My campaign to become a moderator

My campaign to become a moderator



28 Oct 05
29 May 22

[1] I am smart and fair-minded and a forum veteran.

[2] I have the best interests of the website at heart.

[3] I will stop posting on the forums aside from word games and sharing music.

[4] I work long hours at a computer so I will often be on call.

Expressions of support will mean more to me than disapproval. But post as you see fit. I am willing to answer any questions in a candid way.

14 Mar 04
29 May 22

@fmf said
[1] I am smart and fair-minded and a forum veteran.

[2] I have the best interests of the website at heart.

[3] I will stop posting on the forums aside from word games and sharing music.

[4] I work long hours at a computer so I will often be on call.

Expressions of support will mean more to me than disapproval. But post as you see fit. I am willing to answer any questions in a candid way.
Are you not happy with the present mods?๐Ÿค”

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
29 May 22

Excellent idea. The site needs you. Thanks for your sacrifice.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@great-big-stees said
Are you not happy with the present mods?๐Ÿค”
I want to emulate and augment them.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@the-gravedigger said
Excellent idea. The site needs you. Thanks for your sacrifice.
Thanks for your support.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 May 22
1 edit

@fmf said
[1] I am smart and fair-minded and a forum veteran.

[2] I have the best interests of the website at heart.

[3] I will stop posting on the forums aside from word games and sharing music.

[4] I work long hours at a computer so I will often be on call.

Expressions of support will mean more to me than disapproval. But post as you see fit. I am willing to answer any questions in a candid way.
(5) A great way to get rid of people I don't get along with posting.

Do you really think you even have a remote chance?

How many people you figure would leave because you were a Moderator?


14 Mar 04
29 May 22

@fmf said
I want to emulate and augment them.
I am not normally a negative kinda person but I sense…well… self interest.๐Ÿค”

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 May 22

@great-big-stees said
I am not normally a negative kinda person but I sense…well… self interest.๐Ÿค”
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, odds are pretty good it is a duck. ๐Ÿ™‚



31 May 12
29 May 22

@fmf said
[1] I am smart and fair-minded and a forum veteran.

[2] I have the best interests of the website at heart.

[3] I will stop posting on the forums aside from word games and sharing music.

[4] I work long hours at a computer so I will often be on call.

Expressions of support will mean more to me than disapproval. But post as you see fit. I am willing to answer any questions in a candid way.
I have no idea how one becomes a moderator at RHP, but I’ll wager that virtue signaling at the GF is not the highway to that august position.

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
29 May 22

The trouble with becoming a moderator is that you're required to read everything on the alerts list, and spend time analysing the intentions of people who may be simply bored or intoxicated. It's a bit like working as a sewer unblocker. It's one of those tasks assumed by people who want to do good and make a difference. It's an odd ambition.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@moonbus said
I have no idea how one becomes a moderator at RHP, but I’ll wager that virtue signaling at the GF is not the highway to that august position.
I'll take your speculation about the motivation for my OP on board.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@kewpie said
The trouble with becoming a moderator is that you're required to read everything on the alerts list, and spend time analysing the intentions of people who may be simply bored or intoxicated. It's a bit like working as a sewer unblocker. It's one of those tasks assumed by people who want to do good and make a difference. It's an odd ambition.
I am ready, willing and able.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@kewpie said
you're required to read everything on the alerts list
When it comes to deleting posts, I will err on the side of lightness of touch.


31 May 12
29 May 22
1 edit

@fmf said
I am ready, willing and able.
Apparently you think the post of moderator is something like a job you apply for by presenting your list of qualifications or a cv. Well then, let's look at your 'qualifications', shall we?

[1] I am smart and fair-minded and a forum veteran.

This is actually three claims which need to be addressed separately:

You claim to be smart. You think other people here are not smart? Anyone who can master the rules of chess is smart. More to the point, moderating forum content isn't about smarts. It's about something else not mentioned in your 'cv' at all.

You claim to be fair-minded. I beg to differ.

You claim to be a forum veteran. I won't dispute that.

[2] I have the best interests of the website at heart.

I do not believe that. Before you claim to have the best interest of the web site at heart, demonstrate that you understand the principles upon which this site monetarizes users. The best interest of this web site consists in keeping people on board and renewing their subscriptions; attracting new people to sign up for subscriptions; and offering advertizers server stats how many 'hits' the site generates -- those are the means by which revenue is generated. Russ isn't Mother Theresa, you know; this is not a charity.

Pssst: it is about providing features people like -- such as likes and dislikes, forums, live speed chess, a wide spectrum of options not every user will want or use.

[3] I will stop posting on the forums aside from word games and sharing music.

O, what a grand gesture, what a stupendous sacrifice you are willing to bear to serve this site with your ... um .... selflessness. You can stop posting any time you want; in fact, if you want your 'candidature' to be taken seriously, why not stop posting right now, today, and remain silent until site admin anoints you?

[4] I work long hours at a computer so I will often be on call.

One does not set the fox to watch the henhouse just because he has a lot of experience doing it.

Ready, willing, and able.

You're much too eager. As Plato says in the Republic, the only people who should be in power are those who don't want to be.


28 Oct 05
29 May 22

@moonbus said
You claim to be smart. You think other people here are not smart?
I think I am smart enough to do the job and that plenty of other people are too.

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