03 Feb 24
@earl-of-trumps saidFrom the bag! 🙂
You look good back there, Stees.
How about a shot of Grey Goose vodka and a Sam Adams lite beer. Oh, and some peanuts.
@great-big-stees saidNothing wrong with his heart.
As you well know, we carry anything drinkable/edible your heart (some say something you lack though I know is not quite true) desires. Name your “poison”.👍
@great-big-stees saidDo we use dirty glasses, Stees?
Well imagine that. What a coincident.😲
@torunn saidNever.😡 Perhaps he wears glasses and they were dirty or maybe, should he not need them (specs) he had something in his eye?🤔
Do we use dirty glasses, Stees?
@earl-of-trumps saidI must say, that for all of our jousting in various forums, Earl, I truly appreciate the stellar kindness with which you treat Torunn. Whenever I see it, it makes me smile.
Yes, of course, the bag. And early congrats on your sterling win, torunn. 🙂