We have a whole clan devoted to it, so it can't be that bad.
Clan 24529
Plus NorthernLad (#15 on the site) plays it...
User 110255
Edit: oh yeah, I play it too =)
Ive been playing the Kg for the last few weeks, and Ive fallen in love with it. Ive never been in a tourney so I have no idea what ,my rating is, But the moves in the KG seem (to me atleast) very natural (Nf3 to stop the queen check, Bc4 attacking f7, d4 threats to take the pawn back, etc).
Originally posted by Mensoahh the queen check is nothing. Play the kings bishop gamebit
Ive been playing the Kg for the last few weeks, and Ive fallen in love with it. Ive never been in a tourney so I have no idea what ,my rating is, But the moves in the KG seem (to me atleast) very natural (Nf3 to stop the queen check, Bc4 attacking f7, d4 threats to take the pawn back, etc).
1.e4 e5
2. f4 exf4
3. Bc4!
then one possible line is
3 ... Qh4+
4. Kf1 =) and the white knight will develop with tempo.
Actually Susan Polgar wrote an article for chess life on this last year. Shee gave 3 differnt variations with games her sister (Judit) had played in them. I would look that up if you have a stack of old chess lifes.
Edit: it appears you are not in the US, so perhaps you will have to look elswhere for information.
Originally posted by MensoIndeed, I am infatuated with it. Because it's just so amazing. Here's a couple of example games, I'll do my best to remember where me and my opponent blundered....
I havent even tried playing the 3.Bc4 version. It seems awkward after 3.. Qh4+ 4. Kf1, 3.Ke2 i guess is normal, but again, never played it.
edit... the rook on h1, looks odd, but I guess Kf2 is possible after Nf3 kicking out the queen, maybe Ill try it later.
Game 2277752
Kf2?? Kf1 I think was better (Don't really remember though, and it was against a weak opponent so I don't care to see if this was the only error 😛)
Game 2233163
13...Nd4! gives black equality, so basically we both missed this move.
I have many more in progress. I use both the Bishop's Gambit (3.Bc4)and the King's Knights Gambit (3.Nf3). I like them both, but they are surprisingly different. 3.Nf3 seems to me more tactical, and it also has much more theory and many more well known defenses. 3.Bc4 is somewhat more positional (though still tactical and sharp) and has VERY little theory-making it well suited for lower levels. Don't worry about 3...Qh4+, it's overrated by many people, and it's not the strongest defense. 4.Kf1 (Not Ke2) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3 Qh5 and if black doesn't play 4...Nf6 then 5.d4 is almost always a good move here. If you want more info on either 3.Bc4 or 3.Nf3 I'd be glad to help.
Also, I do lead the King's Gambit Clan, and two of RHP's top players use the KG, Northern Lad and Cludi (Also David Tebb used it OTB, but for reasons unknown to me doesn't use it on RHP). If you want you're welcome to look through my games to see how I play the KG. However, there are many players on here that are better with it than I. So, I'd suggest looking at the following players games:
For 3.Bc4
Kind of hard, because I only know of two RHPers that use it. Me and Bedlam, Bedlam's very strong with it though and his games should be good to check out. BTW: Mainline 3.Bc4 runs 3...Nf6 4.Nc3 c6 5.Bb3 (otherwise 5...Nxe4! 6.Nxe4 d5 forks the bishop and knight) 5...d5 6.exd5 exd5
For 3.Nf3
Much easier PLENTY of good players on RHP use this. Basically everybody in the KG clan (excluding Hedgehog, I'm pretty sure he uses the Ruy Lopez) Aging Blitzer (who's recently left the clan to spend more time outdoors, but his KG games are astounding) Cludi, Northern Lad, and you can find thousands of GM games with the KG on www.chessgames.com
Originally posted by SquelchbelchGame 2375895
It doesnt seem very popular. Can anyone explain why this is a bad choice for an intermediate player? I can handle being down on material for position in the middle.
Game 2370536
Game 2324576
Game 2301177
Game 2277257
I could show you some even more stunning victories against higher rated players but they are still in progress. Game 2375895 shows the strength of the f file for white in a stunning fashion.
So yes, a great opening that achieves victory for white 95% of the time.
Originally posted by Dragon Fire97% actually 😛.
Game 2375895
Game 2370536
Game 2324576
Game 2301177
Game 2277257
I could show you some even more stunning victories against higher rated players but they are still in progress. Game 2375895 shows the strength of the f file for white in a stunning fashion.
So yes, a great opening that achieves victory for white 95% of the time.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchIt's not popular anymore at the top levels of chess, but it's very popular at club level. It was in the 19th and early 20th century, it's decrease in popularity and the top-level has to do with a few things. 1.It's over analyzed to death. 2.Fischer hurt it's comeback because Spassky beat him with it and 3.A lot of people think gambits are too risky. About Fischer hurting it's comeback...
It doesnt seem very popular. Can anyone explain why this is a bad choice for an intermediate player? I can handle being down on material for position in the middle.
Spassky and other Russian players were using this opening every once in a while and were actually scoring some great wins with it. Among Spassky's was his win over Fischer (who player 1...e5, apparently daring Spassky to play 2.f4!) Fischer was apparently quite embarrassed by the loss and wrote "A Bust to The King's Gambit" creating the defense 3.d6, which is strong, but by no means a bust. You can find the article by googling it. Although it's a very skewed and one sided argument, the KG is still used today (though rarely) and, get this, still wins!
EDIT: For example, from 2001....
Fedorov uses the KG quite often actually.
EDIT again: Fischer was wrong! 😛