within her in spiritual form. It is Life Treason for the mother to CHOOSE to DENY them birth. How can such a choice be justified?
PLINOs claim that women have a right to chose not to give birth. WRONG. Those women who chose not to have children are blocking the children within them from being born. Women only choose not to have children for selfish reasons - money, or laziness. Every women should be producing upwards of 20 children in their lifetime. Imagine if you were that child that a women choose not to give birth to - how would you feel?
PLINOs will claim that true Pro-Lifers like me should just mind our own business and not try to enforce our moral views on them. But would they sit back while others were commiting murder??
Thanks for reading
Originally posted by sasquatch672I was under the impression that potatoerror was being sarcastic. Sort a tongue-in-cheek rant against the pro-lifers. Perhaps I was mistaken? Is the edible starch serious? Speak up potatoman!
Jesus. A sane man's work is never done. No sooner is one - :::EDITED::: individual - put down than another - :::EDITED::: individual - springs up in his place. It's like a hydra.
So. potatoman. Hi. I'm sasquatch. Uh, so. NOT having children is, uh, illegal? Not having children is...mmm-hmm...EDITED...murder? We better expand the prisons ...[text shortened]... ow to have every single woman on the planet give birth to 400,000 babies during her lifetime.
Originally posted by wibSasquatch as shown a total inability to detect sarcasm (he's not the sharpest tool in the shed). I oppose any effort to force potatoman to divulge his true intentions; if he's making a satiric point, then he is in the company of Aristophanes and Swift - if he's serious he's a complete loony. I prefer to give the brotha the benefit of the doubt.
I was under the impression that potatoerror was being sarcastic. Sort a tongue-in-cheek rant against the pro-lifers. Perhaps I was mistaken? Is the edible starch serious? Speak up potatoman!
Originally posted by no1marauderFair enough. For now we shall enjoy the sarcastic rant of the elusive spud. But should this delightfully delicious garden vegetable return and present evidence of belief in his words... What say ye then mine counselor? What then...
Sasquatch as shown a total inability to detect sarcasm (he's not the sharpest tool in the shed). I oppose any effort to force potatoman to divulge his true intentions; if he's making a satiric point, then he is in the company of Aristophanes and Swift - if he's serious he's a complete loony. I prefer to give the brotha the benefit of the doubt.
Originally posted by invigorate
Man and Women have sex for a variety of reasons very rarely is procreation the motivation.
They very fact they shouldn't be having sex is one good reason to have sex.
Compared to Western Europe the US has high levels of teen pregnancy. In the US abstinence is preached, in Europe knowledge about sex cover contraception, the emotional side and the ph ...[text shortened]... legal plan B.
Sex is not bad for you or society. But unwanted children can be bad for both.
You are advocating abortion as a means of birth control.
Originally posted by invigorate
I was at Uni for 4 years where there were far more girls than boys and a very hedonistic lifestyle, exploring our bodies and sexual boundaries..
Later I travelled around the world on my own for a couple of years living on my wits and charm. I learnt more in those two years than all my schooling. The promiscious lifestyle was fun and carefree and gener ...[text shortened]... sening of society. But all I can say is: don't knock til you've tried it, and each to his own.
How many of your promiscuous friends were infected by the HIV virus ?
Originally posted by ivanhoeHow is that relevant? Do you oppose medical treatment for people with HIV because they acted immorally in your view? Isn't that what the whole abortion thing is really about in your view; the woman have sinned for having sex without wanting to procreate so you want to "punish" them by making them go through with an unwanted pregnancy? Ain't that what it's REALLY all about?
How many of your promiscuous friends were infected by the HIV virus ?
Originally posted by no1marauderNo1: " As a emergency one, perhaps. So what?
As a emergency one, perhaps. So what? Since contraception is just as bad a sin as abortion in the RCC's view, what does it matter?
I'm sure Invigorate can speak for himself.
By the way, I am not speaking on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church. I'm speaking on behalf of myself.