Yo, it's like dis...
Anytime you gonna make an investment, whether
it be one cool Benjamin or 250 large, you gotta aks
yo'self two questions.
1. What am I gonna get back from my money?
K-Dogg, hit us up wit how you be seeing yo' return
on yo' investment. Will you be able to tally it up to
$250,000 one day? You gotten there yet?
2. What else could I do wit dis money instead?
K-dogg, if you ain't had any kids, what would you
be spendin' dat money on instead?
Hopefully tha professa can hit us up wit some good
answers to these, lest we all get scared and stop havin' kids.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by kirksey957Three hours?? You must be newlyweds. Just for saturday I gotta start early sunday morning.
Well, let's break it down. That's a good question and by yo interest I can see ya gettin a good grade on this class.
OK, sex. Let us just say that 3 hours of beggin and a trip to the jewelry store is foreplay. Ya dig?
Sanity. Who don't need therapy after a baby been born. I ain't talkin about yo post partem blues. I'm talkin just mainten ...[text shortened]... could enter the classroom and weigh in on this money thang since I know he's got a Ph. D in it.
What about social life. Me I was the first to do anything. Got maried first had kids first yada yada. It never surprised me after the first kid came how lame my wife and I became. Our friends would call on a friday night and say that everyone was meeting up at 10:00. (sigh)
What else can I say.
I do smile now when I see them in the same boat.😀
Thank you , Professa Cribs. As I see it they is two kinds of return. There's strictly money. Kid grows up smart, goes to school, makes good money and keeps me out of a nursin home. That's a nice return. Then there is the untangible stuff. Allow me to get all sensitive, but when ya see ya kid come up to you and say they wanna marry ya. Aint enough money to describe that feelin'. Like I hate to admit my dumbness but I don't know how to copy and paste, but my kid just tearin up the computer makin me proud and all. No money to replace dat feelin. Ya feel?
Originally posted by kirksey957Yep, I just about jumped up and down the block when my oldest took first place at a chess tournament.
Thank you , Professa Cribs. As I see it they is two kinds of return. There's strictly money. Kid grows up smart, goes to school, makes good money and keeps me out of a nursin home. That's a nice return. Then there is the untangible stuff. Allow me to get all sensitive, but when ya see ya kid come up to you and say they wanna marry ya. Aint enough ...[text shortened]... d just tearin up the computer makin me proud and all. No money to replace dat feelin. Ya feel?
Or when my middle come into the kitchen saturday morning and wants to just sit in my lap and tell me she loves me. Or when the boy kicks the cat down the stairs. (tearing up:'()
Originally posted by rapalla7Don't get all sad cuz you got an "A" on dis course tonight. You showed some courage and was a good role model to these little boys around here don't know what it takes to be a man. They think whoopin my ass on tha board in 12 moves make em a man. Ya take em to a delivery room where you and me been and they be all whiter than Ronald Reagan when he was dead and all over da floor passed out.
Ok this is depressing.😞
Cant we talk about "back in the day" instead?
Originally posted by rapalla7Speakin of which I am glad you brought that up. Now men if yo lady's got a cat, what they gonna tell her is she can't change da litta box when she pregnant. I'm tellin ya now, tha cat's gotta go. They bad for allergies and how would you feel say if yo dog had a box he took a crap in and then kicked sand all around. You think she put up wit dat? Hell naw! What you got to do early on is develop an allergy to that cat. I'm serious. You don't do it now you gonna have a kid crawling through that stuff thinking it's a new kind a candy. The cat's gotta go.
Yep, I just about jumped up and down the block when my oldest took first place at a chess tournament.
Or when my middle come into the kitchen saturday morning and wants to just sit in my lap and tell me she loves me. Or when the boy kicks the cat down the stairs. (tearing up:'()
Let's talk some ways to save money from the get go. At the start letme say that you can lower that amount that a baby cost ya by just using common sense and listenin to me.
First of all ya baby don't need new clothes. Baby's survive the bush of Africa. What makes ya think they gonna die if they don't have Tommy this and Tommy that? You go get all dat baby's clothes at a consignment store. Somebody wanna give ya a shower and presents that's fine.
Ya baby don't need a changin table either. Change the baby on the couch, yo bed, tha floor. That tables never where ya need it anyway. Waste of space and money.
Next thang is mommas want put up a little bumper runner around the inside of the crib. Maybe Martha Stewart told em how to make one or that they be a lousy motha without doin it. BS. Ya don't need it.
Oh dis next one is a big one. I'm gonna save ya a lotta money right now. Ya don't need a minivan. You got 3-4 kids manbe ya do, but wit one or two a car do just fine. But you sayin' "Oh look on TV how everybody is so happy in life with a minivan." OK, let me ax you this: when you see a guy drivin a Corvette, do you think he's got a big penis? Course not. It's the exact opposite. Ya don't need a minivan.
As I already mentioned before you must breast feed. Let me tell ya another reason. It's FREE! You think Gerber gonna tell ya that. Hell naw.
OK< what do you need you ax. What money I'm savin ya now, go buy a good breast pump. Ya gotta milk da cow. Ya dig?
Next thang ya gonna need is a good swing. Get oone wit batteries and not a crank up old thang. You crankin it you gonna wake tha baby. A good swing will save ya back down da road.
