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Aggresive Response to 1. d4

Aggresive Response to 1. d4

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Originally posted by Korch
Maybe next day - I`m gonna sleep now.
where do you live?

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I think we're getting carried away analyzing 1... h5 😉. It's clearly not a good move.

Do any white 1. d4 players > 1500 want to play a set piece game for me to practice the Budapest Gambit? Thanks in advance

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Originally posted by Akashic
I think we're getting carried away analyzing 1... h5 😉. It's clearly not a good move.

Do any white 1. d4 players > 1500 want to play a set piece game for me to practice the Budapest Gambit? Thanks in advance
yeah, you're right...
the so called defender of 1. ... h5 has wussied out and left us to rip it to shread...
actually, it's not so bad that we discuss 1. ... h5
a GM played 1. ... a6 and won against Karpov
so i guess it helps to know what to do against any opening...
if a GM can win with 1. ... a6
an amateur can win with 1. ... h5

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
yeah, you're right...
the so called defender of 1. ... h5 has wussied out and left us to rip it to shread...
actually, it's not so bad that we discuss 1. ... h5
a GM played 1. ... a6 and won against Karpov
so i guess it helps to know what to do against any opening...
if a GM can win with 1. ... a6
an amateur can win with 1. ... h5
1... a6 is considerably better since it can be followed with logical moves like b5 and Bb7.

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After 1.d4, black can play 1...Nf6 2.c4 e5 (Budapest Gambit). 😏 😀 😏

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Budapest Gambit Game:

Game 3326701 (In Progress)

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Originally posted by Akashic
Budapest Gambit Game:

Game 3326659 (In Progress)
Might be.

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Originally posted by Dutch Defense
Might be.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
i tell you what, you write Pal Benko...
his address is listed in his articles for Chess Life magazine
tell him that you think he should take a serious look at 1. ... h5
if he doesn't laugh at you outright, I will submiss and take back all the nasty things I said
I tell you what, after you are done one of your games challenge me with white and I'll play 1...h5 against you, since 'tis obviously a bad move, you should have no problem winning...

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
in that case...
i'd love to see a game...
where does your engine put the position after
1. e4 h5?
2. d4 h4?
3. h3 c6
4. Nf3 d5
5. Nc3

just curious
Engines are unreliable, I don't use them.

Oh and I didn't get a chance to play 1...h5 against a strong player yet, but as soon as I will I'll post the game no matter what the result will be.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
yeah, you're right...
the so called defender of 1. ... h5 has wussied out and left us to rip it to shread...
actually, it's not so bad that we discuss 1. ... h5
a GM played 1. ... a6 and won against Karpov
so i guess it helps to know what to do against any opening...
if a GM can win with 1. ... a6
an amateur can win with 1. ... h5
I haven't wussied out, I left because I have a life outside the internet....well not really, but I like to pretend I do.

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Originally posted by Raven69

I tell you what, after you are done one of your games challenge me with white and I'll play 1...h5 against you, since 'tis obviously a bad move, you should have no problem winning...
At our level the opening doesn't make a whole lot of difference regarding the outcome of the game. As such, a game between you and me would only prove whose chess playing ability is better, not the strength of 1... h5.

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Originally posted by Akashic
At our level the opening doesn't make a whole lot of difference regarding the outcome of the game. As such, a game between you and me would only prove whose chess playing ability is better, not the strength of 1... h5.
What do you mean our level...?

And maybe, but Rubberboy claims 'tis a bad opening and I don't see how else I can prove him wrong.

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Originally posted by Raven69
What do you mean our level...?

And maybe, but Rubberboy claims 'tis a bad opening and I don't see how else I can prove him wrong.
I'm normally quite open to the idea that quirky moves can have some merit, but I really don't see how 1. ... h5 achieves anything useful for black. As white it's probably possible to open 1. h4, but you have the opening advantage and can get away with dropping a tempo, as black you don't have that luxury and unless you can explain how 1. ... h5 forms part of a convincing defence or counter-attack I simply don't believe you. I'm prepared to accept a challenge if you want to put this to the test.

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Originally posted by Raven69
Engines are unreliable, I don't use them.

Oh and I didn't get a chance to play 1...h5 against a strong player yet, but as soon as I will I'll post the game no matter what the result will be.
Using engine wont "save" you from using your own head, but if they are so useless then why almost all chess professionals are using them during preparing to competitions?

P.S. From your posts it may be said that that you are one of these chess players about which Tartakover have said that they "are playing weak and does not understand that they are playing weak. These are fools - avoid them."

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