I can write interesting posts with the best of them
I can delete my posts faster than a moderator
I can join the site, I can leave the site, I can rejoin
I can change my username for no apparent reason whatsoever
I love dive and I love FMF, I hate dive and I hate FMF
I am a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
~ Kevin Salad
Here are divegeester's 62 General Forum threads so far in 2021
Thumbing down - 311 posts
Release chaney3 ~ poll results - 263
The General Forum scriptures - 138
Username change facility - 119
Queen Elizabeth ll platinum jubilee - 114
Covid jab problems - 111
Puns and One-liners - 96
“The nicest people on the website” - 96
Who would you be gay for? - 89
Leaving the site - 87
Why so long for women to go into space? - 75
Random - 69
Great lines from songs - 54
Across the pondisms - 53
Precious Thread - 52
Moderation idea - 49
Spanish Flu; a perspective - 49
Stuck in a movie! - 44
COVID 19 infected list - 43
“Play Computer” feature - 40
RHP Redemption - 39
Personal discriminations - 34
Best things you’ve seen - 34
Lawnmower choice - 33
Weather conditions - 33
Remember when my arms fell off? - 32
The best form of defence is... - 32
Willies are getting smaller - 32
Sarah Everard: Memorial - 32
Childhood memories - 31
Sentences made from thread titles - 30
Pink Supermoon tonight - 28
Relentless BLUE! - 26
Django Unchained - 26
Lockdowns - 26
Posting in the wrong forum... - 25
Happy Groundhog Day - 25
General Forum Sexualities Inventory - 24
“Warriors come out to play-ee-ay” - 24
Apple or Samsung or other? - 23
If you hadn’t married your partner... - 21
RHP Mods and Rockers - 21
The Mandalorian - 20
Movies which positively surprised you - 19
Mickey Flanagan - 18
20th January 2021 - 18
Relentless BLUE - 17
Creepy thread removed - 16
NLP - 15
Good things in America right now - 15
Metaphors to describe this forum - 12
Fake tan - 11
On this day in history... - 11
Zoom ~ Dinner ~ Trip - 11
The Twelve - 11
Canadian MP naked on Zoom call - 10
Rocketman - 9
Facebook in Auz - 9
Tony Blair’s hair - 6
Yuppy Flu - 5
Onion Wars ~ reprise - 3
Conspiracy theories are damaging society - 6
~ Ponderable