@badradger saidOh, I see so now you can point your finger at someone else. You know when you do that, you have 3 fingers pointing back towards your own self? 😉
why not it could have been u not so long ago
@very-rusty saidnah I aint a compulsive poster I just take the pi$$ out of those that do
Oh, I see so now you can point your finger at someone else. You know when you do that, you have 3 fingers pointing back towards your own self? 😉
@badradger saidWell, I'd give you a C+ for trying! 😛 😉
nah I aint a compulsive poster I just take the pi$$ out of those that do
I'd give you an A+ if the person were actually here to defend themselves. Also a ton more of Respect.
I personally use to strongly dislike it when people would say crap about me, when I got a ban and was unable to reply. That is the only reason I am even mentioning it.
@very-rusty saidI have had more banns than u have had bacon & egg banjos
Well, I'd give you a C+ for trying! 😛 😉
I'd give you an A+ if the person were actually here to defend themselves. Also a ton more of Respect.
I personally use to strongly dislike it when people would say crap about me, when I got a ban and was unable to reply. That is the only reason I am even mentioning it.
03 Aug 21
@badradger saidLOL@ badge are you complaining or bragging?
I have had more banns than u have had bacon & egg banjos
Did people talk about you while on your many bans.
You should find out how many I've had since 2006 before you start bragging or complaining which ever it was. 😉
@kevin-eleven saidThanks,
Just stopping in to let everyone know
I'm giving you all the silent treatment
(in case you hadn't noticed).
K-11 wouldn't have noticed! 🙂
04 Aug 21
@very-rusty saidbeen there bought the T shirt
Well, I'd give you a C+ for trying! 😛 😉
I'd give you an A+ if the person were actually here to defend themselves. Also a ton more of Respect.
I personally use to strongly dislike it when people would say crap about me, when I got a ban and was unable to reply. That is the only reason I am even mentioning it.
@badradger saidWe will have to compare sometime. That is one stat that just goes away....LOL....
been there bought the T shirt
@very-rusty saidI am not talking about forum bansI am on about my many incarnations,megstripes,redbaron,redbadger...... and now me
LOL@ badge are you complaining or bragging?
Did people talk about you while on your many bans.
You should find out how many I've had since 2006 before you start bragging or complaining which ever it was. 😉
@badradger saidIf I re-call correctly those names ring bells, and you would have been up there for sure, MORE? that would be the question. We have no way of finding out, can't really trust people's memories. Some have selective ones according to the thumbs I am seeing. 😉
I am not talking about forum bansI am on about my many incarnations,megstripes,redbaron,redbadger...... and now me
@great-big-stees saidAfter you saw his alias's and know me, what do you think the chances are Stees? 😉