@very-rusty saidThe word you are looking for is "ground".
Great spread over pizza from the block when grinded up.
@very-rusty saidKeep going.
ground??? No Suzie Q that wasn't it. 😉 😛
the solid surface of the earth.
"he lay on the ground"
an area of land or sea used for a specified purpose.
"shore dumping can pollute fishing grounds and beaches"
[ ground ]
1. a simple past tense and past participle of grind.
2. reduced to fine particles or dust by grinding.
3. (of meat, vegetables, etc.) reduced to very small pieces by putting through a food processor or grinder: ground beef.
4. having the surface abraded or roughened by or as if by grinding, as in order to reduce its transparency: ground glass.
"grinded" is just wrong.
10 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidI think you just like getting your posts removed.
What ever you want to think is fine with me dear! 😉
I think you just like picking at people.
10 Oct 20
@petewxyz saidSome of them want to grate you
But this sounds better:
Sweet dreams are made of cheese
Who am I to dis a Brie?
I've ground Parmesan and Feta cheese
Everybody's looking for Stilton
Some of them want to be fondued by you
Some of them want to grill you
Some of them want to melt on toast.