Originally posted by rubberboyI used to play the Caro-Kann but got bored with it. I have a lot of success with unconventional openings in OTB chess so I'll keep playing them. And yes I know I am playing the player, not the board.
they give way to the center, but they are preparing a strike at the center...
bla bla bla....
I hope you change soon...
take up the caro-kann
you will find your game much easier when you aren't down an unnecessary tempo...
Originally posted by Raven69with what?
The-kingside-rook attack of course, what else?
Rh8-h6-f6-brilliant rook sac on f2?
rook are rather useless (usually) until the late middle games and endgames...
your rook could never really get an attack going without
a.) a tard for an opponent
b.) a tard for an opponent
with all pieces on board, rook seem prone to being easily trapped...
what if white castles long?
you are banking on opponent error, not logic...
you got bored with the Caro-Kann?
try Sicilian...
that'll keep you entertained...
try the Najdorf...
Originally posted by rubberjaw30Well I guess 'twill work against you then. 😛
with what?
Rh8-h6-f6-brilliant rook sac on f2?
rook are rather useless (usually) until the late middle games and endgames...
your rook could never really get an attack going without
a.) a tard for an opponent
b.) a tard for an opponent
And I do play the Sicilian sometimes, but I prefer h5.
Originally posted by Raven69obviously...
it seems more logical to try to get the rook into the game by developing the minor pieces first, castling, and then playing the rook to an open center file
and how can you call me a tard for condemning 1. ... h5?
are you calling 95% of the rest of the chess world tards as well?
Originally posted by Raven69Guess Raven69 should check out this game Game 3320814 before suggesting h5 😀
Well I guess 'twill work against you then. 😛
And I do play the Sicilian sometimes, but I prefer h5.
Originally posted by MctaytoLol...
Guess Raven69 should check out this game Game 3320814 before suggesting h5 😀
Oh what? Am I allowed to only play one type of opening?
Originally posted by Raven69ys, the Caro-Kann was thought of as totally inferior until the late 19th century when two GMs analyzed it...
No, only you dear.
And I bet other openings were thought of us "illogical" at first too.
no one has thoroughly analyzed 1. ... h5?
because it shows no potential whatsoever...
on a diferrent note, Umbrage of Snow and I have finished our game, and will be annotating it in another thread...
it is drawn, K+Q vs. K+Q
this game was an attempt to see if the Exchange Variation had any advantage for white being a symmetrical game with white to move
we both agree that my advantage through the middle game was slight, and I was not able to take advantage of it, if it even existed...
I went up in material, and screwed up somehow...
I think the move that gave him the draw was Kf3
this let him get the passed pawn...
Kh2 I think would have held on to the win...
followed by Kg1 and he wouldn't have a passed pawn...
Game 3263598
i think I made a few mistakes in the early middle game with poor development and some missed opportunities in the endgame...
did I have a win in there?
it's still in progress, my opponent just wants to see the queens on the board before we agree on a draw...
Originally posted by rubberjaw30So, like everybody said, French Exchange = good chance for draw.
ys, the Caro-Kann was thought of as totally inferior until the late 19th century when two GMs analyzed it...
no one has thoroughly analyzed 1. ... h5?
because it shows no potential whatsoever...
on a diferrent note, Umbrage of Snow and I have finished our game, and will be annotating it in another thread...
it is drawn, K+Q vs. K+Q
this game was ...[text shortened]... n progress, my opponent just wants to see the queens on the board before we agree on a draw...