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Ivory Tower Class

Ivory Tower Class


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Ivory Tower Class

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OK, suckaz, class is in session. This is the very first class offered because the it concerns the "roots of all evil." Incorrect, RB, it is not about the devil! This is parenthood 101. Bad parenting is the roots of all evil. Before this class is over some of you all gonna be cryin' saying "My daddy never played with me and all I do now is play chess all da time." Relax, we got homework that gonna fix dat.

Rule numba 1: Ya gotta play. You don't have to be a playa. That's another class. You gotta learn to have fun. Yea, release that inna child as day say. As professor Erik Erikson said, "Play is the work of children." He was straight up, ya dig? Remember dat name, cuz it be comin up a lot. Now if you will go to www.coonhoundrescue.com/nelson.html you will see one of our four-legged friends on his way to get neutered. Just look at him all ready to party and play. Now if a dawg can do that, why can't you? Don't give me all dat syllogistic logic about why you can't. Go cry to Royalchicken cuz I don't care.

Rule numba 2:Ya gotta let the child win and you got to lose. Some of you all get all competitive and don't let the child surpass you. That's why you so vicious on the chessboard tryin to get back at yo daddy. You think you havin fun but ya ain't.

So here be yo homework. Ya fail at it, I be publishin ya names in the forums to humiliate you like ya daddy's did, so don't fail. You send me a game and we play two or three moves and then you resign. Gonna take practice, but ya gonna reap tha rewards of being a better parent. That's what dis class all about. You get this class right maybe you won't end up in a nursin home, ya dig? Class dismissed.

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LOL!!! Excellent Kirk!

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I have a couple follow up questions for Professor K.

1) Suppose your daughter can already beat you at chess,
fair and square. Can you disregard this parenting duty,
or must you let her defeat you in some other area of life
to help her grow further.

2) If you do let your daughter win, should you then
crush her mercilessly the next time you play, so that
you can teach her the "What doesn't kill me only makes
me stronger" principle?

Dr. Cribs

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Originally posted by kirksey957
OK, suckaz, class is in session. This is the very first class offered because the it concerns the "roots of all evil." Incorrect, RB, it is not about the devil! This is parenthood 101. Bad parenting is the roots of all evil. Before this class is over some of you all gonna be cryin' saying "My daddy never played with me and all I do now is play ch ...[text shortened]... t. You get this class right maybe you won't end up in a nursin home, ya dig? Class dismissed.
Do you reckon a child that always wins (gets what it wants) is going to grow up and be a balanced individual?

Therefor, for your sake, you let me win the games I send you and let me save you from becoming unbalanced!

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Originally posted by Cribs
I have a couple follow up questions for Professor K.

1) Suppose your daughter can already beat you at chess,
fair and square. Can you disregard this parenting duty,
or must you let her defeat you in some other area of life
to help her grow further.

2) If you do let your daughter win, should you then
crush her mercilessly the next time you play, s ...[text shortened]... you can teach her the "What doesn't kill me only makes
me stronger" principle?

Dr. Cribs
Very good questions. Let's begin with #1. It is important to affirm the child for growth and not necessarily for being able to defeat the parent. The most screwed up kids today have parents that make them do stuff that they think they ought to do, which most often only fits the parents' needs. Speakin of myself, part of me wants Rachel to win games and yack less on the site. I gotta learn to back away and realize that whether she wins or loses she's exposed to a lot of ideas here which count more than beatin some knuckleheaded boy makin D's in math.

Question #2. The answer is no. Kids got enough pressure without havin to make their parents look tough for their benefit. It's all a balance though. You can't be too soft either. Kids create their own consequences. Fo example: Dig this. I gets a call from a very intelligent lawyer whose teenage boy got him a cell phone. Daddy comes home and sees daddy's got an $800 cell phone bill. "K-Dawg, what do I do?" I told him it aint his bill. It's his boy's bill. Secondly, it ain't his phone no more. Thirdly, it's called a job." He says he spent it all on callin his girl friend. I told him just to tell him that a gay boy would make him more proud. More trouble to come for dat boy, I'm here to tell ya.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Do you reckon a child that always wins (gets what it wants) is going to grow up and be a balanced individual?

