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Limerick Competition

Limerick Competition



The chosen one

The Ghost is a curious fellow,
some days all cuddly and mellow.
But posters beware!
sometimes he's a bear,
will devour you like you were jello.

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@ghost-of-a-duke said
The chosen one

The Ghost is a curious fellow,
some days all cuddly and mellow.
But posters beware!
sometimes he's a bear,
will devour you like you were jello.
Hard to tell if you're sucking up or making fun! 😛

OH talking about yourself, who would have thought!!! 😛



@very-rusty said
All you had to do is keep my username out of the silly limerick competition sookie!

Then I most likely wouldn't have commented at all. You never know when to leave well enough alone though.

'Silly' limerick competition???

This is frightfully hot stuff.

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@neilarini said
'Silly' limerick competition???

This is frightfully hot stuff.
It would have been a good idea if people had not spoiled it by throwing shots at others.

If people want to throw rocks at me they can expect them right back. All you did was give SOME people an excuse to throw shots at others. Quite unfortunate but you looking for someone to blame look at rookie & Lemon.




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There once was a man from Calcutta
Who sat in a bath full of butter
He could make it sound sane
When he tried to explain
But he's really a bit of a nutter.


Lady with Parrots

There once was a lady with parrots
Who much preferred parsnips to carrots,
But whenever she dined
She was somewhat unkind.
She did, though, have one or two merits.


Spanish lady.

There was a young lady from Spain
Who was scared of the idea of pain
Then she fell out of bed
Got a bump on her head
Now she'd quite like to do it again.


Living by numbers.

There once was a fellow called Evans
Worked nine to five at some seven elevens
He has been of late
In a right two and eight
And now he's at sixes and sevens.



Proper Pronounciation.

If a womb is the place we begin it
And a tomb we put dead people in it
The a comb should be coombe
And a bomb should go boom!
It's a funny old language though, innit?

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