Man o man, I just took a trip down memory lane thanks to the Song Title W.A.G. thread, and started listening to some old Tony Carey and Planet P stuff... wow...
and then I remember, perhaps my favorite 2-hit wonder band of all time!! Folks, this is vintage. Solid gold stuff.
Zebra - Who's Behind the Door
Zebra - Tell Me What You Want
Originally posted by shortcircuitBob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band! ha.
[b] Turn the Page - Bob Segar[/b]
I literally burned out on classic rock because it's all I heard for 20 years straight. However, there are a few select ones I can still dig a bunch. Turn the Page is one of them. Masterful lyrics, I can picture the whole thing.
Here's another classic rock tune I always favored and still love
Bad Company - Runnin' With the Pack
One thing about classic rock, it's great drinking music especially if you are out with a bunch of your close friends.