Therefor, for your sake, you let me win the games I send you and let me save you from becoming unbalanced!

Answer to Question #1: No. But stay tuned as this class will explore the very roots of what an "unbalanced individual" is.

Question #2: You better reread the homework. You send me the games and resign so you can learn to lose and smile at the mere delight and glee in a child's eyes. That's what we're practicin here. Don't go axing no mo dumb questions until ya do tha homework.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Very good questions. Let's begin with #1. It is important to affirm the child for growth and not necessarily for being able to defeat the parent. The most screwed up kids today have parents that make them do stuff that they think they ought to do, which most often only fits the parents' needs. Speakin of myself, part of me wants Rachel to win games an ...[text shortened]... at a gay boy would make him more proud. More trouble to come for dat boy, I'm here to tell ya.
THANKS DAD. 😠 And how come you never follow #2?!

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Originally posted by Remora91
THANKS DAD. 😠 And how come you never follow #2?!
Oh, look who just showed up fo class makin me look bad. See I am about to show all of you some good parentin up in here right now. Do I get all defensive that I was exposed. NO! See, this is an example of the child surpassin the parent with their truth. While I may not let her win on tha board, I gotsta honor her truth and affirm her strength or as Cribs would say "gettin up all in ma face." Did you all see how that just worked. See in this class, it's called a workin' laboratory. Ya dig?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Oh, look who just showed up fo class makin me look bad. See I am about to show all of you some good parentin up in here right now. Do I get all defensive that I was exposed. NO! See, this is an example of the child surpassin the parent with their truth. While I may not let her win on tha board, I gotsta honor her truth and affirm her strength or as C ...[text shortened]... ou all see how that just worked. See in this class, it's called a workin' laboratory. Ya dig?
Yo, I'm feelin' that, a brotha who can practice what he preach.
I know there's lotz of suckaz here who need that lesson.

Praise God for the Ivory Tower!

Dr. Cribs

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Oh, look who just showed up fo class makin me look bad. See I am about to show all of you some good parentin up in here right now. Do I get all defensive that I was exposed. NO! See, this is an example of the child surpassin the parent with their truth. While I may not let her win on tha board, I gotsta honor her truth and affirm her strength or as C ...[text shortened]... ou all see how that just worked. See in this class, it's called a workin' laboratory. Ya dig?
*Sigh* I'm not leaving you at home alone again. Either that or I'm taking the computer with me.

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Originally posted by Cribs
Yo, I'm feelin' that, a brotha who can practice what he preach.
I know there's lotz of suckaz here who need that lesson.

Praise God for the Ivory Tower!

Dr. Cribs
While I'm at it President Cribs, let me give you a heads up on lesson numba 2. We gonna take it back to the ole school. Back to tha beginning. We gonna talk about tha importance of being breast feed as a baby that is. We need proper nutrients to grow to represent ourselves to tha fullest potential. Ya dig? Y'all do ya homework on time I may have some websites for ya.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
While I'm at it President Cribs, let me give you a heads up on lesson numba 2. We gonna take it back to the ole school. Back to tha beginning. We gonna talk about tha importance of being breast feed as a baby that is. We need proper ...[text shortened]... g? Y'all do ya homework on time I may have some websites for ya.
WHAT THE?! Just stop embarrassing me!!! :'(

*runs into room and slams door*

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Originally posted by kirksey957
While I'm at it President Cribs, let me give you a heads up on lesson numba 2. We gonna take it back to the ole school. Back to tha beginning. We gonna talk about tha importance of being breast feed as a baby that is. We need proper nutrients to grow to represent ourselves to tha fullest potential. Ya dig? Y'all do ya homework on time I may have some websites for ya.
Mr. Cribs.
Dr. Cribs
And now president Cribs.

All in the space of 1 week! Pretty soon RBHILL will be preaching the true word of Lord Cribs, if I'm not mistaken...

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Not a bad gambit

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