Originally posted by FMFA: I'll get back to you.
A: Because of differential expansion.
Q: Can you think of a way to use differential expansion as a metaphor or analogy for some aspect of human interaction?
Q: Is there someone with whom you talk (via telephone) here on RHP on a, somewhat regular basis?
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA: Sorry, if I translate this question into Bahasa Indonesia, it sounds funny (especially if said with a silly voice and exaggerated gestures) and, thereafter, I just can't take its English version seriously. Sorry once again.
Q: Is it true that the price of lobster has "gone through the roof"?
Q: Why do so many music journalists think that their undisguised contempt for Jethro Tull, U2 and Simple Minds can simply go unjustified or unexplained?
Originally posted by FMFA: They're stoned.
A: Sorry, if I translate this question into Bahasa Indonesia, it sounds funny (especially if said with a silly voice and exaggerated gestures) and, thereafter, I just can't take its English version seriously. Sorry once again.
Q: Why do so many music journalists think that their undisguised contempt for Jethro Tull, U2 and Simple Minds can simply go unjustified or unexplained?
Q: Why is it that when a frog makes a sound "they" refer to it as croak?
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeA: ç§ăŻæ„ æŹèȘă話 ăăăšăŻ ă§ăăŸă ăăăç§ăŻă§ ăăȘăăăšă« äșșă ăèŠć ăăăăšă ă§ăăăšăă äșćźăŻăæ„æŹ èȘă話ăăȘă© æ”æąă«èĄă ă«ăŻăăăăăź ć€ăăŻăç§ăæ„æŹ èȘă話 ăăăšăă§ă ăăăš ăèăă ăăăźă§ăćœŒăăŻăš ă«ăăæ„ æŹèȘă§ç§ ă«è©±ăăŠă ă ăăïŒ
A. Hai FMF san
Q. Yagi ga suki desu ka?
Q: ăăȘăă ăă§ăŻăă°ăŒă°ă«ăçż»èšłăăăŠăăȘăäœżçšăăŠăăŸăăŸăăăïŒ
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA: I can see this thread going on forever because it allows people to say almost anything and to do so without any obvious consequences.
Q: Do all good things really come to an end?
Q: Do you hold any 'ideological' viewpoints that do not fit with the rest of your ideology, such as it is, and that surprise your otherwise like-minded friends?
Originally posted by FMFA: I gotta get hold of my IT guy/gal.
A: ç§ăŻæ„ æŹèȘă話 ăăăšăŻ ă§ăăŸă ăăăç§ăŻă§ ăăȘăăăšă« äșșă ăèŠć ăăăăšă ă§ăăăšăă äșćźăŻăæ„æŹ èȘă話ăăȘă© æ”æąă«èĄă ă«ăŻăăăăăź ć€ăăŻăç§ăæ„æŹ èȘă話 ăăăšăă§ă ăăăš ăèăă ăăăźă§ăćœŒăăŻăš ă«ăăæ„ æŹèȘă§ç§ ă«è©±ăăŠă ă ăăïŒ
Q: ăăȘăă ăă§ăŻăă°ăŒă°ă«ăçż»èšłăăăŠăăȘăäœżçšăăŠăăŸăăŸăăăïŒ
Q: Do interior decorators ever decorate externally?
Originally posted by FMFA: Often, and that makes for some rather heated discussions, which are good things.
A: I can see this thread going on forever because it allows people to say almost anything and to do so without any obvious consequences.
Q: Do you hold any 'ideological' viewpoints that do not fit with the rest of your ideology, such as it is, and that surprise your otherwise like-minded friends?
Q: Do you ever agree to disagree or do you go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on...?
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA: Going on and on and on and on and on is something to do.
A: Often, and that makes for some rather heated discussions, which are good things.
Q: Do you ever agree to disagree or do you go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on...?
Q: You were asking me, weren't you?