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Vaccine users dying in the Netherlands

Vaccine users dying in the Netherlands



@wajoma said
For the 58th time I'm not anti vax, and I don't make the distinction between which, what, how, covid, measles, drippy dick vax.

If you believe it benefits your health go ahead and take it, and pay for it.
You seemingly did not notice my follow-up post which clarifies what I'm asking, so I herein repeat it:
To be clear, I'm asking whether you, personally, were open to getting a Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccine around, say, January 2021. I mean, I gather you have never gotten a Covid vaccine, so your (personal) opposition to them must go way, way back, yes? Never mind when the vaccines were actually available in your country.

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There will be no intelligent reply to an unintelligent post.

Do you geddit now?


@soothfast said
You seemingly did not notice my follow-up post which clarifies what I'm asking, so I herein repeat it:
To be clear, I'm asking whether you, personally, were open to getting a Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccine around, say, January 2021. I mean, I gather you have never gotten a Covid vaccine, so your (personal) opposition to them must go way, way back, yes? Never mind when the vaccines were actually available in your country.
Way way irrelevant.

Of course it was noticed, you may have noticed I didn't way way answer. It's as way way irrelevant as divegeester telling us he went out.

And then told us he came back.



@wajoma said
There will be no intelligent reply to an unintelligent post.

Do you geddit now?


The principle, for the 59th time:

If you believe the clotshot helps your health, then you should get it and pay for it.

The principle has been the same all the way, because that's part of what makes a principle a principle.



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He’s too busy rimming koalas to be able to gather enough focus to actually reply to you.

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@kmax87 said
I'm laughing on the inside.
I posted the increase in NZ deaths for 2021/2022, 8000

That's a 12% increase. A jump like nothing seen before.

Of those 8000 the goobermint is attributing 3500 to the wuflu, remembering that at the beginning 'with wuflu' was being called 'from wuflu' i.e. that number was exaggerated.

If we look at 2022 in isolation it's more like 18%.

You're probably saying; coincidence, anecdotal, glitch.

So let's see how Aus is doing.

For 2022 a 15.1% increase, of that increase, 6% is attributed to the wuflu, (not sure how it was in Aus re 'with wuflu' versus 'from wuflu' ) that leaves a 9.1% increase, unexplained.

Keep laughing.

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@kewpie said
A list produced by anonymous anti-vaxxers isn't worth the paper it wasn't printed on. And we already know the presenter here is one of those, don't we? He's also a mental midget who dreams up kindergarten epithets for other posters and authorities he doesn't like.

Next topic: is the moon made of green cheese, and is that because some nasty government (sorry, goobermint) wanted to hide something?

DOn't waste your time, all these people are liars doing it for a joke.

Edit: Don't go here:


Don't ask, don't look.


@wajoma said

DOn't waste your time, all these people are liars doing it for a joke.

Edit: Don't go here:


Don't ask, don't look.
Forest of the fallen…



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@shavixmir said
Forest of the fallen…


I know shag doody, they should have called it 'forest of the funnies'. Here's a funny one, I'm sure you, kewpie and divegeester will have a snicker too:

"Abrienne spent 3 days in hospital. It started with a mild headache, neck pain, chest cramps and such a sore trachea that she couldn’t speak. She described it as electrical pain through her finger tips and toes. Went to GP who admitted her to ER. After 5 hours waiting bloods and other tests were done. She was then transferred to Blacktown Hospital on suspicion of Myocarditis and more monitoring. Ultrasound was clear and the doctors stated they had no idea why this had happened and denied that it was vaccine related. While in emergency Abrienne noted that there was 20 other patients in ER with the same symptoms after the jab. Upon being discharged, she was adamantly offered the 2nd injection. Adrienne has to wait another month to see the doctor the hospital has referred her. It is very worrisome for her as she doesn’t know what her physical limits are at the moment and doesn’t want to take any risks. She also doesn’t know if she can work or not. She’s remained very headstrong and quite angry through all. Prognosis-unknown until she sees the referred Dr for heart stress tests. Abrienne advises:

Apologies shag doody for brains, it's not as funny as some, Abrienne was only injured, it would have been much funnier if she'd died.

Would you like me to repost some where people die, it'll have to be told by those left behind, you know, family and friends.

Automod censored previous for using a word that means 'snicker' but with the alternative spelling using two 'g's.

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@wajoma said
I know shag doody, they should have called it 'forest of the funnies'. Here's a funny one, I'm sure you, kewpie and divegeester will have a snicker too:

[i]"Abrienne spent 3 days in hospital. It started with a mild headache, neck pain, chest cramps and such a sore trachea that she couldn’t speak. She described it as electrical pain through her finger tips and toes. Went to ...[text shortened]... red previous for using a word that means 'snicker' but with the alternative spelling using two 'g's.

All joking aside. You quote from some nutjob websites, extreme right-wing paranoia without anyway to verify claims being made.

All research health service info, world wide, contradicts your madhatter claims.

How many people do you actually know who have long covid or died because of corona?
How many people do you actually know who died because of the vaccine?

Everyone here can answer that for themselves. And it becomes utterly clear that this vaccination-killer-malarkey is nothing but an extremist hoax.

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@shavixmir said

All joking aside. You quote from some nutjob websites, extreme right-wing paranoia without anyway to verify claims being made.

All research health service info, world wide, contradicts your madhatter claims.

How many people do you actually know who have long covid or died because of corona?
How many people do you actually know who died because of the vaccine?
...[text shortened]... And it becomes utterly clear that this vaccination-killer-malarkey is nothing but an extremist hoax.
I already posted that info and was told off for posting anecdotes. It involves death and injury of people I know and we know how you get off on that but unfortunately I cannot oblige you on that one.

Let's keep the LOLs going for kewpie, divegeester and yourself.

Here's quite a funny one, vid and talking sounds (saves reading eh), bowled the old lady over within 24hrs of the shot, probably a coincidence or more likely they're all actors and liars doing it for a laugh.


'OurVoicesMatter' LOL LOL, should have been 'OurVoicesMakeYouLaughAndLOL'.

The Pseud known as Shag Doody for Brains said:

"extreme right-wing paranoia"

Don't worry I won't ask you to define what you mean by 'extreme right wing', that'd be pointless but then there is no mention of politics at any of those sites, no ALP versus LNP rhetoric, no skinheads, no 88 tattoos, no copies of 'Mien Kompf' visible on the bookshelves behind, admittedly nothing left wing but nothing right wing either.


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