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To: The citizens of the United States of Americ...

To: The citizens of the United States of Americ...


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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
This thing is not standing still either, this machine is spreading it's power and influence across the globe. All the Worlds oil (with the exception of Iran) is now controlled by the United States and Saudi Arabia, in a World that is completely dependant on it. This means Americanisation of the Globe is effectively guaranteed!!
Maybe not.....


... interesting reading.

Come on Iran, come on Iran [/terrace chanting]


To all you English, Brits in general, and my Scots Ancestors. Don,t panic. When the need arises we Americans will be there with whatever it takes. We do not forget our ancestry and we do not forget our friends. Americans a loyal to their kind, thats why we are involved in so many clashes in so many places. The money grubbing scum of all countries are the villain. Money Grubbers have no flag nor they have a nationality. They are simply the slime that accrues with greed, regardless of where they reside. Set you sights and hatred on the proper target and leave your fellow man in peace.

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Originally posted by Evil Pawn 666
To all you English, Brits in general, and my Scots Ancestors. Don,t panic. When the need arises we Americans will be there with whatever it takes. We do not forget our ancestry and we do not forget our friends. Americans a loyal to their kind, thats why we are involved in so many clashes in so many places. The money grubbing scum of all countries are ...[text shortened]... they reside. Set you sights and hatred on the proper target and leave your fellow man in peace.
Rec'd! Might be a good idea to sort out your own money grabbing scum though, cos they're giving you a seriously bad rep!

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
George Washington was a good man, the British were and are controlled by a money elite. During the inseption of the United States one of the most fundamental driving instincts was to be freed from corruption and religious and economic persicution and control by the rich powerful elites of Europe. You did well at this for a while but you failed in the lon ...[text shortened]... money but focuses on the American system towards the end. Watch it, it's enlightening!
Although I do my best to stay out of political and most economical debates as much as I can, I feel compelled to say that although our system isn't perfect, either is yours..however as far as I can tell, America and Great Brit are gonna be strong buddies for a long long time, as they have been for quite some time. As far anything more then that...you might as well keep looking for the loch ness monster.

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In the place of something to bitch about, why not realize that all political bodies are thieves, liars, and guilty of atrocities upon your fellow man without end. Be a Brit or whatever, but try to be a good one. That is, intelligent one.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
There is a reason why football players have pads...its not because they are wusses...but because they started hitting to dang hard...if they were playing rugby with a dainty englishman they would downright hurt'em! If you compared size and strength then you would see plus if you knew anything about football you would know that the coach doesn't really ha ...[text shortened]... lay at the line of scrimage! get your facts straight next time you decide to rag on something.
Danity Englishman, I love you to call the munster rugby club pack that, or the Aussies, or the New Zeland front row..... Seriously, why is it that you think footballers are so hard, I note you never denied some actually died from unfitness..... Everyone on a rugby pitch is extremely fit, even the Front row who generallly are the largest guys on the pitch. Most players play a full 90 min game. And unlike football the game plays continiously for 45 min halves......

Seriously go to new zeland and call a rugby playing Maori a dainty Englishman..... He might actually crush your head with his hands....

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Originally posted by Mexico
Danity Englishman, I love you to call the munster rugby club pack that, or the Aussies, or the New Zeland front row..... Seriously, why is it that you think footballers are so hard, I note you never denied some actually died from unfitness..... Everyone on a rugby pitch is extremely fit, even the Front row who generallly are the largest guys on the pitch. Mos ...[text shortened]... ugby playing Maori a dainty Englishman..... He might actually crush your head with his hands....

"My group of big sweaty guys can beat up your group of big sweaty guys."

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Originally posted by rhb

Holden Monaro's are also approved.
This must have been added onto by an Australian or an Englishman who has been to Australia as these are a truly magnificent automobile.
You can check them out on


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Yeah, i feel strongly about this too 😠

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Yeah, i feel strongly about this too 😠
look who decided to check in!, 'sup Huck?

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bumped because it's good and got moved by troll....

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Originally posted by Mexico
Danity Englishman, I love you to call the munster rugby club pack that, or the Aussies, or the New Zeland front row..... Seriously, why is it that you think footballers are so hard, I note you never denied some actually died from unfitness..... Everyone on a rugby pitch is extremely fit, even the Front row who generallly are the largest guys on the pitch. Mos ...[text shortened]... ugby playing Maori a dainty Englishman..... He might actually crush your head with his hands....
Nobody in the NFL has died from unfitness and most of them could play the whole 60mins continuously it just makes for better entertainment if they are more rested. They have died from being hit too hard...see the NFL didn't always have pads. And I ain't scared of no rugby player...I probably am bigger and than most and I doubt that they could crush my head with their bare hands...that just shows that you are on the defensive because you have to come up with over-exaggerated lies to make your rugby players seem better.

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Originally posted by Iron Monkey
Dear citizens of the USA and the UK,

We, the citizens of the mighty People's Republic of China, would like to remind you that we number in excess of 1.2 billion people - more than your puny countries put together, our economy will soon be the largest in the world, America is in debt to us to the tune of trillions of US dollars, and it won't be long be ...[text shortened]... ep your junk American food - our Chinese cuisine is tastier, more refined, and more healthful.
haha, try collecting on that. we'll just print more dollars.

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Originally posted by pawnhandler
I think I've figured it out: they don't actually know who John Cleese is.
he's that guy works under terry gilliam.

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
It is just incredible how people in the US and Britain for that matter run around the World championing their system. Every day people jump to the defense of Corrupt money fascism without sparing a thought to the people who pick up the tab! I earn about £16k in a year, £5-6K of that i lose in direct tax, probably another 2 in indirect tax a ...[text shortened]... nding these scum bags with every last penny we have! I'm sick of the whole damn thing!! 😠
do you have a Rolex?

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