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Dantes - Fall in rating

Dantes - Fall in rating


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Originally posted by Prawn Sarnie
What would cure this is automatic timeouts. Then grown men cant blame others when their timekeeping goes astray
The TO system is a pain in the neck. When the flag falls, it falls and it is absolutely ridiculous that an opponent should have to defend him or herself for claiming the win.
The result of these ambiguities has now lead to the disappearance of the highest ranked player and an uncomfortable feeling for all people involved.


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Originally posted by Martin Kearns
It would seem to me that if ratings were based upon psychological aberrations, Dantes would certainly be in the top 3, giving consideration to his somewhat irregular conduct today.

I suspect that I would shade Mr D in this though, taking the Silver, having also resigned a whole tranche of games for no reason other than to cheer up a few other people ...[text shortened]... token kinship with the great Dantes. Except I don't need to because I am cr*p at chess anyway.
HOLY WORDS,as I said before P.S. should take his victory and be happy in silence.

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Im not worried about playing Mr Dantes at all. a games a game to me, and he is one of the better players. I have no worries about my rating droppiing at all, and if it does, it does. I am just a little bemused about all the fuss.

Basically, Ed timed out.
Ed Brooded for a bit
Ed Started throuwing games, behaviour you would expect from a spoilt child
Ed then mailed me to inform me why he was acting like a spoilt child
the forum was alreadyt aware of his erratic behaviour.

Just to keep you all fully appraised, here is a short correspondance between myself and the great man (rds text is below mine, but was written first)

From: Prawn Sarnie
Date: Mar 02 22:31
Subject: RE : You forgot to say

1.Well you are in the position to prove they are not winning positions. So stop sulking like a spoilt child and play chess. Otherwise go away.

2. Not true, you joined a clan and made 5 moves. THAT IS TRUE, I was monitoring you at the time, waiting for you to move against me. Anyway, I am not responsible for your timekeeping, How arrogant of you to expect everyone to wait at your beck and call.

As I said before, either play the games, or dont, It matters not to me

>1. It's absolutely FALSE that you have 3 winning positions against me.
2. You warned me when I was not connected.
You won that game timing me out according to the rules, and I decided to leave...but at least don't write lies...

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Originally posted by Martin Kearns
It would seem to me that if ratings were based upon psychological aberrations, Dantes would certainly be in the top 3, giving consideration to his somewhat irregular conduct today.

I suspect that I would shade Mr D in this though, taking the Silver, having also resigned a whole tranche of games for no reason other than to cheer up a few other people ...[text shortened]... token kinship with the great Dantes. Except I don't need to because I am cr*p at chess anyway.
"Let's face it, Dantes was never truly beaten on this site. His "losses" were on a technicality only." you say

Here is my comment on this.
-True, technically you're right, Dantes only lost to time-outs.
-Dantes played the waiting game (stalling the game until he had almost no time to move) that he did with Feivel/Prawn Sarnie also with a lot of other players, all strong. I am one of them. He just played with fire.
-I would not hesitate to time him out if I had the chance. Normally I wait for my opponent to move sending a reminder or claim when I'm winning anyway but Dantes obvious is/was online almost all day and every day so he had no reason at all to not move and risk a time-out
-Would Dantes have been beaten with a 'normal' game by a good player? Yes I think so. Sure, he is obvious very strong but so are a lot of others. I can tell, I played almost everyone in the top here.

My 2 cents


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i would like to see the cheshire cat πŸ˜€ go for the highest rating ever:

start 1000 games, all with very long time outs.
when he starts losing one, then no longer move in it except to narrowly avoid timeout.
and never resign any.

it would be a lot of work though.

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Originally posted by Martin Kearns

I suspect that I would shade Mr D in this though, taking the Silver, having also resigned a whole tranche of games for no reason other than to cheer up a few other people.

In Gold medal position, it would have to be Prawn Sarnie, - he who can boast in one message that he is beating Mr D, not merely in one, but in three games (!) - and then a sh ...[text shortened]... token kinship with the great Dantes. Except I don't need to because I am cr*p at chess anyway.
I'm not taking sides in this squabble but i feel i must object to your stereo typing of the people who play chess on rhp and also to what i can only describe as an attack on what are more typically working class games.