Anotha thang you gonna need especially if ya got stairs is a gate. Now Martha Stewart may not approve, but she gonna get used to gates believe me. An alternative is a good border collie. I got me one of those and it did its job in runnin off da cat. That was worth it.
OK, in short don't give in to all dem dumb ass expectations thay be puttin on ya. Ya want guilt, go listen to ole Martha Stewart. You wanna survive this you listen to me. Ya dig?
Hell Kirk and Cribs,
First off all I would like to congratulate you on this thread. After just having read every post, it looks to me that this thread is genuine and that you are out there to help.
I have one concern and one question though
As you all know, RHP is an international community with many members that are not English (or English-speaking). The threads, in general, are kept in English though. As the non-English speaking people at RHP usually have an excellent command of the English word, this is not a problem (and I apologise for the lazy English people not learning any other languages ;-). Your posts however differ from the 'normal' English speech and is probably (a) very difficult for non-English (speaking) people to understand and (b) will not help non-English (speaking) people to improve their existing knowledge of the English language ... (Just a thought)
I am living and working In England but my brother lives and works in Germany, is married to a beautiful Brazilian woman, and they speak German with each other (and I speak fluent German as well).
They have a wonderful daughter who is just over 1 year now. When I visited my parents (they live in Germany as well) over the summer, I spend any possible minute taking care of little Maite and I could tell that I made an impact on her, as she was always running to me first (and to my parents second ;-) when she came and visited ...
Problem is, I'm back in England now and by the looks of it, that is not going to change in the foreseeable future. My brother is a self-employed plumber (making a fortune) in Germany and he is not likely to move either. So the bottom line is that I will not get to see Maite very often.
There is probably not a lot I can do to keep a sound relationship with Maite (soon she will have forgotten me) but any ideas would be more then welcome ...
Originally posted by The Slow PawnAchtung! Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen!
As you all know, RHP is an international community with many members that are not English (or English-speaking). The threads, in general, are kept in English though. As the non-English speaking people at RHP usuall ...[text shortened]... xisting knowledge of the English language ... (Just a thought)
Das ist mir scheissschwer! Die Worten sind scheisslange!
Know what I'm sayin'?
(For some reason, I always feel a strange compulsion to
put an exclamation point after everything I say in German.
And to abuse the flexibility of the language to make up my
own compound words using scheisse!)
Just as English is the international language used by scientists,
the pimpspeak you get from me is the international language
of my profession.
I can do my best to translate to other languages upon
request, but it won't be tha real deal. If you come to the
USA, tha major leagues of pimpin', and you try to talk
in Swedish or Urdu, you gonna be one broke pimp befo'
tha day is over.
I'll to try put togetha a lesson on tha most important
vocabulary you gotz to know.
Also, any non-English speakers who wish to represent
their language or culture are certainly welcome to join
the Ivory Tower to share their expertise.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by The Slow PawnBoris, thank you for your support of our thread. A little bit about the language (at least from my end). I have used a rather slang form of English that I'm trying to learn a little of. I'm also trying to learn a little Portugese as some of my favorite players are from Portugal. The thread we started is giving information that I believe is technically sound, but the dialect was added to give it a twist of humor and thus add interest. There was once a movie that Jim Carey was in in which he had three illigitimate black kids that would sit around talking about quatum physics in ghetto lingo that just made it a hoot. I'll try to clean it up a little so more can understand, but it may not be as fun.
Hell Kirk and Cribs,
First off all I would like to congratulate you on this thread. After just having read every post, it looks to me that this thread is genuine and that you are out there to help.
I have one concern and one question though
As you all know, RHP is an international community with many members that are not E ...[text shortened]... (soon she will have forgotten me) but any ideas would be more then welcome ...
OK, on to your question about your neice. That's a problem we have a lot in this country with families getting more and more spread out and also wanting to keep relationships in tact. Children at that young age attach to anything or anybody that is new. Do not fret as she is only one there is plenty of time to develop bonds with her. She's not going to remember being one or two anyway. Send her a card with your picture. Don't even need to say anything . Picture will do just fine. Maybe send her some crayons or something simple she can use to be creative. Talk to her folks and plan on maybe having a reunion at least once a year. Another thing kids like at that age is to talk on the phone. This stimulates language development and between 1 and two and a half their little brains are like a sponge just soaking everything in. You can even teach her the language Cribs and I use and she will be a natural. OK< that's a joke. I hope that helps.
Originally posted by shavixmirOK, that's a very important lesson and is down a little bit on the course syllabus. We're going to get to it soon, but have some other stuff to cover first.
I was wondering if K and C (which is basically 2/3 on its way to becoming finger lickin' good) could give us a run down on consistent parenting.
About not sending mixed signals to children.
Cheers, yours with interest,
Obviously not financial interest...I'm a poor social worker...
thanks for your advice ... I will (as working for a internationally leading Travel Company) be flying to Germany for visiting purposes at least 3/4 times a year. And I'm also planning to have a little something with me to spoil her a little everytime I'm coming home (so to say as a replacement for birthday, Christmas etc.). And that with the phone calls is a good idea, once she can say more then just 'Bo' I'll ring say every fortnight to see if all is good
Regards language, you are right, it's much more fun with your accent (and yes I have seen the film with Jim Carey and his three kids ;-)
I'd propose (as an apprentice professor) to go with Cribs and post a little dictionary with common words used, u no wot I sayin ?