07 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidAnd of course what Americans did when they expanded west, don’t you be washing the blood of indigenous people off your hands in public
Removing is not eliminating them. That is called relocation.
You are just a genocidal creep that hates Palestinians. Just like the Europeans who came to the new world called the natives savages to ethnically cleanse them you view Palestinians in the same way.
@zahlanzi saidAccording to Erdogan , Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization . To that point he may be correct but they are an organization dedicated to establishing an Islamic government in Gaza and destroying Israel . They have ruled Gaza for several years now and have maintained a military presence in Gaza . They are , in fact , the ruling government of Gaza . This ruling government committed war atrocities in Israel and Israel has the right to respond in whatever way they deem necessary to these heinous crimes . The government of Gaza has declared war against Israel and Israel has every right to respond however they wish . If anyone would even bother to read the Quran , as I have , it is crystal clear that Hamas is acting in accordance with the Quaran and they are dedicated to murdering Jews and destroying Israel . Those Muslims who oppose Hamas would be called apostates in places like Pakistan , Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Malaysia and Iran . The Quran is very clear what the punishment is for this "crime " . In order to be considered a good Muslim one must follow every single part of the Quaran with no exceptions and if you read the Quaran you will see that Jews , Christians , Hindus and even atheists are to be converted or murdered by good Muslims . Read the Quaran and tell me I am wrong , lol .
palestinians aren't hamas just like americans aren't the kkk. Or the republican party
27 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidJust stop lying.
Most people do not want to arm Israel or Ukraine. Biden is ignoring the majority of Americans who want the money to be spent here in the USA.
The USA is not a democracy. The politicians are not representing the majority of Americans. We are tired of paying for imperialism.
27 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidThe Jews are not committing genocide and you are, just like many world leaders, abusing that word 'genocide' to dramatize events in Gaza, and to create blind support for an evil regime.
"Israel has the right to respond in whatever way they deem necessary to these heinous crimes"
Including genocide?
It iss Hamas and the Palestinians who have stated that their goal is genocide of the Jews residing in Palestine. In the Hamas charter there are the following goals :
- to reclaim every inch of Palestine which is a Holy right from God
- to obliterate the Jews
- to reject all peace negotiations made by infidels
- to reject Egypt which made peace with Israel, as they are traitors to the Palestinian cause.
@rajk999 saidMany on this thread and in the colleges are supporting terrorism. It is that simple. Israel did not start th surprise attack on Oct 7. Nor did I, so it had to be someone else. Who was it?
The Jews are not committing genocide and you are, just like many world leaders, abusing that word 'genocide' to dramatize events in Gaza, and to create blind support for an evil regime.
It iss Hamas and the Palestinians who have stated that their goal is genocide of the Jews residing in Palestine. In the Hamas charter there are the following goals :
- to reclaim every i ...[text shortened]... els
- to reject Egypt which made peace with Israel, as they are traitors to the Palestinian cause.
@rajk999 saidHe said whatever way they deem necessary.
The Jews are not committing genocide and you are, just like many world leaders, abusing that word 'genocide' to dramatize events in Gaza, and to create blind support for an evil regime.
It iss Hamas and the Palestinians who have stated that their goal is genocide of the Jews residing in Palestine. In the Hamas charter there are the following goals :
- to reclaim every i ...[text shortened]... els
- to reject Egypt which made peace with Israel, as they are traitors to the Palestinian cause.
....and the ground war has not been started yet.
How many people have to die before you call it genocide anyway?
Was the American Civil War a genocide?
@averagejoe1 saidIf you support the US government you support terrorism.
Many on this thread and in the colleges are supporting terrorism. It is that simple. Israel did not start th surprise attack on Oct 7. Nor did I, so it had to be someone else. Who was it?
@averagejoe1 saidIsrael killed some of their own people and blamed it on Hamas.
Many on this thread and in the colleges are supporting terrorism. It is that simple. Israel did not start th surprise attack on Oct 7. Nor did I, so it had to be someone else. Who was it?
The IDF doesn't mind killing their own civilians.
