Prose Contest Announcement

Prose Contest Announcement



15 Jun 10
11 Feb 21

@trev33 said
We had Phill in the kitchen, next up Suzi in the dining room?
Phil in the kitchen? Is this moi, or am I being egotistical/paranoid? Am I missing something?

10 Jan 08
11 Feb 21
1 edit

@indonesia-phil said
Phil in the kitchen? Is this moi, or am I being egotistical/paranoid? Am I missing something?
Different Phil but can you play anything? Could be Phil in the kitchen 2 or Other Phil in the kitchen? Could zoom Suzi and produce Phil and Suzi in their kitchen and dining room, too long?

Edit: maybe post the rules of the prose again Pondy before we run off topic as always. Working on something.


15 Jun 10
12 Feb 21
1 edit

I play acoustic guitar, in fact stringed instruments in general hold no fear for me. I have an old banjo/ukelele somewhere; my rendition of George Formby's 'When
I'm cleanin' winders' is second to none, I'm told.

Anyway, ahem, as you say, back to the prose contest...

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Feb 21

@suzianne said
Some people are just blessed.
Others have good imaginations.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Feb 21

@suzianne said
I think the name you are looking for is "Mary Sue".
Mythomania Sue maybe.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Feb 21

@very-rusty said
Your own opinion of yourself may be much higher than others have of you!

Not really. I just had a very high bar set for me by the example of my parents. I wonder sometimes if they were still here, would I be a disappointment, or would they still love me anyways? And then I think, probably both.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Feb 21

@indonesia-phil said
I play acoustic guitar, in fact stringed instruments in general hold no fear for me. I have an old banjo/ukelele somewhere; my rendition of George Formby's 'When
I'm cleanin' winders' is second to none, I'm told.

Anyway, ahem, as you say, back to the prose contest...
I'd like to hear that! As much as I try, the knowledge of stringed instruments eludes me. 😞

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Feb 21
2 edits

@suzianne said
I'd like to hear that! As much as I try, the knowledge of stringed instruments eludes me. 😞
You’re musically trained, you play piano and a host of wind instruments, you’ve performed live, but despite trying you can’t play guitar?


28 Oct 05
12 Feb 21
1 edit

@suzianne said
Change is the only true constant. Rolling with those changes instead of letting them weigh us down frees us to have a non-boring life. And yet there are still people out there who are so ignorant about me that they call me "angry".
The adjectives "angry" and "scornful" and "hypocritical" apply to thousands and thousands of your posts here. Not to your sax playing. Or anything else you may or may not do away from here. The adjective "angry" attaches itself to much of your behaviour and the words of your chosen persona here on this message board. At RHP, you are what you post. Same goes for everyone.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Feb 21

@divegeester said
You’re musically trained, you play piano and a host of wind instruments, you’ve performed live, but despite trying you can’t play guitar?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Feb 21

@suzianne said
How odd. I know several very good musicians one in particular who was in a touring band and who has written dozens of songs, and they all say that the guitar is one of the easiest instrument to learn to play, relatively speaking. Apart from perhaps the tambourine or the triangle.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Feb 21
1 edit

@fmf said
The adjectives "angry" and "scornful" and "hypocritical" apply to thousands and thousands of your posts here. Not to your sax playing. Or anything else you may or may not do away from here. The adjective "angry" attaches itself to much of your behaviour and the words of your chosen persona here on this message board. At RHP, you are what you post. Same goes for everyone.
No, slow down there, Speed Racer.

YOU, and only you, attach words like "angry" and "scornful" to my posts to desperately try to make me appear as someone I'm not. You don't know me. At all.

If, as you say, we are what we post, then you have evidently missed a lot of my posts. I think you, with the possible exception of a couple of "hangers-on", are about the only one to characterize me, or my writing here as "angry" or "scornful". But you do repeat it like a mantra, often enough that some may have connected me with it tangentially. Don't let me stop you from tilting at windmills, though. Even though it becomes tiresome, it's still worth a chuckle occasionally.


28 Oct 05
12 Feb 21

@suzianne said
YOU, and only you, attach words like "angry" and "scornful" to my posts to desperately try to make me appear as someone I'm not.
Well, I am a pretty good judge of character and behaviour and I am willing to call a spade a spade.


28 Oct 05
12 Feb 21
1 edit

@suzianne said
If, as you say, we are what we post, then you have evidently missed a lot of my posts. I think you, with the possible exception of a couple of "hangers-on", are about the only one to characterize me, or my writing here as "angry" or "scornful".
I've missed very few of your posts on the Spirituality Forum where so many of them are off-topic, paranoid and scornful, it has made you one of the weakest posters among the regulars. You have clearly chosen to play a rather daft character in that community.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Feb 21

@divegeester said
How odd. I know several very good musicians one in particular who was in a touring band and who has written dozens of songs, and they all say that the guitar is one of the easiest instrument to learn to play, relatively speaking. Apart from perhaps the tambourine or the triangle.
How nice for them.

Conceptually, I get it. I can pluck out a scale or two. I understand the whole concept that each fret is a half step and that the strings' ranges overlap. The guitar itself is not that big a mystery to me. My hands just can't do it. My eye-hand-brain coordination just doesn't move in that direction. Sorry if that confuses you.

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