1) you imply that darts and pool are a louts game. ??
2) you also suspect that most players in the top 20 are jealous--considering you probably don't know any of them thats a pretty nasty assumption to make
3)you say this site is populated almost exclusively by dysfunctional anti social cybernerds who have no life......cheers mate. Exactly how do you come to these conclusions?
Last but not least do you actually know anything about the GREAT (your words) Mr D . being a good chess player doesn't make you a great person so if you wish to carry on kissing dantes ass and slagging off the rest of us i for one wish you would either message him personallyto tell him how great he is or keep your narrow minded comments to yourself.

Joanna the Great 😏

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We’ve all heard the expression ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’, well Edmond Dantes, who was a very skilful exponent of the art of claiming timeouts (59 time-out victories to date, only 2 time-out losses), has perished by the very weapon he was so fond of using. Of course, any sane person would have regarded the 2 losses as little more than superficial scratches, but Edmond would rather cut off his own head than admit he was too slow to avoid being hit. In consequence we have a bloody corpse, and a bunch of bewildered spectators wondering who to blame.

I’m sad and disappointed by Edmond’s actions. He is a great player, and I was enjoying the 4 tournament and clan games that I had against him. I admit to being annoyed by his delaying tactics, thinking a full 7 days to make a forced move was a bit excessive, but they were all interesting games that should have been played out. Now I’ll never know whether I would have beaten him in the one game in which I had an advantage (the other 3 were fairly equal).

Finally, the game in which Prawn Sarnie claimed the win, was played in a tournament with a 1 day time-out. All competitors are warned of the dangers when they enter, and Edmond knew better than anyone what those dangers were.


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Originally posted by David Tebb
We’ve all heard the expression ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’, well Edmond Dantes, who was a very skilful exponent of the art of claiming timeouts (59 time-out victories to date, only 2 time-out losses), has perished by the very weapon he was so fond of using. Of course, any sane person would have regarded the 2 losses as little more than superfici ...[text shortened]... dangers when they enter, and Edmond knew better than anyone what those dangers were.

Hmm. You know he never took that long in any of the games I played with him. I wonder why?😳

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I get a kick out of some of these posts. Some of the people on this site need to get a life. I've been a member almost 2 years and I only joined as a diversion from the everyday grind and to sit back and enjoy a game of chess. Half of these so-called prima donnas won't play me because my ratings is too low and they are afraid that I might beat them and heaven forbid their ratings drop. I've been beaten by Cheshire Cat a couple of time but I enjoyed playing with him and he must enjoy the game because he makes more moves in a week then I make in a year. I've never timed out a player because I want to play to win. Lets see. I'm gonna make a few moves tonight then I'm gonna fool around with the better half and maybe take her for a ride on the Hog. In other words, there is more to life than this damn chess site.πŸ™„

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Question -

Why should we care?

He lost by a method he readily used himself. He wants to leave. Don't let the door hit you...well...you know....

This is chess. This is a game. If you need this site for more than that, then you have problems that this board does not need to deal with.

Au revoir!

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Originally posted by slimjim
I get a kick out of some of these posts. Some of the people on this site need to get a life. I've been a member almost 2 years and I only joined as a diversion from the everyday grind and to sit back and enjoy a game of chess. Half of these so-called prima donnas won't play me because my ratings is too low and they are afraid that I might beat them and he ...[text shortened]... ke her for a ride on the Hog. In other words, there is more to life than this damn chess site.πŸ™„
Are you talking about your Harley or something else? Ah, you Texans. πŸ˜€

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I am very dissappointed with Dante:

1) He should have played me before he left 😳

2) Then he could have resigned my game with him first! πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰

Oh well, it was fun to watch!

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Originally posted by Martin Kearns
All said and done, this site is populated almost exclusively by dysfunctional anti-social cybernerds who have no life (and it would appear, among the upper echelons, little spirit of generosity).
I don't think this comment really adds to this discussion, in fact, i would go as far to say that it is quite rude!😠

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Originally posted by slimjim
I get a kick out of some of these posts. Some of the people on this site need to get a life. I've been a member almost 2 years and I only joined as a diversion from the everyday grind and to sit back and enjoy a game of chess. Half of these so-called prima donnas won't play me because my ratings is too low and they are afraid that I might beat them and he ...[text shortened]... ke her for a ride on the Hog. In other words, there is more to life than this damn chess site.πŸ™„
So go fool around with the better half and maybe take her for a ride on the Hog instead of posting this crap in this damn chess site.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Are you talking about your Harley or something else? Ah, you Texans. πŸ˜€
I'm sorry. HAWGπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

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