Originally posted by powershakerAhh! A bronzed and sexy Hawawian lass!
Such attrocious grammar! You need to surf a good wave on my island and take a break away from the King's Gambit? Don't you know how many beautiful Hawaiian girls would love to date a nerd like you?
I can just imagine. Good s*******
Thank you.
By the way, in KB gambit can anyone give a good line after 3...nf6 4.nc3...c6 coz then black can play ...d5 at leisure it seems, giving plenty of play in the middle.
Is it best I stick to KN's gambit as an intermediate? Does anyone have a strong preference for 1 over the other because it seems that 3.nf3 is a better bet to me - it just "looks right" on the board to me if that makes sense.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI always play Nf3 but CMSmaster plays Bc4.
Thank you.
By the way, in KB gambit can anyone give a good line after 3...nf6 4.nc3...c6 coz then black can play ...d5 at leisure it seems, giving plenty of play in the middle.
Is it best I stick to KN's gambit as an intermediate? Does anyone have a strong preference for 1 over the other because it seems that 3.nf3 is a better bet to me - it just "looks right" on the board to me if that makes sense.
Usually at some time in the game both moves will be played. I find Nf3 gives sharper lines for white after
3. ... g5 (not mandatory but often played);
4. h4 ... g4
5. Ne5
which I particularly enjoy.
Originally posted by aging blitzerYes, but not mate.
a quicker finish from the same start
Game 2172864
Just 'cos my opponent couldn't be bothered to resign.
Why do these guys play f6?
OK Game 2173360 is closer
the end looks funny because we were chatting during the game and after he played 10...Ke8 I said I was hoping he had played 10...h5 because there was a pretty Q sac for mate
he said "let me see this Q sac" so I made a move to get back into the previous position, but then he didn't undo his move, so we went a different way.
the line I was looking at was 10 ...h5 11. Ng7+ hxg4 12. Be6 ++
11...hxg4 isn't forced, but Nf5 only delays mate by 1 move
If I hadn't played 12 Bc4 there would have been
12. Nxh6+ Nf5 13. Qxf5+ Ke7 14. Bg5++
Originally posted by aging blitzerI'll give you 14 for that.
OK Game 2173360 is closer
the end looks funny because we were chatting during the game and after he played 10...Ke8 I said I was hoping he had played 10...h5 because there was a pretty Q sac for mate
he said "let me see this Q sac" so I made a move to get back into the previous position, but then he didn't undo his move, so we went a differ ...[text shortened]...
If I hadn't played 12 Bc4 there would have been
12. Nxh6+ Nf5 13. Qxf5+ Ke7 14. Bg5++
Close but it doesn't beat 13.
Originally posted by Dragon FireIt's funny that you should ask whether anyone has a quicker mate than in this game, because you could have won much earlier!
Any one have a quicker mate than this with K G D
Game 2292550 13 moves
This position arose after 9 moves.
Can anyone spot the mate in one?
Originally posted by David TebbIs this question rhetorical? (but yes, I can spot it!)
It's funny that you should ask whether anyone has a quicker mate than in this game, because you could have won much earlier!
[fen]rnbq1b1r/pppp3p/5n1k/5Qp1/2BPP2P/8/PPP3P1/RNB1K1NR w KQ - 0 10[/fen]
This position arose after 9 moves.
Can anyone spot the mate in one?