Originally posted by SurtismBut the rubbing the face in the crotch thing wouldn't get by pre-watershed. . .man or woman.
Sorry, but England mustn't be as prude as I thought, even we dont consider two people kissing (dressed and on lips) pornography! Yay!
Personally, i think he should be dragged out into the street and shot, but i have taste in music.
Life Imitates the Onion
* "Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance of Gays Back 50 Years"--headline, Onion, April 25, 2001
* "Idea of Public Sex Tents Is Way Out of Line"--headline, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 2, 2009
Originally posted by zeeblebothttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/12/02/ED1Q1AT98G.DTL
Life Imitates the Onion
* "Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance of Gays Back 50 Years"--headline, Onion, April 25, 2001
* "Idea of Public Sex Tents Is Way Out of Line"--headline, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 2, 2009
Public sex tents? Now there's an idea that should have been shot down the second it was announced from the mouth of a member of the "leather community" in response to complaints about public sex at Folsom Street Fair and its smaller sibling fair, Up Your Alley.
Instead, it appears that at least one of our local leaders (Supervisor Bevan Dufty) has agreed to take the matter "under advisement."