@rajk999 saidHave a heart Rajk. Have you never overcome anything?
This is what I cannot understand about recovered addicts. You dig yourself into a hole with drug abuse / alcohol. Then when you manage to climb out of that hole, you think you are better than those who are normal and not in any hole. There is nothing to boast about, and your addiction is your business. Leave it there.
@rajk999 saidrajk999,
This is what I cannot understand about recovered addicts. You dig yourself into a hole with drug abuse / alcohol. Then when you manage to climb out of that hole, you think you are better than those who are normal and not in any hole. There is nothing to boast about, and your addiction is your business. Leave it there.
There was no drug abuse, only alcohol if you want to call that a drug. I most certainly don't think or pretend to be better than anyone else. I am however very proud of my accomplishment I am not boasting at all, but if this thread helps just one person then it has been worth the little abuse I've gotten from it.
@yo-its-me saidThe man has been boasting of his addiction over the years and boasting that he is recovered. But who cares. The worst part is that he tells people who have a social drink that they have a drinking problem. He is the worst kind of recovered addict ie the ones who condemns everyone else for having a drink. Its all jealousy that others can drink without behaving like an a$$ and he cannot. No I dont need to overcome anything but that is irrelevant.
Have a heart Rajk. Have you never overcome anything?
@very-rusty saidYou are really an idiot. You are telling people who have a normal social drink that they have a drinking problem. You have done this several times over the last year or so. You need to shut up and keep your addiction to yourself. Nobody cares.
There was no drug abuse, only alcohol if you want to call that a drug. I most certainly don't think or pretend to be better than anyone else. I am however very proud of my accomplishment I am not boasting at all, but if this thread helps just one person then it has been worth the little abuse I've gotten from it.
@rajk999 saidWho have I told that has a social drink they have a drinking problem? Please put the post I said that in this thread. I am not at all jealous of those who can have a social drink, just that I couldn't do it. I don't know where you got that from? You seem quite hostile about something you claim to have no issues with by the way.
The man has been boasting of his addiction over the years and boasting that he is recovered. But who cares. The worst part is that he tells people who have a social drink that they have a drinking problem. He is the worst kind of recovered addict ie the ones who condemns everyone else for doing. Its all jealousy that others can drink without behaving like an a$$ and he cannot. No I dont need to overcome anything but that is irrelevant.
@very-rusty saidYou said
Who have I told that has a social drink they have a drinking problem? Please put the post I said that in this thread. I am not at all jealous of those who can have a social drink, just that I couldn't do it. I don't know where you got that from? You seem quite hostile about something you claim to have no issues with by the way.
You obviously have never had an issue or else you would know you have to admit you actually have a problem. Many Professionals hold down jobs, and it takes them longer to realize they have a drinking issue. Everyone around them know, but until they admit to themselves they have an issue, in their mind they don't have one. You can not help someone who doesn't think they have a problem. They also have to want to stop.
Here we are having a normal conversation about a casual social drink and you need to bring in your nonsense. . Not the first time you do this. Your aim to convince people that they have a drinking problem if they h ave a social drink. So just STFU and go home.
@rajk999 saidrajk999,
You said
[i]You obviously have never had an issue or else you would know you have to admit you actually have a problem. Many Professionals hold down jobs, and it takes them longer to realize they have a drinking issue. Everyone around them know, but until they admit to themselves they have an issue, in their mind they don't have one. You can not help someone who doesn't th ...[text shortened]... ce people that they have a drinking problem if they h ave a social drink. So just STFU and go home.
Why are you not able to talk in a civilized manner. I have been talking about drinking issues for many years now, where have you been? True about many Professionals who have drinking problems holding down jobs, as I was one of them, went to a AA meeting once you'd be surprised all the different professionals who attended, pretty much every profession you can think about.
I am talking about the dangers of drinking which do exist rather you want to admit that or not. Do you think you scare me by telling me to STFU or the first one to have ever said it? Chill out and try to talk things out in a reasonable manner. Where do you think I am if not at home?
@very-rusty saidI have nothing to talk out with you. You are an annoying, boring and self centered person. Nobody cares about your drinking problem and to bring that up in every thread where alcohol is mentioned means you have a problem. Go fix your problem.
Why are you not able to talk in a civilized manner. I have been talking about drinking issues for many years now, where have you been? True about many Professionals who have drinking problems holding down jobs, as I was one of them, went to a AA meeting once you'd be surprised all the different professionals who attended, pretty much every professio ...[text shortened]... ut and try to talk things out in a reasonable manner. Where do you think I am if not at home?
Its like a diabetic who has to avoid sweets and other stuff, bringing up insulin injections in every thread about desserts. You become annoying.
Anger, arrogance, and judgment can also be seen as potentially addictive. Chronic anger and chronic irritability harm the liver, and conversely, damage to the liver (e.g., from chronic drinking) can result in chronic anger and irritability.
Something to keep in mind is that the liver is the primary toxin processor for the human organism, so if the liver fails, the whole body becomes poisoned.
Wishing you well,
@rajk999 saidYou don't seem to understand my problem was fixed back in 1992, I am really beginning to wonder if you may have some hidden issues.
I have nothing to talk out with you. You are an annoying, boring and self centered person. Nobody cares about your drinking problem and to bring that up in every thread where alcohol is mentioned means you have a problem. Go fix your problem.
Its like a diabetic who has to avoid sweets and other stuff, bringing up insulin injections in every thread about desserts. You become annoying.
You seem to be very irritable. I do not bring up drinking issues in every thread, only threads where drinking is mentioned. Perhaps it is you who is need of fixing a problem?
@rajk999 saidNever mind other people. What is it that you cannot understand about yourself?
This is what I cannot understand about recovered addicts. You dig yourself into a hole with drug abuse / alcohol. Then when you manage to climb out of that hole, you think you are better than those who are normal and not in any hole. There is nothing to boast about, and your addiction is your business. Leave it there.