We've been inspired... my wife and I joined a local camera club. You take in two prints to share.. they critique and leave them for a pro or pro artist to critique at the next meeting. They have some good gear advice too... She doesn't like chess much but might join rhp to post in here. Do think that would okay?
Originally posted by Tirau DanThat sounds great. I think there's a photo club in Bodø, too, but I have never looked into it. I have too much else to do, and I am not really that much into photography other than aurora photography. But I really enjoy the emerging RHP photo community. 🙂
We've been inspired... my wife and I joined a local camera club. You take in two prints to share.. they critique and leave them for a pro or pro artist to critique at the next meeting. They have some good gear advice too...
She doesn't like chess much but might join rhp to post in here. Do think that would okay?
I can't see why not.
Edit: Nice avatar, Dan, really cute. 🙄
Edit 2: Oh, and we need some more votes! Come on, people!
Originally posted by buffalobillNo 6th and 7th?
1st - 10 pts - 24. Music for the Eye
2nd - 8 pts - 5. Dolmen
3rd - 6 pts - 23. Drying fish
4th - 5 pts - 28. Selfridges
5th - 4 pts - 10. Shame about the thumbprint
6th - 3 pts -
7th - 2 pts -
8th - 1 pts - 1. Stonehenge - would have scored better except for the green sky.