@a-unique-nickname saidI think it's more a case of boredom with some of the more current threads. If it were a case of being obsessed, as you suggest, I don't suppose he would have waited a month.
You waited a month to ask?
Obsessed much?
-Removed-I was 16. I was young and naive. I was sheltered at home and treated like a princess as I was an only child.
I'm not a horrible judge of character, but he was different then. Kind. Not bossy, never lost his temper. Then things changed overnight.
Nevertheless, it was a string of circumstances started by my running off with him. It was a bad idea all the way around, but as I said, I was young and naive.
I would be a different person today had those two years never happened. But would that person be a better person? I don't know. Maybe. But I honestly don't think so. And hindsight is always 20/20.