@averagejoe1 saidIts not about how many have to die. It is about aims and goals to eliminate a particular group. Hamas has stated clearly in their charter, and demonstrated in their behaviour that they aim to kill the Jews and remove them from Palestine completely. The Jews have no such aim regarding the Palestinians.
Many on this thread and in the colleges are supporting terrorism. It is that simple. Israel did not start th surprise attack on Oct 7. Nor did I, so it had to be someone else. Who was it?
@mott-the-hoople saidWell good to see a right winger supporting the "right to return":
removed to where they came from
there is no country named palestine…all these people came from elsewhere
define what a palestinian is
"As of 2018, most of the Palestinian inhabitants are the original 1948 war refugees and their descendants, many still living in refugee camps."
So the "elsewhere" Gazans "came from" is part of the territory now controlled by the nation called "Israel" and according to you, that's where they should be "removed to".
@rajk999 saidWell, you're mis-stating what the Hamas Charter now says but even if that were true, it does not give the Zionists in Israel any just power to keep millions of Palestinians under an oppressive, unjust occupation while they move Jewish settlers onto de facto conquered lands.
Its not about how many have to die. It is about aims and goals to eliminate a particular group. Hamas has stated clearly in their charter, and demonstrated in their behaviour that they aim to kill the Jews and remove them from Palestine completely. The Jews have no such aim regarding the Palestinians.
You would agree that the Palestinians have a moral right to resist such occupation, including by force, wouldn't you?
@caissad4 saidIf the Quran is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo clear on that point, how come no Muslim government has ever done what you claim they are required to do i.e. force everyone to be converted to Islam or murder them? There have been many Muslim governments in the last 1400 or so years - there are "Roughly 50 Muslim-majority countries exist in the world" ( NOW, so please cite one of them doing what you claim their religion requires them to do.
According to Erdogan , Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization . To that point he may be correct but they are an organization dedicated to establishing an Islamic government in Gaza and destroying Israel . They have ruled Gaza for several years now and have maintained a military presence in Gaza . They are , in fact , the ruling government of Gaza . This ruling government com ...[text shortened]... sts are to be converted or murdered by good Muslims . Read the Quaran and tell me I am wrong , lol .
@no1marauder saidThe instructions are there in the Quran. The reason why it cannot be followed is that thankfully Muslim countries are mostly faced with poverty so they have more pressing problems to attend to. Proselyting and converting is not important when your family needs food and shelter.
If the Quran is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo clear on that point, how come no Muslim government has ever done what you claim they are required to do i.e. force everyone to be converted to Islam or murder them? There have been many Muslim governments in the last 1400 or so years - there are "Roughly 50 Muslim-majority countries exist in the world" (https://worldpopulationr ...[text shortened]... -countries) NOW, so please cite one of them doing what you claim their religion requires them to do.
The next thing is that this is not the middle ages. People not tolerating that $hite, and they will kill you back, or have you arrested. Here is an excerpt on the matter:
The Qur'an contains detailed instructions and examples of how to meet unbelievers. The Qur'an states categorically that Muslims cannot have non-believers as friends, advisors, consultants or protectors (Qur'an 3:118 and 4:144). If a Muslims wife is, or becomes, a disbeliever, the marriage can be discontinued and the dowries paid for them can be demanded back (Qur'an 60:10). The second instruction is that unbelievers should be called to Islam; in fact, the Qur'an says you cannot wage war against unbelievers until you have preached to them. The third instruction is that if they do not convert to Islam, then, they must be fought. The fourth instruction is that if they surrender, or convert, then you must stop waging war. If they do not convert or surrender, then they must be killed. This is the optimum route for Islamist expansion: A tidal wave of war, subjugation and conversion.
@rajk999 saidI'm not interested in any of the BS hate sites railing against Islam. Their interpretations of the Quran are at variance with what every single government ever established by Muslims practiced.
The instructions are there in the Quran. The reason why it cannot be followed is that thankfully Muslim countries are mostly faced with poverty so they have more pressing problems to attend to. Proselyting and converting is not important when your family needs food and shelter.
The next thing is that this is not the middle ages. People not tolerating that $hite, and they ...[text shortened]... of war, subjugation and conversion. [/i]